arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

例文…第三十三章 略取、誘拐及び人身売買の罪 Chapter XXXIII Crimes of Kidnapping and Buying or ...

2012-10-10 15:47:50 | 日記


「人身売買」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検


> 絞込み検索:全て 法律(5)

意味 例文

「人身売買」の部分一致の例文検索結果 該当件数 : 24件

human traffic - 研究社 新英和中辞典

slave trade - 斎藤和英大辞典

Buying or Selling of Human Beings - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

payment of a ransom - EDR日英対訳辞書

Trafficking in Children for the Purpose of Child Prostitution - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十三章 略取、誘拐及び人身売買の罪
Chapter XXXIII Crimes of Kidnapping and Buying or Selling of Human Beings - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The modern government banned this type of business, considering it equivalent to human trafficking. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Such robbery continued until the ban on human trafficking by Hideyoshi in 1587. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As regulation of human trafficking was reinforced, shichiken hokonin (a servant put in pledge) appeared as a way to circumvent the regulation. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Human trafficking' for prostitute was practiced openly in Japan, and it was in no position to condemn slavery; after this criticism, Japan was forced to abolish prostitution, and in October of the same year, an emancipation edict was issued, freeing all prostitutes.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the Edo Period, geisha was an apprenticeship with debt much like yujo and red-light districts in the past were breeding grounds for human trafficking and prostitution.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Geishogi Kaiho Rei is a law issued by the Meiji Government in 1872, whose main aim was to control human traffic of prostitutes.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A market for Gokenin titles was known as 'gokeninkabu' (lit. Gokenin shares) with a market price determined by whether or not the family status could passed on to other generations.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Sengoku period, humans were trafficked due to habit of ranbodori (pillage by soldiers after battles) but the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) prohibited human trafficking.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Even though there are no specific records from the Edo era including names and births, records do show that Japanese women were trafficked by Chinese immigrants to the U.S. to work in U.S. brothels.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This principle was inherited by the Edo bakufu, which banned Eitai baibai (buying and selling permanently) of a person, and the Nenki of fudai genin (low-ranked people in the hereditary succession) was set to a maximum of 10 years on the ground of the "Goseibai-shikimoku" Article 41.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is considered that the origin was successors of traditional genin since the Medieval period and reisaimin (people who lived from hand to mouth) captured by human trafficking at the time of disorder from the Sengoku period (period of warring states) to the early Edo period.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Bakufu and domains officially prohibited human trafficking but in fact overlooked the existence of fudai genin since they wanted to give priority to stabilization of land tax collection caused by stability of farm management.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

十一 第二百二十四条から第二百二十八条まで(未成年者略取及び誘拐、営利目的等略取及び誘拐、身の代金目的略取等、所在国外移送目的略取及び誘拐、


(xi) The crimes prescribed under Articles 224 through 228 (Kidnapping of Minors; Kidnapping for Profit; Kidnapping for Ransom; Kidnapping for Transportation out of a Country; Buying or Selling of Human Beings; Transportation of Kidnapped Persons out of a Country; Delivery of Kidnapped Persons; Attempts);

- 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 第二百二十四条から第二百二十八条まで(未成年者略取及び誘拐、営利目的等略取及び誘拐、身の代金目的略取等、所在国外移送目的略取及び誘拐、


(v) The crimes prescribed under Articles 224 through 228 (Kidnapping of Minors; Kidnapping for Profit; Kidnapping for Ransom; Kidnapping for Transportation out of a Country; Buying or Selling of Human Beings; Transportation of Kidnapped Persons out of a Country; Delivery of Kidnapped Persons; Attempts);

