

192Greece’s Newest Odyssey

2010年05月13日 | Weblog




May 11, 2010
Greece’s Newest Odyssey

For a man whose country’s wobbly finances have kept the world on edge for months, the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, evinces an Obama-Zen-like calm. He is just back/ from meeting fellow European Union leaders, who decided to try to stave off /a Greek meltdown/ and an E.U. crackup /with a show of overwhelming force ― committing nearly $1 trillion/ to support the economy of any ailing member state. But over a lunch of Greek salad and grilled fish, Papandreou makes clear that/ he knows/ that the deal with the E.U. /was not your garden-variety bailout-for-budget-cuts. No, if you really look closely at /what it will take/ for Greece to mend its economy, this is actually a bailout-for-a-revolution. Greece’s entire economic and political system /will have to change /for Greeks to deliver their side of this bargain.

Papandreou says/ he is ready and so, too,( he insists), is his country: “People are saying to me, ‘change this country ― go ahead and change it.’ People realize that/ it needs change. You don’t want to miss /this opportunity.”

How Greece performs will not only affect Greeks, but the value of the euro and the whole 27-nation European Union. Yes, I know, the E.U. is the world’s most opaque and boring organization. But it is actually America’s not-so-identical twin and the world’s largest economy. It is, in fact, “the United States of Europe,” and, in my view, two United States are better than one. If this one over here fractures, it will affect everything from how many exports America has in the next year to how many allies America has in the next war.

Sitting in a rooftop restaurant with a view of the Acropolis, I ask Papandreou to put on his safari hat and tell me what it was like to be hunted by the electronic bond herd for six months.

“Because of the 2008 crisis, all the market players have become /much more risk-averse, so they are on a hair trigger,” explains /the center-left prime minister, who was voted in /by a large majority /in October /o fix this mess. Today’s market players are “like an animal/ that has been wounded, and so /it recoils /at the slightest motion. So/ any rumor about you /can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Comparing bond players to some kind of living beasts/ may be unfair to beasts, he suggests. These markets “are not even human anymore. Some of these things are computerized, and they just go /into automatic mode” when they see /a hint of trouble.

Because of their profligacy, Greeks have been living/ under this market scrutiny/ for so many months, he added, that today “every Greek from age 3 to 93 /knows /what a ‘bond spread’ means. ‘What’s the spread today? Are they widening?’ People had never heard/ about this/ before,” and it created a paralyzing uncertainty. “Should I buy, consume, save, invest, take my money out of the country?”



191)Relax,we will be fine. 訳

2010年04月16日 | Weblog



春の海、ひねもすのたりのたりかな 誰の句だったか・・・




でもベトナムで日本の新幹線方式が採用されました よいニュースです

Relax,we will be fine.

According to recent polls, 60 percent of Americans think /the country is heading /in the wrong direction. The same percentage believe that/ the U.S. is in long-term decline. The political system is dysfunctional. A fiscal crisis looks unavoidable. There are plenty of reasons /to be gloomy.

最近の世論調査によると、アメリカ人の6割が、米国は悪い方向に向かっていると思っているとのことである。 同じ割合の人がアメリカは長期的な衰退にあるとみている。アメリカの政治システムは機能していないし、財政危機は避けられないと。憂鬱な気持ちになるには十分の理由がそこにはある。

But if you want to read about them, stop right here. This column is /a great luscious orgy of optimism. Because the fact is, despite all the problems, America’s future is exceedingly bright.


Over the next 40 years, demographers estimate that/ the U.S. population will surge /by an additional 100 million people, to 400 million over all. The population will be enterprising and relatively young. In 2050, only a quarter will be over 60, compared with 31 percent in China and 41 percent in Japan.


● surge・・・to :  急増して・・・に至る 
● enterprising 現在分詞形容詞 

In his book, “The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050,” über-geographer Joel Kotkin sketches out /how this growth will change the national landscape. Extrapolating from current trends, he describes an archipelago of vibrant suburban town centers, villages and urban cores.

