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Nikkei stock price plummeted over 1000 yen 2018

2018年12月25日 | 政治・経済

※ - Nikkei stock price plummeted over 1000 yen 2018

December 25, 2018
The Nikkei Stock Average was significantly lower than the milestone of 20,000 yen due to concerns about the Tokyo stock market on Dec. 25, the concern over the slowdown of the world economy, which plummeted more than 1000 yen.

On the 25th Tokyo stock market, selling orders increased as soon as trading began, due to the continued sharp decline in stock prices on the New York market on January 24, resulting in a full depreciation.

The Nikkei Stock Average fell below the milestone of 20,000 yen for the first time in a year and three months, and after that the selling swelled and the falling width exceeded 1000 yen.

After all, the closing price on the 25th of the Nikkei average price was 19,155.74 yen, 1010 45 yen lower than the closing price last weekend.

In the meantime, it has fallen by more than 5000 yen, 21% from the high price of about 27 years on October 2 in less than three months, and it became the low price since April last year.

In addition, TSE stock index = topics also decreased by 72.64 to 1415.55, the lowest since November.

Volume per day was 1,716.56 million shares