- 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

As to the human trafficking theory, there is one sentence in "Goshuin Shishoku Kokaku" prohibiting the selling of Japanese to the southern barbarians by the Japanese, but there is no material other than this and the content is 'to Great Tang, southern Europe, and Goryeo,' not written with regard 'to the missionaries'.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, enslavement due to human trafficking was widely spread in rural areas since management of agricultural village society was unstable at that time and peasant folk who were not able to manage farms and hon-byakusho (peasants) who were annoyed with lack of labor shared a mutual interest.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The principal amount (borrowing amount) written on the pledge bill was equivalent to the servant's value and the interest of the debt was equivalent to servant's labor during the debt period, and the servant was bounded by his master i.e. creditor until he as debtor wiped off the principle amount, but in fact it was fudai genin by de facto human trafficking under the name of pledge.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



There are various theories about the issuing of this Expelling edict and the cause could be that Hideyoshi was furious at the residents rejecting his order to bring a woman of Arima because she was Christian, that Coelho, Vice-Provincial of the Society of Jesus in Japan at that time boasted as if the Spanish Armada was under his command in front of Hideyoshi during the expedition to Kyusyu, that the Christian feudal lords such as ARIMA and OMURA in Kyushu destroyed shrines and temples as well as persecuted monks and made huge donations to the churches, and that the Society of Jesus did not obey when he tried to apply the policy to Nagasaki, the domain of the Society, they dissolved the old domains of temples and shrines inherited from Nobunaga ODA and place them under a unified regime, and that some of the missionaries conducted human trafficking (selling the Japanese to outside Japan as slaves).


2012-10-10 14:55:50 | 日記


『朝鮮総連』="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"『人浚い(ヒトサライ)』="There is 人拐"
『豼貔團』="Baboon group"『比輅團』="Leech group"『妖魔團』"Vampire corps"『支那畜アミ』=China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"
『黒瓜電脳團』="Black gourd electronic brain group"
『泣女哀号連』"Professional female mourner moan ream"
『従軍工作員』"War agent"
『従軍慰安婦会』"Charity dame society"
戦地の将兵相手の慰安婦という職業a type of forced labor called comfort woman for the officers at the front


古今東西の全てのスーパースターは 神奈川県内で 『朝鮮総連』と名乗る犯罪者一族に監禁、拘束されている。

各テレビ局の有名なアナウンサーやキャスターは日本国内外の要人や著名人と監禁、拘束されているが 建物で分けられている。

『自民党』と名乗る『挺陝』製造の殺人兵器を利用する犯罪・サイバーテロリストが 知る限りの組織や企業に『無差別爆撃』や『無差別殺人』の脅迫文を出したら 誰が来るか…明らかである。






世界 要人、著名(有名)人 監禁、拘束したままクーデターと偽り サイバーテロを繰り返す主犯は大正時代から 中国 華喃省の山の梺から逃げた蘇州で 徳川埋蔵金をポルトガルと一緒に奪い、中国に逃げて戻った酒元踉眞の妾の顔を撃ち殺し、西太后の所からモンゴルに逃げた芝とフィリピンの范襤の実子一味『朝鮮総連』と酒元鬣蟇の妾の子と孫の犯罪。

世界中の犯罪は戦争も含め、犯罪史に残る事件は全て その一族。

現在、神奈川県内で 世界中の有名な組織に『無差別爆撃』と『無差別殺人』の脅迫で集めた要人や著名人を監禁、拘束したままサイバーテロを繰り返す『カニバリズム常習の脳障害…クールー病』と従軍慰安婦の一族の為に治療薬の『水銀中毒脳症』の一族。

長年、犯罪を繰り返す事が可能だった理由は親族が自民党に居る事と 『挺陝』製造の戦争用殺人兵器を使用している為。

更に 有名な朝鮮工作員部族の為に 犯罪と詐欺の訓練を幼少時代から行う一族である。






神奈川県内での 不法滞在の朝鮮工作員「朝鮮総連」や「自民党」と名乗る「自民党のヒットマン支那(級・科)」「邁空」一族の拘束、監禁中の世界中から「無差別爆撃・殺人」の脅迫で集められた人質をアジアに御確認下さい。