とても優秀な地理学者J・Kotkinは著書“The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050,”(さらなる一億の民 2050年のアメリカで)、この人口増加がアメリカの国の風景をどんな風にかえるか描いている。現状から推定して、郊外タウンの中心部、村落や都市中心部の活気に溢れ広がってゆく情景を描いた。

● uber- は接頭辞で 超・・・ 究極の

The initial wave of suburbanization was sprawling and featureless. Tom Wolfe once observed that you only knew you were in a new town when you began to see a new set of 7-Elevens. But humans need meaningful places, so developers have been filling in with neo-downtowns — suburban gathering spots where people can dine, work, go to the movies and enjoy public space.

郊外化の最初の波は不規則に拡がり特徴はない。 新しいセブン・イレブンがあちらこちらに見かけるようになり、やっとニュータウンにいるのだと気付く、 Tom Wolfeは観察で知った。だが人は思い出に残る場所が必要だから、土地のデベロッパーは新たな市街地、つまり人が食事をしたり、働いたり映画をみたり、パブリック・スペースで楽しむ、郊外型の人の集まるスポットを充実させてきた。

Over the next 40 years, Kotkin argues, urban downtowns will continue their modest (and perpetually overhyped) revival, but the real action will be out in the compact, self-sufficient suburban villages. Many of these places will be in the sunbelt — the drive to move there remains strong — but Kotkin also points to surging low-cost hubs on the Plains, like Fargo, Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux Falls, and Boise.

これからの40年で、都市部の居住地区は適度な形で(絶えず喧騒をくりかえしながら)再生を続けるだろう、だが本当の変化はこじんまりと全てが整った郊外の村落で結実する。そういった場所は多くの場合は南部のサンベルトに出現するだろうーこの地域に移住したいとの人々のこだわりはいまだに根強いーだがKotkin氏は(固有名詞で大草原)the Plainの Fargo, Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux Falls, や Boise等、手頃な地域が急騰していると指摘した。

The demographic growth is driven partly by fertility. The American fertility rate is 50 percent higher than Russia, Germany or Japan, and much higher than China. Americans born between 1968 and 1979 are more family-oriented than the boomers before them, and are having larger families



● この記事には合成語が沢山出てきます。
self-sufficient 自身で+充足 自給自足
family-oriented 家族+志向(・・・向く)→家族重視


● この記事には、例えば太字の2箇所のように比較的長い名詞句があります







190)Relax, We’ll Be Fine

2010年04月07日 | Weblog




デフレが続く日本は、かってRising Sunと言われた経済も厳しく、出口がなかなか




Relax, We’ll Be Fine


April 6, 2010 Op-Ed Columnist

According to recent polls, 60 percent of Americans think /the country is heading /in the wrong direction. The same percentage believe that/ the U.S. is in long-term decline. The political system is dysfunctional. A fiscal crisis looks unavoidable. There are plenty of reasons /to be gloomy.

But if you want to read about them, stop right here. This column is /a great luscious orgy of optimism. Because the fact is, despite all the problems, America’s future is exceedingly bright.

Over the next 40 years, demographers estimate that/ the U.S. population will surge /by an additional 100 million people, to 400 million over all. The population will be enterprising and relatively young. In 2050, only a quarter will be over 60, compared with 31 percent in China and 41 percent in Japan.

In his book, “The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050,” über-geographer Joel Kotkin sketches out how this growth will change the national landscape. Extrapolating from current trends, he describes an archipelago of vibrant suburban town centers, villages and urban cores.

The initial wave of suburbanization was sprawling and featureless. Tom Wolfe once observed that you only knew you were in a new town when you began to see a new set of 7-Elevens. But humans need meaningful places, so developers have been filling in with neo-downtowns — suburban gathering spots where people can dine, work, go to the movies and enjoy public space.

Over the next 40 years, Kotkin argues, urban downtowns will continue their modest (and perpetually overhyped) revival, but the real action will be out in the compact, self-sufficient suburban villages. Many of these places will be in the sunbelt — the drive to move there remains strong — but Kotkin also points to surging low-cost hubs on the Plains, like Fargo, Dubuque, Iowa City, Sioux Falls, and Boise.

The demographic growth is driven partly by fertility. The American fertility rate is 50 percent higher than Russia, Germany or Japan, and much higher than China. Americans born between 1968 and 1979 are more family-oriented than the boomers before them, and are having larger families.




