Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (88)

2017-06-02 19:03:06 | 日記
02/06/2017 (Friday, afternoon) It was spooky Hachioji like weather today. In the early morning, strikingly heavy rain, then, hot summer sunshine, thus Miyuki chose to wear T shirt and Jeans, then, turned to be colder and colder, and Miyuki put fat two jackets on T shirt, and should eat much to avoid to get cold, and came back earlier than usual, at 18:15 or so.

And she started her plant caring job, and changed the pots from plastic ones to terracotta or China ones. And she found an important plinciple. Multiple planting in a pot would be fine to their development. Oh, they wanted to live together, and they help each other, taking advantage of each one's strongpoints. Thus, planting on the earth is the best way.

However, thinking in the situation of precarious staying, we should manage the situation. Thus, at least, two plants should be planted in a pot is the right answer!!! BINGO!!!

Miyuki thought, "Oh, we found the "Discovery of the century!" Another prize in this field. Biological master, MIYUKI, now on the stage, Miyuki started to image...and she got to know that, Oh, they knew it? Thus, I should refrain from the stage...Chao!!! Like Hitoshi UEKI...

お呼びでない?こりゃ、失礼しました。or I am not necessary to you all, probably? Oh, sorry, I didn't know it...(vanishing!)

This is his character in the stage program on TV in Holiday in Bubbles, or シャボン玉ホリデー, broadcasted on Sundays, 19:00, in the late 1960s. Miyuki was a kid and watched the show. Jazz musicians group, they were at first, however, they should turn to be comedians' group to earn money. And gag, they played. A kind of change was needed to earn money, like Miyuki.

Today, she was criticised by her mother because of not having opened the windows in the office. According to her, "You should be so careful to be allowed to stay in this house. You are so senseless! You, stupid!" And Miyuki kept silent, and closed the door with the sound of "Bang!", to express rightous anger against this too too egoistic existance.

"I was not ordered to do so at all from anyone, on this point as my obligation. And she, illegitemately, required "perception" for me!! She herself should know how we are suffering for her kindness requiring arrogant attitude, and we all put up with her egoistic require. Why she has right to require perceprion, according to her flamboyant standard? Perception for what? Just avoid her irrational abrupt rage? She wanted to show up that my perception ability is superior to you, stupid!, probably. "you are good at study, yes. However, you are inferior than us, at the field of knoledge of life. You should be obedient to us both, I and YUKARI, anyway! We, domestic workers are superior to you, stupid!!" She said to Miyuki, with some gestures.

And Miyuki laughted at her misunderstanding. Oh, it would be better for us. At least, she admitted our superiority in academism. And on knowledge of life? Oh, I am a specialst of this matter. My major is law, do you forget it, stupidest Alzheimer lady? It means that I am an expert of knowledge of life, and superb, and of course, much much superior to you, both, and all of DDMs!!!

In SHIRAKAWA, DDMs are taking themselves so in the highest position, despite of their total incapability. How they are arrogant? And the reason is, so simple. They just put it, in case of their nasty feeling. They are allowed to use it, in case of emergency. And now, the age of special danger, in which, more than almost all of Shirakawa residents vanished in a body in these 3 years, for their understanding, they can put it as their own protection. You are causing my suffering, you stupid! What does it mean? I can put it to kill you, stupid! I have a power to do it, and I have a gut to realize it. I am harsh type. You should obey, as soon as possible, you, stupid!!!

Oh, Rabby was killed by poisoning. From mouth, impossible. Because, rabbit tribe is too too wise, and they all could avoid the disaster. However, they used injections with poison, called amphetamine, heroine. For us, prohibitted illegal medicine, however, for DDMs, the use was allowed. Only some limited families were allowed to use, until now. However, now, under the degradated type of all idiots system, all families could use the special technic. Squad by themselves. And they called it "hospitality".

To protect us, feeble existance, it was needed, they all exclaimed. ???

For Miyuki, non worker should just obey to others. however, they went gradually so arrogant, and now, for them, "I am a kind of God, you know!" situation, mentally. 神成り or Faked God combined with poisoning Jason. The worst!!!

Oh, thus, Miyuki was trapped by her male inferiors twice??? Miyuki have not recognized the possiblity until now! Oh, I am so male, even now!! Oh, they used the DDMic female type attack on Miyuki, the male!!!

