Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

The Paradox of Western Nations Ditching Capitalism in the Name of “Freedom and Democracy”

Western Countries Seemingly Retreating to Small Markets for the Ideology of "Freedom and Democracy," Abandoning Capitalism – a Folly Resembling the Collapse of Eastern Bloc Nations.

Currently, the United States holds the position of the world's top economic power. Despite being a nation still rooted in white supremacy, the U.S. maintains strong ties with its European counterparts, forming the camaraderie of Western countries.

Japan is gladly part of this Western group, even as these nations enter a period of decline. Japan, along with Germany, the UK, and France, still ranks high globally in economic strength as G7 members. However, this dominance is fleeting.

The reason is simple: Western countries, like Japan, lack abundant resources, and with an aging population, the prospect of a growing workforce is dim. Even attempts to address population shortages through immigration face limitations due to potential political instability.

Another factor contributing to the decline of Western countries is their love for economic sanctions, a form of "anti-competitive policy." Despite sharing the values of capitalism that proclaim "competition as justice," Western nations actively pursue "economic sanctions," essentially blocking markets.

It appears as if, for the ideology of "freedom and democracy," Western countries are forsaking capitalism and isolating themselves in small markets, reminiscent of the foolishness seen in the collapsed Eastern Bloc nations.

Western countries, with a combined population of approximately 900 million, are essentially a coalition of smaller nations when excluding the U.S. and Japan. Despite numerous nations, their total population is less than that of India or China individually. The market size, excluding the U.S. and Japan, is comparable to that of a single country like China.

This perspective sheds light on why the U.S. might fear China and India. The exclusive capitalism of Western countries is bound to reach a deadlock. However, Western leaders seem oblivious, perhaps out of fear of the United States.

Regardless, by blocking markets and limiting competition, Western countries seem to be destroying their own economies. This is perplexing in a world where most nations embrace market economies, turning the entire globe into a capitalist landscape.

While the UN has the WTO (World Trade Organization), there is no institution overseeing competition policies, akin to a "Fair Trade Commission." If such an institution existed within the UN, Western countries' economic sanctions would likely be the first targets of "exclusion orders."

Even without invoking the UN, if Western countries persist in their addiction to the ideology of "freedom and democracy," constantly abusing "economic sanctions," they might face global boycotts.

Moreover, these sanctions are consistently applied with a double standard, appearing self-centered and self-righteous. While NATO and G7 give Western countries a sense of security, they risk being surpassed by the Global South.

Unless Western countries wake up soon, they may find themselves not as global leaders but as obstacles. Japan, in particular, should strive to break free from this undesirable future.


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大学を卒業して 有名企業に就職した新入社員の皆さんが これで人生万々歳なんて考えていたら 後悔することになるかもしれない 企業は普通の精神では耐えられないような かなり異常な世界だからだ
世界から学ばないばかりか 優秀な人材を育てることも 使いこなすこともできなくなった 黄昏 老人大国 日本 「何とかしないと日本に明日は無い」
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アメリカは日本を中国と戦わせるべく着々と準備をしているのではないか 「台湾有事」と日本を煽るだけ煽っておいて 有事が起きた途端に「アメリカは軍事介入しない」と宣言するのではないか
最近の若者に比べ 金融リテラシーが 低いどころか 無いにも等しい ご老人達が 若かりしときに稼いだ 不労所得は 金融リテラシー自慢の若者の比ではない ボロ儲けだ それもこれも 当時の高金利のおかげだ
ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に対する 一部の日本人の 戦争を美化するような反応に驚かされる 戦争なんて 今の日本人には 絶対に耐えられない 屠殺場のような世界だと認識すべきだ 戦争は地獄だ