189)Evidence That Little Touches Do・・・訳2

2010年03月29日 | Weblog






●下線部が動詞でその前全部が主語です、  fast は前の動詞を修飾する
副詞 です。
●関係代名詞または接続詞?接続詞の同格 that以下という証拠

The evidence that/ such messages can lead to clear, almost immediate changes /in how people think and behave /is accumulating fast. Students who received a supportive touch on the back or arm from a teacher /were nearly twice/ as likely to volunteer in class /as those who did not, studies have found. A sympathetic touch from a doctor/ leaves people/ with the impression that the visit lasted twice/ as long, compared with estimates from people/ who were untouched. Research by Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute in Miami/ has found that/ a massage from a loved one /can not only ease pain/ but also soothe depression and strengthen a relationship.

触れる事は、人が如何に考え行動するかのうえで、ハッキリとしかも即座の変化を引き起こす可能性があるという証拠が、着々と集まってきています。先生から腕や背中に応援していることを示すスキンシップを受けた学生はそうでない学生より、ほぼ2倍自発的にクラスで行動する傾向にあるということが、研究で判った。医者からの思いやりのあるスキンシップは、そうされなかった患者の推定値と比べると,掛かり付けの期間が2倍長いとの印象を患者に持たせている。マイアミの Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Instituteが行った研究で、愛する人からのマッサージは痛みを和らげるだけでなく落ち込んだ気分を和らげ関係を深める事がわかった。

In a series of experiments led by Matthew Hertenstein, a psychologist at DePauw University in Indiana, volunteers tried to communicate/ a list of emotions/ by touching a blindfolded stranger. The participants were able to communicate eight distinct emotions, from gratitude to disgust to love, some with about 70 percent accuracy.


“We used to think that/ touch only served /to intensify communicated emotions,” Dr. Hertenstein said. Now it turns out to be /“a much more differentiated signaling system /than we had imagined.”


To see whether a rich vocabulary of supportive touch/ is (in fact) related to performance, scientists at Berkeley recently analyzed interactions in one of the most physically expressive arenas on earth: professional basketball. Michael W. Kraus led a research team/ that coded every bump, hug and high five in a single game/ played by each team/ in the National Basketball Association /early last season.


coded →コード化する→データ処理する為に、例えばハグ=αと記号化すると:

Aチーム α5 
Bチーム α8 というように情報を処理する。



188)Evidence That Little Touches Do・・・訳1)

2010年03月15日 | Weblog





区切りを入れる箇所は、/や、 ;-を目安にしてみてください。

Evidence That Little Touches Do means so much

thatは接続詞の同格を表します、Evidence = Little Touches Do means so much
接続詞that では、文の要素は全て整っています、 名詞=SVO


Psychologists have long studied /the grunts and winks of nonverbal communication, the vocal tones and facial expressions that carry emotion. A warm tone of voice, a hostile stare — both have the same meaning in Terre Haute or Timbuktu, and are among dozens of signals that form a universal human vocabulary.


But in recent years/ some researchers have begun to focus on/ a different, often more subtle kind of wordless communication: physical contact. Momentary touches, they say — whether an exuberant high five, a warm hand on the shoulder, or a creepy touch to the arm — can communicate an even wider range of emotion than gestures or expressions, and sometimes do so more quickly and accurately than words.


“It is the first language we learn,” said Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of “Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life” (Norton, 2009), and remains, he said, “our richest means of emotional expression” throughout life.

「チョッとしたスキンシップは私達が身につける最初の言葉なのですよ」とカリフォルニア大バークレイ校の心理学教授であり「Born to Be Good」(人は生まれながら善たるものーの意)The Science of a Meaningful Life”の著者D・ケルトナーは語った、そして生涯を通じて最も豊かな感情表現だと語った。


●下線部は、前のthe grunts and winks of nonverbal communicationを説明する名詞句です。 (下線部thatは関係代名詞)

● both は前に二つの主語を表しています。



187)Evidence That Little Touches Do ・・・

2010年02月28日 | Weblog




以前エルヴィズ・コステロのsmileの歌詞をこのブログで訳しました、とても素敵な歌詞でいいな~と思ったのですが、よく考えると本当に大切な人には「思いっきり泣き、嫌な事辛いことは吐き出し、全部聞くから」と言いたい 喜びを分かち合うのは当たり前に出来るけど、悲しみや辛さを一緒に味わってこそ・・・

Evidence That Little Touches Do Mean so much

February 23, 2010

Psychologists have long studied the grunts and winks of nonverbal communication, the vocal tones and facial expressions that carry emotion. A warm tone of voice, a hostile stare — both have the same meaning in Terre Haute or Timbuktu, and are among dozens of signals that form a universal human vocabulary.

