The Bible・聖書

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The Bible・聖書・せいしょ

=☆= The Bible 聖書 せいしょ =☆=
From Paul 使徒・パウロから
From Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle chosen and called by God to preach his Good News.

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Teaching about the Law
"Do not think that have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the low will be down away with not until the end of all things.
Yokohama-City   風の道草   
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The End Of The World

Crude oil futures in the $ 20 range, low for the first time in 18 years 2020年03月19日

2020年03月19日 | 政治・経済

※- Crude oil futures in the $ 20 range, low for the first time in 18 years 2020年03月19日
New Coronavirus
March 19, 2020

Crude oil futures prices in the New York crude oil market have fallen sharply to the $ 20 level per barrel for the first time in 18 years, as demand for new coronavirus infections is expected to decrease. 
Gasoline prices have fallen, while energy-related companies are being hit, raising concerns about global economic risks.

At 4:00 a.m. Japan time, WTI futures prices in the New York market, a benchmark for international oil trading, dropped sharply to the $ 20 / barrel, the lowest in 18 years since 2002. Was.

The decline has accelerated especially this month, at about one-third the level of the beginning of the year.

In addition, the price of North Sea crude oil traded in the London market has temporarily dropped to the $ 24 level per barrel.


NY Stock Market Drops by About $ 3,000 Record High 2020年03月17日

2020年03月17日 | 政治・経済

※- NY Stock Market Drops by About $ 3,000 Record High 2020年03月17日

March 17, 2020 ・ New Coronavirus

The New York Stock Market on the 16th of the week saw a sharp drop in stock prices as trading was automatically stopped immediately after trading commenced, and the Dow Jones average closing price was down about $ 3,000 compared to last weekend, dropping daily. As a record again, the price dropped sharply.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones average closing price was $ 20,188,52 cents, down $ 2,997 / 10 cents from last weekend.

The decline close to $ 3,000 was the highest ever since 12th of this month.


Hong Kong demonstration: 2 million people 2019年06月16日

2019年06月16日 | 政治・経済

※- Hong Kong demonstration: 2 million people participated

     in the past maximum June 16, 2019


On 16 June 2019, another massive demonstration took place on the 16th on the proposed amendments to the ordinance to allow the suspect to be handed over from Hong Kong to mainland China.

The organizers announced that up to now nearly 2 million citizens have participated.

The population of Hong Kong is about 7.5 million, and it is calculated that about 1 in 4 people who live in Hong Kong participated in the demonstration.

The Hong Kong government's top executive, 『林鄭月娥』,issued a statement and apologized to the citizens.

The Hong Kong government announced on the 15th that it would postpone the deliberation on the proposed amendments to the regulations without a deadline.

In response, democratic groups called for a demonstration on the 16th, calling for withdrawal of the revision proposal.

In Hong Kong, 1.5 million people were announced by the organizers on May 28, 1989, before being returned to China, to support the many students gathered in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in search of democratization of China There were demonstrations that we participated in, and this time it was larger than this



"Japan's New name of an era = 令和 - Reiwa" 2019

2019年04月01日 | 政治・経済

※- "Japan's New name of an era = 令和 - Reiwa" 2019

April 01, 2019
"Reiwa - 令和", Today, the Japanese government announced a "Japan's new era - 元号".

This name is will be on the lips of most Japanese  and it will be for years to come.

It's the name the Japanese government has selected for the new era, which is set to start when Crown Prince Naruhito becomes the new Emperor on May 1.

  The announcement was highly anticipated here because it will define the years ahead, as well as play a daily role in people's lives.

   Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said, "We will make efforts to make the new era name widely accepted and take deep root in the lives of the Japanese."

   The Chief Cabinet Secretary says the new name was taken from Manyoshu, the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry.

   It comes from a passage that can be translated as: "On a moon-lit night in early spring, the air is fresh and the wind is calm, the plum flowers are blooming like a beautiful woman applying white powder in front of the mirror, and the fragrance of the flowers are like that of robes scented with incense."

   It's the first time for the character "rei = 令" to be used in an era name. The second "wa = 和" has been used 19 times in past era names.

   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained to reporters the meaning and inspiration of the new era name. Abe said, "Culture is nurtured when people bring their hearts together in a beautiful way. "Reiwa" has such meaning."

   He says the name represents the hope that every Japanese person will achieve their aspirations just like a plum flower flourishes after a severe winter.

   By taking the new name from ancient Japanese literature, he says he hopes the country's history, tradition, culture and nature will be handed down to generations to come.

   Emperor Akihito is set to abdicate on April 30, which will end the current "Heisei" era.

   The government is announcing the new name in advance, so companies and the general public can prepare for the change.

   The era name is used on numerous occasions and official papers, including drivers' licenses, health insurance cards, and calendars.

   NHK has learned that the government submitted six name proposals to the expert panel. by - NHK website -
