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2020-02-29 | 日記

CHAPTER 4 時制(2)―完了形

1 次の各文の( )内の動詞を適当な完了形または完了進行形に直しなさい.
1) When I came back, the dog (disappear).

2) I know the town well because I (visit) it several times.

3) I was not hungry because I (eat) some sandwiches.

4) I'm excited. I (want) to see Lisa for a long time.

5) I (wait) there for an hour when she came.

6) Please come to my house at eight. I (finish) dinner by then.

7) All the players (gather). Let's start the game.

8) She (do) her homework before her mother told her to do it.

9) If I see the musical again, I (see) it three times.

10) It (rain) for five days if it rains tomorrow.

2 次のA群の英文に続く英文をB群より 1 つずつ選び,日本語に直しなさい.
[A群] 1) We had been studying English hard ( )

2) The game had already started ( )

3) We have been best friends ( )

4) We will play tennis ( )

5) We will have been in Seoul ( )

[B群] a .when we have done our homework.
b .for five years next month.
c .for three years before we went to the US.
d .when we got to the stadium.
e .since we were in elementary school.

3 次の各文の( )内に入る語句を下から選びなさい.
1) I ( ) lunch by the time you get home.
a .have eaten b .had eaten c .will have eaten
2) She ( ) sick in bed for a week when I visited her.
a .has been b .had been c .was
3) When did you last see Ms. Kato? I ( ) for a long time.
a .didn't see her b .haven't seen her c .hadn't seen her
4) Cathy lent me the book which she ( ) from Meg.
a .has borrowed b .had borrowed c .will have borrowed
5) Americans love baseball. They ( ) it for more than 150 years.
a .had played b .are playing c .have been playing 〔*摂南大〕

4 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 私たちは知り合って10年になる.
We ( ) ( ) each other ( ) ten years.
=( ) has been ten years ( ) we came to know each other.
2) 私が彼のパソコンを壊したので,彼はずっと怒っている.
He ( ) ( ) ( ) because I broke his PC.

5 次の各文の時制の誤りを正しなさい.(ただし,原文の大意は変えないこと.)
1) She has left home at noon and has not come home yet.

2) My sister has written a long letter since this morning.

3) How long do you live in Fukuoka?

4) I don't see my cousins recently.

6 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) They had been dating for six weeks, and Joe had always paid for their dates, but tonight was different. He said to Pat,“Could you pay for me this time?”

2) A researcher in the United States has just published a series of reports. According to him, car use in the US reached a peak in 2008 and has been declining since. 〔*神奈川大〕

ヒント 1) date「 動 デートをする,名 デート」 2) according to ~ 「~によると」

7 ( ) 内の語句を参考にして次の日本文を英語に直しなさい.
1) 私たちはこの学校に入ってからずっと友だちです.

2) 彼は日本にいません.シアトルへ行ってしまったから.(Seattle)

3) トムを起こしてよ.12時間寝てるんだから.

4) メアリーだとはわからなかった.すっかり変わっていたもの.(recognize)

5) 来月で父はその会社で25年間働いてきたことになります.

8 〈Dialog〉 次の会話の[ ]に入る最も適当なものを①∼④から 1 つ選びなさい.
Sonia:Do you think we'll be able to go to the mountains tomorrow?
Yoko:Why do you ask? [ ]
Sonia:No. I'm worried that it might rain, though.
① Will we be able to finish our homework? ② Will the weather be OK?
③ Don't you want to go? ④ Has there been any change of plan? 〔センター試験〕


2020-02-23 | 日記

CHAPTER 6 動詞の態

1 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 電話はいつ発明されましたか.
When ( ) the telephone ( )?
2) 私はメグによってデイビス先生に紹介された.
I ( ) ( ) to Mr. Davis ( ) Meg.
3) そのコンサートは今晩テレビで見ることができます.
The concert ( ) ( ) ( ) on TV tonight.
4) 時間をむだにしてはいけません.
Your time must ( ) ( ) wasted.
5) 私はこれまでそのように話しかけられたことがありません.
I ( ) never ( ) ( ) ( ) like that.
6) その真相はだれにも知られていません.
The true story ( ) ( ) ( ) anybody.
7) ロビンソン氏は市長に選出された.
Ms. Robinson ( ) ( ) mayor.

ヒント 5)「~に話しかける」 speak to ~ 7)「市長」mayor

2 次の各組の下の文が上の文の受動態になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) Mr. White made us a delicious dinner.
A delicious dinner ( ) ( ) ( ) us by Mr. White.
2) People say that the bridge is unsafe.
The bridge ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) unsafe.
3) My brother has carried out the project.
The project ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) by my brother.
4) Who will look after your dogs?
Who ( ) your dogs ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )?
5) The committee is discussing the issue.
The issue ( ) ( ) ( ) by the committee. 〔*亜細亜大〕

3 次の各文の( )内に適切な前置詞を入れなさい.
1) His name is known ( ) everybody in this school.
2) The last bus was crowded ( ) many passengers.
3) My cousin is married ( ) a famous musician.
4) He was laughed ( ) ( ) the children.
5) I'm quite pleased ( ) my new cell phone.

4 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 彼らはその森の中で道に迷った.
They ( ) ( ) in the woods.
2) バスが止まるまでそのまま座っていてください.
Please ( ) seated until the bus stops.
3) 私たちは来春結婚する予定です.
We're going to ( ) ( ) next spring.