But in recent years some researchers have begun to focus on a different, often more subtle kind of wordless communication: physical contact. Momentary touches, they say — whether an exuberant high five, a warm hand on the shoulder, or a creepy touch to the arm — can communicate an even wider range of emotion than gestures or expressions, and sometimes do so more quickly and accurately than words.

“It is the first language we learn,” said Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of “Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life” (Norton, 2009), and remains, he said, “our richest means of emotional expression” throughout life.

The evidence that such messages can lead to clear, almost immediate changes in how people think and behave is accumulating fast. Students who received a supportive touch on the back or arm from a teacher were nearly twice as likely to volunteer in class as those who did not, studies have found. A sympathetic touch from a doctor leaves people with the impression that the visit lasted twice as long, compared with estimates from people who were untouched. Research by Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute in Miami has found that a massage from a loved one can not only ease pain but also soothe depression and strengthen a relationship.

In a series of experiments led by Matthew Hertenstein, a psychologist at DePauw University in Indiana, volunteers tried to communicate a list of emotions by touching a blindfolded stranger. The participants were able to communicate eight distinct emotions, from gratitude to disgust to love, some with about 70 percent accuracy.

“We used to think that touch only served to intensify communicated emotions,” Dr. Hertenstein said. Now it turns out to be “a much more differentiated signaling system than we had imagined.”

To see whether a rich vocabulary of supportive touch is in fact related to performance, scientists at Berkeley recently analyzed interactions in one of the most physically expressive arenas on earth: professional basketball. Michael W. Kraus led a research team that coded every bump, hug and high five in a single game played by each team in the National Basketball Association early last season.




186)Can Play, Then Eat 訳

2010年02月15日 | Weblog








Some experts think it can, and now some schools are rescheduling recess -sending students out to play /before they sit down for lunch. The switch appears to have led /to some surprising changes in both cafeteria and classroom.


Schools that have tried it report that/ when children play before lunch, there is less food waste /and higher consumption of milk, fruit and vegetables. And some teachers say /there are fewer behavior problems.


“Kids are calmer after they’ve had recess first,” said Janet Sinkewicz, principal of Sharon Elementary School in Robbinsville, N.J., which made the change last fall. “They feel like they have more time to eat and they don’t have to rush.”


One recent weekday at Sharon, I watched as gaggles of second graders chased one another around the playground and climbed on monkey bars. When the whistle blew, the bustling playground emptied almost instantly, and the children lined up to drop off their coats and mittens and file quietly into the cafeteria for lunch.


“All the wiggles are out,” Ms. Sinkewicz said.

注:wiggles クリームソースを使った海鮮料理

One of the earliest schools to adopt the idea was North Ranch Elementary in Scottsdale, Ariz. About nine years ago, the school nurse suggested the change, and the school conducted a pilot study, tracking food waste and visits to the nurse along with anecdotal reports on student behavior.


By the end of the year, nurse visits had dropped 40 percent, with fewer headaches and stomachaches. One child told school workers that he was happy he didn’t throw up anymore at recess.


Other children had been rushing through lunch to get to the playground sooner, leaving much uneaten. After the switch, food waste declined and children were less likely to become hungry or feel sick later in the day. And to the surprise of school officials, moving recess before lunch ended up adding about 15 minutes of classroom instruction.


some は<全体の中の幾らかの>・・・意味があります。

one child (ある子供は)
other children (他の子供の中には)







185)Can Play, Then Eat 文の出だしは難しい 

2010年02月08日 | Weblog






英語の先生は,やたら高い声のBald headの中年の先生で、
”Gone with the wind”の冒頭を勉強したのを今でも覚えています。





そこで Play,then Eat の初っ端が引っかかったのでじっくり見てみました。
助動詞Can や as の用法を見てみました。

Play, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School

Can Play, Then Eat:/ Shift May Bring Gains at School something as simple/ as the timing of recess make a difference/ in a child’s health and behavior?