『狆閔贐・儔未人・齠嵋人-チュォミ人=瑁喰 「支那(級)畜アミ」『朝鮮見本の豼貔』』の中国亡命の為の偽装クーデターです。 他

天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)改め、當山慧理名 Erieana Toyama
E(A)rena Iajg.ajg.R.Lancasta Oda Medici Bacckuth Vintevecom Vallantine Brown Yokohama Zaoh Toyama Alcaponelig (Remirow) Rminmartin (earo=Eleonora de' Medici.)
νξδεζηθ еёЬЭЮЯХЛθ γδεζηθ γΡΣΤεζΥΦΧΜΒΓΘ
掟頭=弖十(Ten10)=優多野手頭=野祀燦(讃)=野地讃=野慈蚕=麒麟鎧臺隗 江亜梁 江亜楼 江亜瓏 繪璃奈 慧吏載地衛 帝兜(跿・徒) Cator. 他

"Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents""There...

2012-10-10 13:34:38 | 日記

『朝鮮総連』="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"『人浚い(ヒトサライ)』="There is 人拐"
『豼貔團』="Baboon group"『比輅團』="Leech group"『妖魔團』"Vampire corps"
『豼貔團』="Baboon group"『比輅團』="Leech group"『妖魔團』"Vampire corps"『支那畜アミ』=China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"
『黒瓜電脳團』="Black gourd electronic brain group"

I continued pirating "Ayumi Suzuki" of the classmate of my elementary school days, the 朝鮮総連(Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan・General Association of Korean Residents)支那畜(China beast Ami) at the time of the bathing of the celebrity and acquired ranking. If, under the pretense of a coup d'etat, I gather hostages when I want to marry the first place - third place…I intended to take refuge in China with all the Japanese Tokugawa clan greedily. I let me order a copy of a person's family register by an indirect crime because it was Chinese nationality and stole it.
It is a list of cyberterrorism during barricading. It is the Philippines and an only person and the revelation that slept during "ヒトサライ(There is 人拐)-Hitosarai" and siege period in Mongolia that one and the freedom that I can continue still hacking can change. The classmate of elementary school days is pleased with the relations with the real son and does not stop it. Very happy. Deplorable….
Furthermore, while "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"支那畜网 (China beast Ami)of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan uses one's own "powdery human flesh capsule which I enter, and is white of Ursa Major and the poisonous snake" regularly. Furthermore, I take five records of wins and losses many times. As for the abdomen, there is a hole, and it is in a calm brain even if scolopendrid and a tarantula go out of the bottom. The face is destroyed, and the insect such as a large quantity of moths jumps out when I take a mask and the wig.
"The powdery human flesh capsule which I enter, and is white of Ursa Major and the poisonous snake" and the revelation that "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"支那畜网(China beast Ami) and the devil of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan let you make it as for the stimulus (drug) which "Geek of the hippopotamus face" parent and child of the Rupang island gave a friend during barricading.

"Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"…

2012-10-10 12:53:11 | 日記

I continued pirating "Ayumi Suzuki" 殊 of the classmate of my elementary school days, the 朝鮮総連(Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan・General Association of Korean Residents)支那畜(China beast Ami) at the time of the bathing of the celebrity and acquired ranking. If, under the pretense of a coup d'etat, I gather hostages when I want to marry the first place - third place…I intended to take refuge in China with all the Japanese Tokugawa clan greedily. I let me order a copy of a person's family register by an indirect crime because it was Chinese nationality and stole it.
It is a list of cyberterrorism during barricading. It is the Philippines and an only person and the revelation that slept during "ヒトサライ(There is 人拐)-Hitosarai" and siege period in Mongolia that one and the freedom that I can continue still hacking can change. The classmate of elementary school days is pleased with the relations with the real son and does not stop it. Very happy. Deplorable….
Furthermore, while "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"支那畜网 (China beast Ami)of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan uses one's own "powdery human flesh capsule which I enter, and is white of Ursa Major and the poisonous snake" regularly. Furthermore, I take five records of wins and losses many times. As for the abdomen, there is a hole, and it is in a calm brain even if scolopendrid and a tarantula go out of the bottom. The face is destroyed, and the insect such as a large quantity of moths jumps out when I take a mask and the wig.
"The powdery human flesh capsule which I enter, and is white of Ursa Major and the poisonous snake" and the revelation that "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"支那畜网(China beast Ami) and the devil of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan let you make it as for the stimulus (drug) which "Geek of the hippopotamus face" parent and child of the Rupang island gave a friend during barricading.

