My English Note


TikTok vows to fight US ban.

2024-05-15 09:31:00 | English Topics
because of concerns 懸念のため
share…with …と共有する
sign into law a bill  法案に署名す
divest the app  アプリを売却する
be blocked 
challenge an unconstitutional  law 違憲法に異議を唱える
in court 法廷で
claim 主張する
pointing to 指して
global investment firm グローバル投資会社
Senator 上院議員
Intelligence Committee 情報委員会
go all the way to the Supreme Court 最高裁まで持ち込まれる
It is unfortunate...は残念だ
enact a law 法律を制定する


The law has been introduced because of concerns TikTok might share user data with the Chinese government at the end of April.

President Biden has signed into law a bill which gives the Chinese owner nine months to divest the app or it will be blocked in the US.

TikTok says it will challenge in court an "unconstitutional" law.
TikTok claims It is not a Chinese firm,  pointing to the global investment firms that own 60% of it.

Senator Marco Rubio, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee told that it’s too dangerous to allow China to control the most popular app.
Rubio says,
"A new law is going to require its Chinese owner to sell the app. This is a good move for America.” 

However , according to BBC, 
it could take several years before the app is blocked. Because this case would go all the way to the Supreme Court.

I guess,
It is unfortunate that legal action would delay the process.
This legislation is definitely necessary. The Japanese government should also enact such a law.


