The Bible・聖書

聖書は・神の御旨  聖書は・神の計画 Love Love Love
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The Bible・聖書・せいしょ

=☆= The Bible 聖書 せいしょ =☆=
From Paul 使徒・パウロから
From Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle chosen and called by God to preach his Good News.

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Teaching about the Law
"Do not think that have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the low will be down away with not until the end of all things.
Yokohama-City   風の道草   
☆・≪ Contents ≫    ☆・My blog Information

The End Of The World

ISIS の攻撃対象とならない安全な国があります 2015年02月

2015年02月13日 | BU・SHI・DOU

※- ISISの攻撃対象とならない安全な国があります

その国は=イスラエルです。 ( *´艸`)


上の文面だけです ・・・ 的確ですね! 

( *´艸`)  ( *´艸`)  ( *´艸`)


BU・SHI・DO(武士道) Japanese culture

2014年08月14日 | BU・SHI・DOU

※- BU・SHI・DO( 武士道 ) Japanese culture

-武士道』 定義と理念 -


"Bushido" definition and idea
The Bushido, It's a way of contributing to human form to cultivate an attitude tempered by integrating the spirit and technique body, Shine a personality, to enhance the moral, respect for civility, peace and prosperity of society and the State



KEN・DOU ( 剣道 )


KYU・DOU ( 弓道 )*****

Kyudo in London 弓道: The White Rose Kyudojo Merry Christmas 2011

Kyoudou girl( 弓道少女 )

Toshiya - Pretty Japanese Girls in Kimono doing Kyudo (Japanese Archery) in Kyoto


JYU・DOU ( 柔道 )*****

君は木村政彦を知っているか 8-1


AIKI・DOU ( 合気道 )*****


Introduction of aikido ( 合気道の紹介 )

Aikido: OKAMOTO Yoko Sensei - Seminar in Offenbach 2014


SA・DOU ( 茶道 )*****


KA・DOU ( 華道 )*****