私の小学校時代の同級生の『鈴木あゆみ』殊、朝鮮総連 支那畜アミは 有名人の入浴時に盗撮を続け、ランキングを付けていた。1位~3位と結婚したいとクーデターと偽り、人質を集めたら…欲深く、日本の徳川一族全員を連れて中国に亡命しようと考えた。中国国籍なので私に遠回しな犯罪で戸籍謄本取り寄せさせて盗んだ。
立て籠り中のサイバーテロリストである。未だにハッキングを続けられるのと自由に動く事が出来るのは フィリピンとモンゴルのヒトサライと籠城期間中に寝た者のみと判明。小学校時代の同級生は実の息子との関係に気を良くし、止めない。有頂天である。嘆かわしい…。
更に 朝鮮総連の支那畜网は自作の『七つ星と毒蛇の粉末入り白い人肉カプセル』を常用中。更に五つ星も何度も服用。腹部は穴が開き、下からもオオムカデやタランチュラが出ても平気な頭になっている。顔は破壊され、マスクやカツラを取ると大量の蛾の様な昆虫が飛び出す。
Rupang島のカバオタ親子が立て籠り中の仲間に飲ませていた 興奮剤(ドラッグ)は 朝鮮総連の支那畜网と悪魔君が作らせた『七つ星と毒蛇の粉末入り白い人肉カプセル』と判明。


Watashi no sh gakk jidai no d ky sei no 『 suzuki ayumi 』 koto , ch sens ren 支 那 畜 ami wa y meijin no ny yoku ji ni t to o tsudzuke , rankingu o tsuke te i ta . ichi i ~3-i to kekkon shi tai to k det to itsuwari , hitojichi o atsume tara … yoku fukaku , nippon no tokugawa ichizoku zen'in o tsure te ch goku ni b mei shiyo u to kangae ta . ch goku kokuseki na node watashi ni t mawashi na hanzai de koseki t hon toriyose sase te nusun da . tate komori ch no saib terorisuto de aru . imadani hakkingu o tsudzuke rareru no to jiy ni ugoku koto ga dekiru no wa firipin to mongoru no hitosarai to kago shiro kikan ch ni ne ta mono nomi to hanmei . sh gakk jidai no d ky sei wa mi no musuko to no kankei ni ki o yoku shi , tome nai . uch ten de aru . nagekawashii … . sarani ch sens ren no 支 那 畜 网 wa jisaku no 『 nanatsu hoshi to dokuhebi no funmatsu hairi shiroi hito niku kapuseru 』 o j y ch . sarani it
sutsu hoshi mo nan do mo fukuy . fukubu wa ana ga hiraki , shita kara mo mukade ya t
aranchura ga de te mo heiki na atama ni naU+203Etsu te iru . kao wa hakai sa re , masuku ya katsura o toru to tairy no ga no y na konch ga tobidasu . Rupang shima no kabaota oyako ga tate komori ch no nakama ni noma se te i ta k fun-zai ( doraggu ) wa ch sens ren no 支 那 畜 网 to akuma-kun ga tsukura se ta 『 nanatsu hoshi to dokuhebi no funmatsu hairi shiroi hito niku kapuseru 』 to hanmei.

