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"This is an ending of the war" the Pope 2018年01月01日

2018年01月02日 | website

※- "This is an ending of the war" the Pope 2018年01月01日

1st January, 2018
"This is an ending of the war" the Pope
"Nagasaki photo" directs distribution

January 1st is the day of world peace.
Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church instructed him to distribute the card with the message"This is an ending of the war" with the photograph of the boy taken in Nagasaki just after the atomic bomb was dropped. Western media reports that the pope's strong desire to sue nuclear disarmament is shown.

It was published on the card is a photograph called "boy who stands in the bake" taken by the United States military cameraman of the appearance that the boy who shouldered the dead Younger brother standing upright immovable. On the card, "The boy is awaiting the order of cremation of his dead brother. The message of the pope "This is the end of the war" is written with the sign with the explanation "The sadness of the boy is reflected in the chewing lips and the blood which is blurred".

In the past, the pope has criticized nuclear weapons, referring to the bombed-out areas of Japan, such as "human beings have not learned anything from Hiroshima or Nagasaki."  "The ICAN" which contributed to the realization of the "Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty", was praised for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.This card tells us that each piece of media is indicative of the strong feelings of the pope.