文頭のCanは何でしょうか 勿論助動詞ですが・・・





Can Play, Then Eat: 遊んでいいよ、それから食べなさい


Shift May Bring Gains at School something as simple / as the timing of recess make a difference/ in a child’s health and behavior?

as simple as は前置詞 と捉えました。 副詞句で簡単に
as the timing ・・・ as は接続詞と捉えました。・・・ので

ちなみにこの文構造は S・V・O・Mです。
動詞は May Bring 
目的語は副詞句を伴うGains ・・・
as the...文全体を修飾する副詞句のM



正確に速読するには、準備や手順が必要です 他の箇所もこんな風に




184)Play, Then Eat:

2010年01月27日 | Weblog





from a distanceの歌詞にあるように遠くから見れば、災害に苦しむハイチはそれでもきっと多くの人の思いやりで輝いていると思います 

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDSh5wUtXt4 from a distance


Play, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School

CanPlay, Then Eat: Shift May Bring Gains at School something /as simple as the timing of recess make a difference/ in a child’s health and behavior?

Some experts think it can, and now some schools are rescheduling recess — sending students out to play /before they sit down for lunch. The switch appears to have led /to some surprising changes in both cafeteria and classroom.

Schools that have tried it report that/ when children play before lunch, there is less food waste /and higher consumption of milk, fruit and vegetables. And some teachers say /there are fewer behavior problems.

“Kids are calmer after they’ve had recess first,” said Janet Sinkewicz, principal of Sharon Elementary School in Robbinsville, N.J., which made the change last fall. “They feel like they have more time to eat and they don’t have to rush.”

One recent weekday at Sharon, I watched as gaggles of second graders chased one another around the playground and climbed on monkey bars. When the whistle blew, the bustling playground emptied almost instantly, and the children lined up to drop off their coats and mittens and file quietly into the cafeteria for lunch.

“All the wiggles are out,” Ms. Sinkewicz said.

One of the earliest schools to adopt the idea was North Ranch Elementary in Scottsdale, Ariz. About nine years ago, the school nurse suggested the change, and the school conducted a pilot study, tracking food waste and visits to the nurse along with anecdotal reports on student behavior.

By the end of the year, nurse visits had dropped 40 percent, with fewer headaches and stomachaches. One child told school workers that he was happy he didn’t throw up anymore at recess.

Other children had been rushing through lunch to get to the playground sooner, leaving much uneaten. After the switch, food waste declined and children were less likely to become hungry or feel sick later in the day. And to the surprise of school officials, moving recess before lunch ended up adding about 15 minutes of classroom instruction.



下線部のfewer は few の比較級ですが、 ではa few と few の違いは? 少し調べてみて下さい。

183)An affordable truth その2) 訳と解説

2010年01月08日 | Weblog






さてAn affordable truthその2)の訳です。

Well, they’re wrong — again. For we’ve been here before.

The acid rain controversy of the 1980s/ was (in many respects )/a dress rehearsal /for today’s fight over climate change. Then as now, right-wing ideologues denied the science. Then as now, industry groups claimed /that any attempt to limit emissions /would inflict grievous economic harm.


But in 1990 /the United States went ahead (anyway )with a cap-and-trade system /for sulfur dioxide. And guess what. It worked, delivering a sharp reduction in pollution at lower-than-predicted cost.

だが1990年、アメリカは(どんなかたちにせよ)二酸化硫黄の排出権取引を先駆け行なった。 そこでどうなったか考えてみて下さい、巧くいったのです、当初予想した費用より低コストで環境汚染を大幅に削減することになったのです。

Curbing greenhouse gases will be a much bigger/ and more complex task — but we’re likely to be surprised at how easy it is/ once we get started.




again. For we’ve been here before


here は文脈から→このような状況 





182)An affordable truth その2)

2010年01月05日 | Weblog

明けまして おめでとうございます




ところでクルーグマンさんのコペンハーゲン会議について、最後の部分が分からないので続きをすこししてみようと思います。181)An affordable truth の最後の部分からです。 前回のを参考にしてみてください。

Well, they’re wrong — again. For we’ve been here before.