5 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) This small-sized refrigerator sells well among young people in developing countries. 〔*名古屋外大〕
2) Do you know Anne Frank? Her diary has been read by about 60 million people and her hiding place is now visited by thousands of people each year. 〔*白百合女子大〕
3) Mirrors have always been regarded as having special powers. The superstition that breaking a mirror is bad luck is very, very old, and it can be found in some form in most cultures around the world. 〔*東京家政大〕

ヒント 2) hiding place「隠れ場所」 3) superstition「迷信」 The superstition that breaking a mirror is bad luck that の後に S+V~が続き,「~という迷信」の意味になる.(→ pp.374,397 同格の that)

6 次の日本文を受動態を使って英語に直しなさい.
1) 富士山の頂上は雪で覆われている.

2) 彼は病気だそうだ.(It と He で始めて 2 通りに)

3) 電話はだれによって発明されましたか.

4) 私は祖父の名をとって良太郎(Ryotaro)と名づけられました.

ヒント 4)「~の名をとって,~にちなんで」after ~

7 〈Dialog〉 次の会話の[ ]に入る最も適当なものを①∼④から 1 つ選びなさい.
Maria:Kathy's late. Didn't you tell her how to get to our house?
James:No, you were supposed to tell her.
Maria:Oh, I forgot all about it.
James:Then, [ ].
① it's no wonder she could be on time ② she might be lost and wandering around
③ she must have found herself lost in thought ④ you'll locate her house without any problem 〔センター試験〕


2020-02-22 | 日記


1 次の各文の( )内のうちの適当なほうを選びなさい.
1) (Should, Could) I use your pen? ― Yes, certainly.
2) Children (should, ought) not to stay out around here after dark.
3) Watch your behavior. People (will, would) gossip.
4) You (can't, wouldn't) miss our house. It's next to the ABC store.
5) Jim is very late. He (need, might) be still sleeping at home.
6) Swimming soon after eating (can, have to) be dangerous.
7) Do I have to return the book now? ― No, you (must not, need not).
8) There (would, used to) be a convenience store here.
9) The party was fun. You (can't have, should have) come with us!
10) My brother (must have, can't have) been very popular when he was a high school student. He still gets lots of New Year's cards from his former classmates. 〔*センター試験〕

ヒント 3) watch「~に注意する」gossip「うわさ話をする」10) former「以前の」

2 [ ]内の指示に従って新しい文を作りなさい.
1) I can visit you at six. [tomorrow をつけて未来を表す表現に]

2) I must walk to school. [yesterday をつけて過去を表す表現に]

3) You must fill in the form now. [反対の意味に]

4) This diamond must be an imitation. [反対の意味に]

5) He may come by bicycle. [「来たのかもしれない」の意味に]

6) You should take your medicine before dinner. [「飲むべきだったのに」の意味に]

7) Will you explain the problem again? [ていねいな表現に]

3 [ ]内の日本語の意味に合うように,( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) 我々は大きな間違いをしたと思わざるをえない. 〔*芝浦工大〕
I ( ) ( ) thinking that we've made a big mistake.
2) その通りを渡るときは,どんなに注意してもしすぎることはない.
You ( ) ( ) ( ) careful when crossing the street.
3) 彼女がそのようにふるまうのももっともだ.
She ( ) ( ) behave that way.
4) 歩いて帰るくらいなら,雨がやむまでここにいたほうがよいでしょう.
You ( ) ( ) ( ) stay here till the rain stops ( ) walk home.
5) どちらかといえば今は彼とは話したくありません.
I would ( ) ( ) talk to him now.

4 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) The light in his room is still on. It's impossible that he went out.
The light in his room is still on. He ( ) ( ) gone out.
2) It is natural that your mother should worry about your health.
Your mother ( ) ( ) worry about your health.
3) Why did you lend him so much money?
You should ( ) ( ) ( ) him so much money.

5 日本文の意味に合うように,( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) そんなことをするくらいなら何もしないほうがましだ.
I might ( ) ( ) do nothing ( ) do such a thing.
2) 以前はこの辺にたくさん松の木があった.
( ) ( ) ( ) be a lot of pine trees around here.
3) 面倒なことになりたくないなら,そのことはほかの人に言わないほうがいい.
If you don't want to get in trouble, you had ( ) ( ) ( ) other people about it. 〔*福岡大〕

6 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい.
You shouldn't and often cannot judge people by their appearances. For it is true that a modestly dressed person may have a heart of gold. 〔*神戸学院大〕

ヒント modestly「控えめに」 a heart of gold「(金でできた心→)美しい[豊かな]心」

7 ( )内の語句を参考にして,次の日本文を英語に直しなさい.
1) 暗くなってからひとりで出かけないほうがよい.

2) いったい彼女は本当に彼のことを好きなんだろうか.

3) 今日は外食するよりはむしろ家で食事をしたい.(eat out)

4) 今朝彼にそのことを言ったばかりだよ.忘れているわけがない.

8 〈Dialog〉 次の会話の[ ]に入る最も適当なものを①∼④から 1 つ選びなさい.
Hotel clerk:(Answers the telephone) Good evening. May I help you?
Guest: There's a problem with my shower. No water's coming out.
Hotel clerk:My apologies for the inconvenience. I'll send someone to repair it. [ ]
Guest: No. Actually, I need to take a shower now. Can I move to another room? 〔*センター試験〕
① Are you caught in a shower? ② Could you wait for about an hour?
③ Could you explain the matter? ④ Would you like to change rooms?