First, in 1993 or so. Yuuki MATSUSHITA poinsoned me, however, at that time, Miyuki was a-sexual, thus, she didn't recognized it, and just thought, "Oh, I am changing. I can't sleep anyway. And so active in mind. And my body temperature gets up and down. Something like so called, "Love", however, I have no boyfriend at all, and why the so called LOVE happened without any object? Oh, probably, I am in the process of SANAGUI-MAN, or pupal staged hero, of ANIME called INAZUMAN or Thunder Man, by Shotaro ISHIMORI."

It continued almost one week, and passed, and I became in the higher stage of study after passing. Oh, amphetamine, they put me. Thus, MATSUSHITA wanted to eat with me.

They can put it without any food. Just put in the air is enough. Oh, the smell was so week. Just we could feel in the bottom of the nose.

And the second, TAKAHARA put it. Rather, skin bag of TAKAHARA, did it. And I felt, "Oh, I should be kind to pupils! They are young and promissive. I should admire their strongpoints, anyway!" Miyuki remembered her first experience, a kind of "First love" like experience. At that time, a-sexual. And this time, sexual, however, "??? TAKAHARA? Some strangest special sexual inclination he has??? Oh, pupils!!! Oh "Platonic Love", it should be called!! Oh, I am a Greek phylosopher now!!!"

Miyuki tried to think the possibility of love him, however, he was not her type. Impressive type, she wanted, and he was a vague type. She tried to ask his inclination, one week after. And BINGO!!! He is totally different from her aim of desire. "Oh, so young, however, you are some kind of "only once per month with a distant girlfriend" type. It means "not hot". Thus...Oh, you are out of mind!!!"

For her, astonishing fact. Only once per month??? And his girlfriend lives in HIROSHIMA. Thus, he wanted to work for AOYAMA Company, a SARUSHI suit company. So cold relationship. And he said, "we will get married after one year of our graduation, because we should earn to prepare for our wedding".

Oh, ceremony mania, he is! Oh, totally contrary to my favorite. Pragmatism, we adopted already.

Thus, the second explosion was thought her as her second SANAGUI-MAN period. And after this period, she started to lose her weight, almost 10 kg. She got leaner and leaner, and gained actual body shape. And she liked it so much. Oh, my sholders are not so downward. Anyway, good with westernized casual clothings, and also SARUSHI suits. Fashionable Miyuki, again!!!!

She should pay so much. In total, for SARUSHI suits, she had now 6 combinations, US$2 thousand, she spent. And she bought various casual clothings, and in total, probably, almost US$1.5 thousand, she spent. And she started to put accessaries, especially, pieaced earings. She started to collect them, and put them as usual. Her hobby. And gained a success. And she has been liking shoes since she was young, and the shoes, especially, long boots and sandals, she chose sexy type, because they fit so much her legs!!!

And she put them sometimes even in the campuses of the versities. Especially, long boots called "London type" got a really success. Anyway, impressive. Probably, at this field, she would be No.1 in the world, ADACHI categorized. Good looking professor No.1 in the world!!!! No similar exists even in the most liberal versity in the world!!!!

足フェチ is called in Japanese. ASHI-FECHI. Ashi is feet and leggs in Japanese. However, 足 is for feet, and 脚 is for leg, and for animals' one. Different significance, the same pronounced word ASHI has. And Miyuki's case, 脚, the leggs. And she knows well that her legs are so impressive to others.

She liked hers, since she was young, and TON-CHAN, her mate, exclaimed with admiration, "Look! She has beautiful leggs! We had when we were infant, however, we lost the shape, and she keeps the same shape!!!" to the mate in the class. Face? Plain, anyway. However, her legs are superb, they agreed, and Miyuki liked their accordance.

Each one some strongpoits. And her case, leggs. Beutiful Leggs professor no.1, she gained the reputation.

However, she liked to wear so messy, not promissive type loosen old guy only type trousers as her room wear. She tried to change this habit, however, she couldn't. Reason unknown. Anyway, reluxed mood. Why I feel so good in these messy old man only type wears in the house. I want to have some boyfriends to do it, however, who wants to do it with Miyuki in this messy style. So strange contradiction...

In the day, she is a charming lady, and at night, she turns to be the real OYAJI type old massy guy...Who would put up with this difference???? Under the DDMic world, OK, no man's land, yes. However, she wants to have some, and with this style??? Too too difficult. Why I should turn to be so messy OYAJI's looking every night...???

Miyuki's misterious choice. Worse than DDMic change. They change from plump good girl type middle or old aged one to the real old one, yes. However, anyway, they keep the same female position. And Miyuki's case???

