My English Note


Trump was found guilty

2024-06-12 10:48:00 | English Topics
be convicted  有罪判決を受ける
be convicted of a crime 犯罪で有罪判決を受ける
be found guilty 有罪判決を受ける
hush money 口止め料
porn star  ポルノスター
falsify 改ざんする
falsifying business records ビジ記録を改ざん
independent voters 無党派の有権者
conviction  判決
sway  揺るがす
how they vote どのように投票するか
lifelong Republican 生涯の共和党員
judge 裁判官
have a bias  偏見がある
jury 陪審員
foregone conclusion 当然の結論、既定の結論
been agonising  over 苦慮している
agonising 苦しい
the way he's conducting himself 振るt舞い
stamina スタミナ
be blown wide open 大きく吹き飛ばされる
economy stinks 経済は最悪だ、悪臭放つ
five upcoming trials 進行中の5つの裁判
trial on charges of storming the Capitol 国会議事堂を襲撃した容疑の裁判
In the middle of 真っ最中に
trial on a minor crime 軽犯罪の裁判
even some Democrats 一部の民主党員でさえ
acknowledge 認める
ruling 判決
In addition その上に
extensively and repeatedly 広範にかつ繰返し
doubt and resentment 懐疑と反感
tackle 取り組む


Donald Trump has become the first president in US history to be convicted of a crime. 
He was found guilty with a hush money payment to a porn star and falsifying business records to hid that from voters for the 2016 election. 

The BBC spoke to independent voters and some Republicans.
The BBC asked them if his conviction will sway how they vote. 

A lifelong Republican said,
I'm not a big Trump fan,but I do think this judge had a bias. 
And the jury was led to a foregone conclusion. 
I ‘ve clearly been  agonising  over my  choice,but I’m definitely not voting for Biden.
Seeing Biden’s policies and the way he's conducting himself, I don't think he's got the stamina or the ability to do the job for very much longer. 
The border has been blown wide open. The economy just stinks.

I guess,
This voter’s reaction must be typical of Republicans or independent voters.

Trump now faces five upcoming trials 
including the most important trial on charges of storming the Capitol.
In the middle of a presidential election, this trial on a minor crime is undoubtedly a political trial.
Even some Democrats acknowledge that.

Almost people believe Trump paid hush money and falsified the record.
However this ruling might not change the minds of many voters in a tight race with President this November.

In addition Major media including ABC and PBS reported this ruling extensively and repeatedly.
This also might has created doubt and resentment among Republicans and independent voters.

Biden is indecisive and ambiguous.
His decision on the Ukraine and Israel issues is not consistent.
Biden also hasn’t  tackled the border issue seriously.
I don't think the American people would choose Biden.
Democrats should have chosen another candidate.