The acid rain controversy of the 1980s/ was (in many respects )/a dress rehearsal /for today’s fight over climate change. Then as now, right-wing ideologues denied the science. Then as now, industry groups claimed /that any attempt to limit emissions /would inflict grievous economic harm.

But in 1990 /the United States went ahead (anyway )with a cap-and-trade system /for sulfur dioxide. And guess what. It worked, delivering a sharp reduction in pollution at lower-than-predicted cost.

Curbing greenhouse gases will be a much bigger/ and more complex task — but we’re likely to be surprised at how easy it is/ once we get started.


S V の後に副詞句が入るとSVCが分かり難くなります、そんな時は( )を
入れて繋がるようにします。この構造は S/V/(M)/C




181)An Affordable Truth -訳

2009年12月28日 | Weblog



きっと国民の健康は国の安定の基盤 此処がしっかりすれば来年のアメリカ経済も


それでは今回の課題An Affordable Truthについて


Maybe I’m naive, but I’m feeling optimistic about the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday. President Obama now plans to address the conference on its last day, which suggests /that the White House expects real progress. It’s also encouraging to see developing countries (? including China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide ?) agreeing, (at least in principle,) that they need to be part of the solution.


Of course, if things go well in Copenhagen, the usual suspects will go wild. We’ll hear cries that the whole notion of global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a vast scientific conspiracy, as demonstrated by stolen e-mail messages that show ー well, actually all they show is that scientists are human, but never mind. We’ll also, however, hear cries that climate-change policies will destroy jobs and growth.


The truth, however, is that cutting greenhouse gas emissions is affordable as well as essential. Serious studies say that we can achieve sharp reductions in emissions with only a small impact on the economy’s growth. And the depressed economy is no reason to wait ー on the contrary, an agreement in Copenhagen would probably help the economy recover.


Why should you believe that cutting emissions is affordable? First, because financial incentives work.


Action on climate, if it happens, will take the form of “cap and trade”: businesses won’t be told what to produce or how, but they will have to buy permits to cover their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. So they’ll be able to increase their profits if they can burn less carbon ー and there’s every reason to believe that they’ll be clever and creative about finding ways to do just that.


As a recent study by McKinsey & Company showed, there are many ways to reduce emissions at relatively low cost: improved insulation; more efficient appliances; more fuel-efficient cars and trucks; greater use of solar, wind and nuclear power; and much, much more. And you can be sure that given the right incentives, people would find many tricks the study missed.


The truth is that/ conservatives who predict economic doom /if we try to fight climate change/ are betraying their own principles. They claim to believe that /capitalism is infinitely adaptable, that the magic of the marketplace /can deal with any problem. But for some reason/ they insist that cap and trade (- a system specifically designed to bring the power of market incentives/ to bear on environmental problems -) can’t work.


Well, they’re wrong ? again. For we’ve been here before

では 彼等は間違っている?

  affordable: afford は・・・する余裕がある、→何とかなる

区切りと( )で主語と動詞の関係が分かりやすくしましょう




180)An Affordable Truth

2009年12月08日 | Weblog






●音読を数回続け、そのあいだに貴方なりの区切りを入れてみてください。挿入句や副詞句など意識して( )にいれるとスッキリ文構造が見えてきます。


the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday
startingは名詞句the clilmate talksを修飾する現在分詞形容詞です、全体で長い名詞句を構成します、

●(前置詞)about +長い名詞句→副詞句

December 7, 2009
Op-Ed Columnist


Maybe I’m naïve, but I’m feeling optimistic about the climate talks /starting in Copenhagen on Monday. President Obama now plans to address the conference on its last day, which suggests /that the White House expects real progress. It’s also encouraging to see developing countries (— including China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide —) agreeing, (at least in principle,) that they need to be part of the solution.

Of course, if things go well in Copenhagen, the usual suspects will go wild. We’ll hear cries that the whole notion of global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a vast scientific conspiracy, as demonstrated by stolen e-mail messages that show — well, actually all they show is that scientists are human, but never mind. We’ll also, however, hear cries that climate-change policies will destroy jobs and growth.

The truth, however, is that cutting greenhouse gas emissions is affordable as well as essential. Serious studies say that we can achieve sharp reductions in emissions with only a small impact on the economy’s growth. And the depressed economy is no reason to wait — on the contrary, an agreement in Copenhagen would probably help the economy recover.