Oh, ADACHI!!! You disturb my possible love affair!!! OK? Now, only. With my hunting period, you should behave differently, ADACHI!!!!

In Tokyo Bay Detention, Bianca, or No.814 or HACHIYON said to me, "Strange to say, you look more boy, when you are sleeping in the night." Oh? She can't see her own face, when she sleeps, thus, she doesn't know her own face. OK, we are the similar in fisiolomy. OK, ADACHI, Michael J. Fox line, we should keep at least, or, old messy OYAJI, who would like to hug and do it? Miyuki wants males, not females, OK????

ADACHI likes to pretend to be YOSAKU, however, she recognized it, and she allowed the play during the DDMic society. They use amphetamine, when they want. And now, they use for themselves, predicting their own vanishing.

Thus, they are so arrogant. High tensioned, yes. However, in case of MIYUKI, no arrogance was included in the high mood. Just like some enthusiastic mood. And she thinks that I am so sensitive to any medicine, artificial or condensed one...

And she remembered her experiment of headache medicine. Always, it started to effect twice later than others, and the effect remained twice rather than others. Oh, trigger of celotonine or dorpamine, the illegal medicine is!!!

Each one responds according their phisical and mental condition, Miyuki understands. And Alex's gene contributor has headache problem, once per month. Just like me, Miyuki thought.

Common guy, and he confessed that I use some general painkiller tablets once per month. She wanted her kid not to have the same problem, however, OK, I am the same problem holder. And Alex is so sensitive to chemical products, however, in his case, he is big in quantity. Thus, he could put up with the situation.

And Miyuki's father has the same problem. Thus, Miyuki thought that gene caused problem. And IZUMI-san had yes, earlier than Miyuki. Already in her primary school days, she said that she had a headache problem to Miyuki and MAKIKO.

Gene caused problem, we all thought. No way to ascape the nasty situation. However, now, a bit better. Probably, so small amount of the existance of powder of amphetamine already causes pein in head, now they thought.

Free from the house, was the right answer. Thus, all of them do so now in Sato Family. And wrondgoers stay in their house for so many hours there.

Someone now put the powder and they are addicted. Someone, who?

Miyuki felt so strange that DDMs got proud of their non headache problem. Her mother said to Miyuki, "Oh, you are with headache, stupid! I have never suffered from headache in my life. Only throught problem." You are lacking of self care like attitude, she took.

"I have never gotten health problem at all in my life." Yuri KIMURA got proud of it, on 12 of April in 2015, in a DDMic party, held in Kichijoji in Tokyo. "Oh, I have heard that you got hospitalized several years ago!" Miyuki got astonished, and appointed the fact. Her reply was, "Oh, I remembered it now. Yes, I got hospitalized!"

???, Miyuki got in wonder again. They are so forgetful, Miyuki really thought. Yuko KOISHI also said the same remarks. "I am free from any headache."

Why DDMs are so similar in their remarks? Headache is some kind of sin for them, probably. And they themselves caused the pain. Why they are so cruel to us???

Sensitive, was our keyward. And Miyuki should be insensitive, to survive. And they all should be some kind of senseless characters. Or, they should not survive.

Always, "I have never done..." You forgot it? It's too important for our survive, they wanted to explain to Miyuki. Opening window means "I am a user of cocain. Please put it inside of the room."

Oh, thus the rooms of Kyorin Versity were prepared for the putting some thin things through the bottom of the door??? Miyuki didn't smell any cocaine in the building.

Cocaine and amphetamine. In case of ampetamine, it doesn't smell so much, just feels in the ears and in the nose. Oh, 海馬 or Sea horse, they affect, thus, forgetful, they are!!!

YUKARI's existance is a mistery for Miyuki and her kids. However, for Miyuki's mother, YUKARI is a necessity. And her mother wanted to give all of her belongings to YUKARI, because she had no any source to earn.

When Miyuki was jobless in 2002, her father, suddenly, in a so serious facial expression, asked her, "I will make you 廃嫡, or "who has no right to receive any succession at all" status, OK?" And her reply was, "OK, as you like. I don't rely on your succession at all. I want to earn living cost by myself."

