

181)An Affordable Truth -訳

2009年12月28日 | Weblog



きっと国民の健康は国の安定の基盤 此処がしっかりすれば来年のアメリカ経済も


それでは今回の課題An Affordable Truthについて


Maybe I’m naive, but I’m feeling optimistic about the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday. President Obama now plans to address the conference on its last day, which suggests /that the White House expects real progress. It’s also encouraging to see developing countries (? including China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide ?) agreeing, (at least in principle,) that they need to be part of the solution.


Of course, if things go well in Copenhagen, the usual suspects will go wild. We’ll hear cries that the whole notion of global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a vast scientific conspiracy, as demonstrated by stolen e-mail messages that show ー well, actually all they show is that scientists are human, but never mind. We’ll also, however, hear cries that climate-change policies will destroy jobs and growth.


The truth, however, is that cutting greenhouse gas emissions is affordable as well as essential. Serious studies say that we can achieve sharp reductions in emissions with only a small impact on the economy’s growth. And the depressed economy is no reason to wait ー on the contrary, an agreement in Copenhagen would probably help the economy recover.


Why should you believe that cutting emissions is affordable? First, because financial incentives work.


Action on climate, if it happens, will take the form of “cap and trade”: businesses won’t be told what to produce or how, but they will have to buy permits to cover their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. So they’ll be able to increase their profits if they can burn less carbon ー and there’s every reason to believe that they’ll be clever and creative about finding ways to do just that.


As a recent study by McKinsey & Company showed, there are many ways to reduce emissions at relatively low cost: improved insulation; more efficient appliances; more fuel-efficient cars and trucks; greater use of solar, wind and nuclear power; and much, much more. And you can be sure that given the right incentives, people would find many tricks the study missed.


The truth is that/ conservatives who predict economic doom /if we try to fight climate change/ are betraying their own principles. They claim to believe that /capitalism is infinitely adaptable, that the magic of the marketplace /can deal with any problem. But for some reason/ they insist that cap and trade (- a system specifically designed to bring the power of market incentives/ to bear on environmental problems -) can’t work.


Well, they’re wrong ? again. For we’ve been here before

では 彼等は間違っている?

  affordable: afford は・・・する余裕がある、→何とかなる

区切りと( )で主語と動詞の関係が分かりやすくしましょう




180)An Affordable Truth

2009年12月08日 | Weblog






●音読を数回続け、そのあいだに貴方なりの区切りを入れてみてください。挿入句や副詞句など意識して( )にいれるとスッキリ文構造が見えてきます。


the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday
startingは名詞句the clilmate talksを修飾する現在分詞形容詞です、全体で長い名詞句を構成します、

●(前置詞)about +長い名詞句→副詞句

December 7, 2009
Op-Ed Columnist


Maybe I’m naïve, but I’m feeling optimistic about the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday. President Obama now plans to address the conference on its last day, which suggests /that the White House expects real progress. It’s also encouraging to see developing countries (— including China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide —) agreeing, (at least in principle,) that they need to be part of the solution.

Of course, if things go well in Copenhagen, the usual suspects will go wild. We’ll hear cries that the whole notion of global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a vast scientific conspiracy, as demonstrated by stolen e-mail messages that show — well, actually all they show is that scientists are human, but never mind. We’ll also, however, hear cries that climate-change policies will destroy jobs and growth.

The truth, however, is that cutting greenhouse gas emissions is affordable as well as essential. Serious studies say that we can achieve sharp reductions in emissions with only a small impact on the economy’s growth. And the depressed economy is no reason to wait — on the contrary, an agreement in Copenhagen would probably help the economy recover.

Why should you believe that cutting emissions is affordable? First, because financial incentives work.

Action on climate, if it happens, will take the form of “cap and trade”: businesses won’t be told what to produce or how, but they will have to buy permits to cover their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. So they’ll be able to increase their profits if they can burn less carbon — and there’s every reason to believe that they’ll be clever and creative about finding ways to do just that.

As a recent study by McKinsey & Company showed, there are many ways to reduce emissions at relatively low cost: improved insulation; more efficient appliances; more fuel-efficient cars and trucks; greater use of solar, wind and nuclear power; and much, much more. And you can be sure that given the right incentives, people would find many tricks the study missed.

The truth is that conservatives who predict economic doom if we try to fight climate change are betraying their own principles. They claim to believe that capitalism is infinitely adaptable, that the magic of the marketplace can deal with any problem. But for some reason they insist that cap and trade — a system specifically designed to bring the power of market incentives to bear on environmental problems — can’t work.

Well, they’re wrong — again. For we’ve been here before
