Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

"Japan's Vulnerability: A Reluctant Future Amidst Global Power Play"

In Japan, the powerful U.S. military is stationed at Yokota with headquarters, surpassing the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. 

Additionally, there's the Seventh Fleet stationed at sea. 

Truly, it's America's military base in the Far East. 

There likely isn't a country that believes it can negotiate Japan's security and diplomatic issues without involving the United States.

This was evident from Prime Minister Kishida's visit to the U.S. Japan is still nothing more than a subordinate nation to the United States.

If things continue like this, Japanese people might have to sacrifice their lives for American citizens, just like Ukrainians did.

Although saying such things might be deemed "inappropriate," I felt compelled to express it.

In Japan, there are around 60,000 U.S. military personnel stationed at Yokota Air Base, much more powerful than the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, spread across various locations. 

Furthermore, there's the Seventh Fleet at sea.

Japan is indeed America's military base in the Far East.

If the stationed U.S. forces were to move, Japan would come under American control within a day. 

Unlike Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Japan likely would not resist.

Waking up to find the U.S. Ambassador to Japan as the Prime Minister would be a terrifying scenario to contemplate.

However, from a security perspective, that might be the best option for Japan.

While Japanese people might think of Japan as distinct from the U.S., China, Russia, and North Korea probably view Japan as little more than an American colony.

Moreover, not just China, Russia, and North Korea, but even Western countries likely don't believe that politicians can negotiate Japan's security and diplomatic issues without the U.S. present.

Even if negotiations were attempted with Japan, any involvement by the U.S. would render them null and void.

Therefore, it's likely thought that diplomatic negotiations and treaties with Japan are ultimately pointless.

Despite this, Japanese people always seem frustrated that China, Russia, and North Korea aren't positive about diplomatic negotiations with Japan. 

It's quite puzzling.

Though it may not be explicitly stated, most countries around the world probably recognize that Japan lacks the capacity to act as an independent nation.

It's even odd that Japan, while being a non-permanent member, is a member of the UN Security Council.

The U.S. is always behind Japan. Therefore, Japan should realize it can't engage in proper diplomacy with any country.

Nevertheless, Japan's independence from the U.S. is currently impossible. It's a fantasy.

Hence, it's worth repeating. 

In this world where conditions resemble the Sengoku period, unless Japan becomes a military power fitting of the world's third-largest economy, it won't be able to conduct diplomacy as an independent nation.

Unfortunately, that's an impossibility. Thus, Japan's current reality is harsh.

Both the U.S. and Western countries that Japan relies on are distant. 

On the contrary, Japan is surrounded by hostile nations like Russia, China, and North Korea.

In the near future, if a war erupts between the U.S. and China, Russia, and North Korea in the Far East, the battleground would encompass Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and North Korea.

The U.S., China, and Russia wouldn't attack each other's mainland, which is why Japan would become the battlefield.

Even Western countries wouldn't want to involve themselves in a war that has no ideological or strategic interests in the distant Far East.

In the end, Japanese people would simply become soldiers to protect "American freedom and democracy." 

Looking at it from this angle, considering that the U.S. has nurtured Japan for this purpose, it's inevitable.

However, rather than Japan's fate relying on America, it might be better to ask the U.S. to occupy Japan again, similar to the situation in Ukraine.

As a Japan that America loves, there might be a chance to request the U.S. to annex Japan before China takes over Taiwan. However, the U.S. would likely refuse.

For the U.S., annexing a third of Japan's population would be revolutionary. 
Politically, it would be impossible to accept.

Unfortunately, in this era, relations between nations can't exist solely based on ideology. 

Without recognizing this, Japan might make the wrong decisions.







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世界から学ばないばかりか 優秀な人材を育てることも 使いこなすこともできなくなった 黄昏 老人大国 日本 「何とかしないと日本に明日は無い」
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アメリカは日本を中国と戦わせるべく着々と準備をしているのではないか 「台湾有事」と日本を煽るだけ煽っておいて 有事が起きた途端に「アメリカは軍事介入しない」と宣言するのではないか
最近の若者に比べ 金融リテラシーが 低いどころか 無いにも等しい ご老人達が 若かりしときに稼いだ 不労所得は 金融リテラシー自慢の若者の比ではない ボロ儲けだ それもこれも 当時の高金利のおかげだ
ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に対する 一部の日本人の 戦争を美化するような反応に驚かされる 戦争なんて 今の日本人には 絶対に耐えられない 屠殺場のような世界だと認識すべきだ 戦争は地獄だ