Why suddenly? And Miyuki presumed, "Yes, I am a single mother, thus, for him, this status was so dishonoured now, in this rural villege, probably. I don't like the nuance of 廃嫡、because 廃 is abandonment, and 嫡 is legitimacy. As Chinese character, some kind of invalid like impression. However, from the point of more legal view, any property holder can do it type simple declaration is enough type easy and simplest sistem. For me, anyway, I don't want to have any property from someone, who wants not to give it to me. Thus, not so astonishing behaviour. However, why at that time, in a hurry like voice???

YUKARI was here in the backhouse. She was listening to the conversation.

For Miyuki, nothing at all type srifle decision. And for them, it means, "Miyuki should be killed whenever we are in the mood to kill her."

Admission of being killed???? Miyuki didn't know the system at all!!! For her, it doesn't matter at all, while, for them, death or life type important moment???

For Miyuki, two incapables were just strange creatures. However, for DDMs, not at all. They conducted correctly???

For them all, 廃嫡 means admission of death. ??? Assasin is allowed in Japan? Why they want to kill me? I am a breadearner. Why they want to destroy the seeds of money????

For us, too too nasty. however, for DDMs, the breadearners should die, when they resisted against them.???

Just criminals of homicide, or killers. Pinky & Killers. Yoko KON.


 I can't forget, I love him even now, he wore a blue shirt, wathing the beach.
My love, beyond blue sky, vanished.

Lost love song, it was. Spooky negative mode. Why Japanese pop songs were so negative, was Miyuki's question. Thus, she avoid to listen to Japanese pops, and liked to listen to foreign songs.

Generation gap, they called it. Oh, she did know the song? Why? Oh, hero song, medorey, she could. Hit prade provider, she is.

Today, in JR Shin-Shirakawa station, Miyuki watched that so many SARUSHI faked workers went go and flo through the gate of bullet train. Sometimes, immediately after the sound of arrival on the platform, they passed the gate. Impossible, according to physic's theory. The platform is located in the third floor, and the gate, in the second. And today, Miyuki wispered, "I can't stop looking at eyes of you."

One of her favorite. Anyway, nice. Modernized one also good, and standard oldies' original version is more liked by her. Anyway, she especially like the modernized version's the abrupt downward tone ⤵ Hugh Stone!

She repeated the frase, and her gesture. And she got noticed that today, her shoes and jeans got suddenly wet. In case of shoes, it happened yesterday. And because of rain, yes. However, in case of Jeans, it happend when she was walking toward the house, at 18:10 almost, in MOTOMACHI area, without rain. Spontaneously, she felt wet in the right side of the back of the knee and upper part of the shoes of the same side of the shoe. Why? They could do it by way of some kind of beyond actually known science principles???

Probably, yes. And the way is the same as hydrogen bomb's mechanism. They could cut the arm of my dear son, and could cause some memory loss, and could preset the limit of age earlier than the rightous one.

Oh, 50-55-60 for handsome guy type theory. Miyuki categorize herself as hundsome guy, thus, they preset like it.??? I am 54, and Kyorin attacked when I was 52. And even with 54, they continuously attack everyday.

They preset their limit as always. It means someday it comes, and should wait for the D-Day. And the high poer holder could decide the day. And Miyuki declared, "Right now!" with her puniching gesture. Why not? I always say so.

Thus they wanted Miyuki to be mentally illed. Thus, always, "Oh, are you all right? I am so worried about your health so much." was yelled to her, and always, she got nasty. All DDMs did so. Oh, thus, ONODERA、the librarian of Kyorin versity, The guardmen of it also were accustomed to say so to me???

"For them, I look like Alzheimer patient???" Miyuki felt so nasty after their compliment, as always. "I am OK, why do you say so?" She thought.

They could do it, thus they did it. Admission, completely.

Thus, they should vanish in a body. Why suddenly impeameable shoes started to be soaked by water? They used various methods to punish us all.

And they used it again. They were ordered not to use it, however they used. If in some ceremonial ocasion, they make my trousers get wet, I would be categorized as shitting in public type.

Oh, Dupaldeau! U2???

Japanese jounalists reported that he shit in the train in totally drunken condition. "Oh, arrogant, he is in his real life?" Not so promissive in his fisiolonomy, however, big daddy type. And NOMURA liked him. "Yeah, now my type, however, good actor with nice mood." Miyuki replied to her. Notre Dame de Paris, he played the role of crooked bell ringing man. Disny made a ANIME version. Famouse story of Victor Hugo. Skewed in physics, however, he loved her, was the message. What's wrong type. She has right to decide. If she hates, it's OK, and if she liked, also OK. Her problem, not ours at all.