Why should you believe that cutting emissions is affordable? First, because financial incentives work.

Action on climate, if it happens, will take the form of “cap and trade”: businesses won’t be told what to produce or how, but they will have to buy permits to cover their emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. So they’ll be able to increase their profits if they can burn less carbon — and there’s every reason to believe that they’ll be clever and creative about finding ways to do just that.

As a recent study by McKinsey & Company showed, there are many ways to reduce emissions at relatively low cost: improved insulation; more efficient appliances; more fuel-efficient cars and trucks; greater use of solar, wind and nuclear power; and much, much more. And you can be sure that given the right incentives, people would find many tricks the study missed.

The truth is that conservatives who predict economic doom if we try to fight climate change are betraying their own principles. They claim to believe that capitalism is infinitely adaptable, that the magic of the marketplace can deal with any problem. But for some reason they insist that cap and trade — a system specifically designed to bring the power of market incentives to bear on environmental problems — can’t work.

Well, they’re wrong — again. For we’ve been here before



179)Where the Wild Things Are-英字新聞での勉強方1)

2009年11月20日 | Weblog




例えば、Where the Wild Things Are では、部分否定が使われます。<必ずしも・・・ではない><いつもそういうわけではない>の表現です。


例: Students who are routinely dishonest at home /are not routinely dishonest at school












ところでこのコラムでのthe Wild Things って何でしょう?{178)に太字でマークしておきます}




178)Where the Wild Things Are  訳

2009年11月07日 | Weblog


秋も深まってきました! インフルエンザが流行っています、手洗い・ウガイを!



In Homer’s poetry, every hero has a trait. Achilles is angry. Odysseus is cunning. And so/ was born/ one picture of character and conduct.


In this view, what you might call the philosopher’s view(, each of us )/has certain ingrained character traits. An honest person will be honest/ most of the time. A compassionate person will be compassionate.


These traits,( as they say), go (all the way )down. They shape who we are, what we choose to do /and whom we befriend. Our job is to find out /what traits of character /we need to become virtuous.


But, as Kwame Anthony Appiah, a Princeton philosopher, notes in his book “Experiments in Ethics,” this philosopher’s view of morality/ is now being challenged /by a psychologist’s view. According to the psychologist’s view, individuals don’t have one thing/ called character.

だが、プリンストン大の哲学者Kwame Anthony Appiahが著書で述べている<倫理的価値の実践>に関して、この哲学者の道徳観に今や心理学的観点から異議が唱えられている。心理学的観点に従えば、個々の人間は性格と名付けられた単一のもので成り立っているわけではない。

The psychologists say this /because a century’s worth of experiments suggests that/ people’s actual behavior is not driven/ by permanent traits /that apply from one context to another. Students who are routinely dishonest at home /are not routinely dishonest at school. People who are courageous at work /can be cowardly at church. People who behave kindly on a sunny day /may behave callously/ the next day/ when it is cloudy /and they are feeling glum. Behavior does not exhibit/ what the psychologists call “cross-situational stability.”


The psychologists thus tend to gravitate/ toward a different view of conduct. In this view, people don’t have one permanent thing/ called character. We each have a multiplicity of tendencies inside, which are activated/ by this or that context. As Paul Bloom of Yale put it in an essay for The Atlantic last year, we are a community/ of competing selves. These different selves “are continually popping/ in and out of existence. They have different desires, and they fight for control ーbargaining with, deceiving, and plotting against one another.”


The philosopher’s view is shaped /like a funnel. At the bottom, there is a narrow thing called character. And at the top, the wide ways/ it expresses itself. The psychologist’s view is shaped/ like an upside-down funnel. At the bottom, there is a wide variety of unconscious tendencies/ that get aroused by different situations. At the top, there is the narrow story /we tell about ourselves to give coherence to life.




ここまで、よむと漸くthe wild thingsが何か分かるようになります。どうか文中で同じ内容の語句を探してみてください。

太字下線部の文中の句が、手を変え品を変えthe wild thingsを説明しています、それは私達の意識しない欲望や性行を表しています。それが意識せずにcontinually popping/ in and out of existence. ということですとても生き生きとした表現ですね~

