Why Japanese Have Short Legs? A Hypothesis by Dr.Miyuki SATO

2017-01-11 16:24:29 | 日記
10/01/2017 (afternoon) Japanese legs are shorter than averege. It's an undeniable fact.

Then, why they are so short?
There are many reasons to support the fact. however, they are not enough to explain the fact perfectly.
Thus, I would like to propose an hypothesis, a bit painful to them, especially to whom have DoDoMerdic ancestors.
I propose that Japanese have short legs as a result of punishment by Gods of Justice.

We've known a song composed by a famous poet Michio MADO, who recently died at more than 100 years old, called "Elephants";
"Elephant, elephant, why you have a long trunk?
Because my mother has the same one."

This lyric is scientifically and genetically right.
Thus, I thought of genetical origins of Japanese short legs problem.

My hypothetical theory should be told in more Merchen-like tone, because Merchen is a secie of moral instructions for kids or next generation, especially for infants.
I was fond of old stories in Italy, Germany, China, India, Japan, Greece, France, England, etc., when I was an infant. I hope, the young generation of this age, listen to my theory and learn lots from it to lenghten their legs in the near future, accepting the original sin of their ancestors, begging forgiveness to existance related to the sin and making all eforts to compensate for it.

Once upon a time, there was a country called Japan.
There lived various biological existances, beautiful and with body proportion.
There existed also human beings with splendidly long slender legs.
They coexisted with other wild animals peacefully.
They are all equal in value, all even in their relationship.
No one deceived others, no one lied, no one faked them.
They lived in perfectly harmonised world, despite their difference of species.

However, there was a specie of apes, who overestimated themselves, thought that they were superior to others and wanted to rule their world.
We call the apes as "Japanese", OK?

There were lots of brighter animals of course. Each epecie had its chief, who was the elite of the elites of the specie. The chieves were all splendedly sharp-minded, brave, cool, beautiful, balanced in body and soul, gentle, with prominent calibre, superb, anyway.
However, there is no rule without exception. Thus, Japanese dared to choose their chief among the worst of the worsts in their history. Why? Because Japanese were blind to the true values and easily deceived by superficial appearance.

As a matter of fact, the specie was inferior to others. However, others were so polite to appoint to the fact and they wanted to be kind to inferiors. So, Japanese, in spite of their dullness and idioticy, they ware allowed to get along with others.

One day, there was an athletic competition among all the chieves. The prize was that only one day the winner could pretend to be King of the world, just a theatrical play. It was just a game for plesure for all of the animals. All animals expected that their chieves would win the race.

The rule of the race was heavily simple. The competitioners start the certain point, go to the tree with a lot of apples, pick one of them up, come back to starting point, which is a goal.

All of the cheives of the animals were ready to start altogether. They were proud of being as fair as they could and had never imagined to trick others.

However, there is no rule without exception, again. The chief of the apes Japanese thought of a simplest trick.
He, already had picked an apple from another tree, hid it behind the stone. Now, the preparation is done. He made a row with other chieves at the start line.

Now, everyone, ready, Go!
The animals started to run, as fast as they could, with their full energy. All of animals were exciting to see their chieves' marvelouse performance! "Bravoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" They cried.

However, the Japanese chief, gloating with cheaty smile, ran toward different direction to take the apple, which had been concealed by himself one day before, picked it up, and made a dash for the goal.

Alas! He, the evil unfair existance arrived at the goal! Everyone claimed.
"We watched that he had run to another direction!", "He was the last runner at the first stage. " "He can't run fast. We know it." etc. etc.
Booing continued until their chieves came back from the exact tree.
They were astonished at the ugly conduct of the Japanese. However, they were so polite to accuse it, because the prize was just a kind of provisionary comfort.
"OK, dear liar, you made a trick on us. Maybe, it's a kind of joke. So you deserve to play the role of the King of our world in a short play. We didn't know that you are so eager to play the protagonist in the theater."

Thus, the disgusting Japanese cheif were allowed to be the King in the play only for one day.
However, he was seriously ill mentally. He couldn't recognize the difference between real world and virtual world. So, he began to behave like a real ruler.
"Is he crazy?" All animals laughted at him. However, he continued to rule the world, as if he were a real ruler.
He declared multiple of orders, illogical and irrational, with lots of contradictions among them.
He was so stupid that could not explain the reason of each order.
He began to require others to applause himself.
He ordered to catch others, if they appointed his abuse.
Other animals followed him, thinking that it were just a childish play.

However, one day after, a disaster happened. The kinky faked King didn't move from the throne! He insisted to rule the world continuously. He had already caught all of cheives of other animals and put them into the prison, by his mean inferiors.
All animals became sad in the tragedy, now the commedy turned to.
They could do nothing, deprived of their legitimate powers.

Gods of Justice watched all of this scine. They disided to punish the kinky cheaty apes called Japanese.
So, they cast the spell on them, which is, Japanese become shorter and uglier, as far as they continue their wrongdoing.

In the world of animals, the standard of beauty relies on balanced body, namely, good propotion, rather than facial looking. The most important point is the length of legs.
Thus, Japanese got to have short legs.

Unfortunately, Japanese DoDoMerdas are intent to shorten their hight. They are already short enough, I think. However, DoDoMerdas in HASEGAWA Hospital always wanted to get shorter.
For them, "Ugliness is beauty, beauty is ugliness", like a song of witchs in the merchen.

Now, kids, you know, why you have short legs, don't you?
Do you want to be beautiful balanced people, in body and mind?
Of course, yes, don't you?
I myself even want to get more beautiful slender long legs.
Thus I continue to struggle against the evil power holders in Japan.
Someday, I will get well proportioned body with 185cm at hight and slender long legs.
If you get away from our destiny of short legs as punishment by Gods of Justice, follow me!
Let's lengthen our legs together, Kids!

We must see the fact, what we did in the past, and should appology to the victims from the bottom of our heart, compensate them for the damage, ask forgiveness to them sincerely.
Then, we would be relised from the panishement.

It's my hypothesis. There are various victims of us. Animals, peoples of other countries, plants, honest Japanese workers, etc.
So, we shoud make our every effort to satisfy their spirits.
The first thing we can do is to have sympathy, namely, to imagine as if we were they.
They are we, we are they. That's the first step.