Beast and Beaty, was Fontain's old tail. Good one. Miyuki read the literature and watched the Disney version in the bus, which was going back from HITACHI, IBARAGUI prefecture, with the kids in YAOYACHO and NENGUMACHI area.

She wanted to bring Clare to the one day trip, however, this proposal was refused, because Clare was in kindergarden, and only primary school boy and his parents could go, they explained to her.

OK, Clare. Nest year, we could go. You should stay here, with the rest of our family.

And Miyuki and Alex was watching the video movie. In the going, Miyuki's always, "What would happen on us?" like adventures waiting mood. In the comming back, "I am sleepy and tired" mode. As always.

And Miyuki was tired at that time, however, she could see the video, and liked it. Oh, old tail is maintained here, Miyuki thought. And the beast looked like Buffelo, and Osamu TEZUKA's Poseidon in Toriton, the ocean boy.

They influenced each other. A kind of sympathy. Imitation or modeled one with some admiration. Not stealing job. Like our scholary job.

And, oh, he is a gentleman. Not beast at all. I prefer the beast, rather than handsome Naoto DATE type human like prince. Anyway, beast figure is more her favorte rather than the prince type.

For her understanding, why he should chage his original figure to be the DATE, the inferior quality holder. Please stay in the beast appearance, and I will love you, instead of the flamboyand girl, who liked your superficial figure. Even in appearance, I prefer more punching type like you. Don't change your figure, please!!! And I am doctoral degree holder of law, thus, I will consult you, "Oh, you should separate from her. She would not understand your value at all. How about me? Do you want to be one of my boyfriend?" And my consultation is free. Don't forget me!!!

Why in the end, he should turn to be a superficial existance? If she dislkes his face, just say, "Oh, sorry, you are not my type." And he should look for suitable mates. The world is big, exist my type. Try! And I am already in a mood to accept your kind offer. Anyway, here, no man's land. You would be my first love, probably, if you have some bravity to do so. I am waiting for your positive reply!!!

Anyway, beast is not exact word, for the film. Wild animal, it would be collect. However, a kind of pun in the title. B & B type. And in Japan, there was a drama of the same name, played by Norika FUJIWARA. Wild and beautiful lady. Exists. Here!!! Me!!! Dr.Miyuki SATO!!! Beside the two qualities, he is academic!! Intellectuality she has. And humour, of course. Her actual professions? Comedienne, singer, dancer, translator, detective, bartender, cook, commentator of grourmant, planner of festivals, narrator, writer, bomber, investigator, critics, commentator of life, life style producer (like KANOU sisters) and so on.

The last one is a kind of mistery by herself. Moriko had the same question. And Miyuki's understanding is, "not talented artist who can prepare for any type of job". Any man should be a producer of life style of his own, is our understanding, in common. However, Miyuki's mother and sister don't understand the simplest natural rule. Why I should obey your flamboyant rule?, Miyuki thinks so so much. Always declaration without any reasoning, and refusal to other's proposals. Why they exist???

For their own sake, they can choose their way to live as they like. However, why they decide our own lives according to their oldest strange out of time illogial irrational standard??? Always, except nothing. Only for satisfying their faked illusion of "I am superior to you all" type faked superiority complex.

DDMs are all the same. She checked it also today in AEON.

She chose a package of 400 g of Yogult at US$0.9, a package of Chicoris at US$0.28, and a bar of chocolate at US$0.2.

The price was put on the shelves, and she checked it in all her caution, and took the photograph of the price of Chocolate bar.

She chose the self cashing machine, and passed the bar. The value appeared, which was US$41!!!!

She got nasty. And wanted to confirmed the value again. She pushed the botton of cancelling, however, cancellation included information to Ms.Responsible. Automatically a short type middle aged lady came, and she said her, "Oh, I will check the price. It would be better for you to pass the other products earlier while waiting for my reply." Oh, it's a good idea, Miyuki thought. And she started to pass, however, she stopped. Someone wispered, "Oh, Miyuki, you want to eat Yogult with Chocolate in combination. Thus, now chocolate is an pbject of cancelation. Wait a minute. You have chance to express your objection as non buying attutude. Thus, "Oh, good idea! Punishment should be fine. Thus, she canceled the buying process. Then appeared another, plump type, with a chocolate bar in her hand, saying, "Oh, this is not the price you thought. This is US$0.41, in reality. However, considering your situaion, this turn, I allow you to buy it at US$0.2." in her so so arrogant way of saying.