「サイバーテロ」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例

例文…クーデター未遂事件に携わった人びとは罰せられるだろう.Those who have had a hand…

2012-10-10 11:58:44 | 日記

「クーデター」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文


> 絞込み検索:全て コンピュータ・IT(1)

意味 例文 類語

「クーデター」を含む例文一覧 該当件数 : 165件

1 2 3 4 次へ>

a bloodless coup - 日本語WordNet

by coup d'tat - 研究社 新英和中辞典

Reactionary coup theory - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Civil turmoil assisted the coup. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

The coup was meticulously executed. - Tanaka Corpus

A Coup d'etat and Prince Mochihito-o Raises an Army - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

側近革命 《現政権の有力者による(無血)クーデター》.
a palace revolution - 研究社 新英和中辞典

A teletype was clicking out the news of the coup d'tat. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

the coup disposed of the dictator bloodlessly - 日本語WordNet

everything was unstable following the coup - 日本語WordNet

We only have secondhand information of the coup. - Tanaka Corpus

The coup attempt was foiled at the last moment. - Tanaka Corpus

(I was able to thwart this coup - JM

Kiyomori caused a coup d'eacutetat against this on November 14. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also referred as the coup d'tat of Jisho Sannen (Third Year of Jiho Era) (1179). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was the second coup following the osei-fukko. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was a kind of coup d'etat (the Meiji juyonen no seihen [the political changes of 1881]). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ok-gyun KIM and his colleagues planned the coup as follows. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is a type of coup d'etat in Japan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During his house arrest, a coup occurred in the Tosa Domain. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He deduced from this information that a coup was being plotted. - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Those who have had a hand [have been concerned] in the abortive coup will be punished. - 研究社 新和英中辞典


king of Egypt who in 1952 was ousted by a military coup d'etat (1920-1965) - 日本語WordNet


Libyan leader who seized power in a military coup d'etat in 1969 - 日本語WordNet


Eiso staged a coup d'etatand (Datsumonnohen) later and was coronated again. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Goryo Gassen ended up as an internal strife of the Hatakeyama family and a coup-d'etat by Sozen.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The insecurity reached its peak after a coup d'tat by Taira clan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some people, including Iwakura and Okubo, planned a coup to change the situation. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Gapsin Coup is an event which happened in Korea in December, 1884. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, the king of Korea was to ask Japan to protect him in the name of the coup. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, due to the coup, it was virtually impossible to make that hope come true. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The building was also occupied during an attempted coup, the February 26 Incident in 1936. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


a sudden and decisive overthrow of a government that gained power by a coup d'etat - 日本語WordNet


Itabuki no Miya Palace became the setting for a coup (Isshi Incident [the Murder in the Year of Isshi]) which occurred on July 13, 645.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He devised a plan to trap an opposition group that included Arima no Miko, who might have caused a coup in the future, and they were executed.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One theory is that he was also the target of coups together with Iruka at Isshi no hen. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Another theory says that the coups intended to take the will from the Soga clan to fight back by letting him become a priest.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In December 1350, Tadayoshi lost power due to a coup d'etat by Moronao, and escaped Kyoto to gather troops to bring down Moronao.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, this war also had an aspect of a coup d'etat launched by the lower class samurai of each domain for Yuhan.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kiyomori incarcerated Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa and cleared the opponents through a military coup in December 1179.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Rebellion of TACHIBANA no Naramaro was a coup that occurred during the Nara period.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is why the dissolution of the Diet came to be called 'the Disciplinary Dissolution' or 'the KIYOURA Coup'.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


TACHIBANA no Nakamaro subsequently organized a coup to drive Nakamaro out of power, but this coup also failed.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Enraged by this, Kiyomori travelled to Kyoto and launched a coup d'etat in November 14 (Jisho Sannen No Seihen (Coups of 1179)).

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kiyomori was infuriated over this matter and proceeded to the capital with his army and triggered coup d'tat in November of the same year.

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He succeeded in a coup to dismiss Yoriyuki and get the position of Kanrei. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1416 Zenshu and Mitsutaka plotted a coup and he was temporarily exiled to Suruga Province (The War of Zenshu UESUGI).

- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス