

みんなのリーダーシップ 第二弾

2020-07-21 21:35:08 | Weblog



第一講 7月30日(木)15:00~17:30「意欲の源泉」
Leadership for Motivation ~チームのやる気を引き出すには?~

第二講 8月6日(木)15:00〜17:30「問題を解決する力」
Leadership for Problem solving~ 問題は何か、そして問題をどのように解決に導くか?~

第三講 8月7日(金)15:30〜17:30「創造を育む」
Leadership for Creativity 〜超越?・・・枠を超えろ、チームで越えろ〜

第四講 8月13日(木)15:30〜17:30「意志を決定する」
Leadership for Decision making 〜リーダーは、いつ、どのように意志決定を下すか?〜

第五講 8月20日(木)15:30〜17:30「イノベーションを起こすには?」
Leadership for Innovation 〜個・チームイノベーション・・・社会イノベーション〜
第六講 8月21日(金)15:00〜17:30【速習】「みんなのリーダーシップ」
〜世界基準・・・アデア式 Action Centred Leadership(ACL)を速習します〜


2020-07-15 21:42:24 | Weblog
My leadership thinking with Covid-19 are following points;
We re-confirmed ‘Leadership belongs to each citizen’, not only to the prime minister or president of the county and company leaders . Leadership on management will move and expand to Whole Society.
--- we do not think just our organization or our company on management, we think and look ‘the whole Society’.
When we think about Whole Society, we shall solve a problem that is How to ‘Speed up’ of discussion making under our democracy. We shall consider and solve this problem deeply and immediately.
--- we shall find out new democracy style.
We learned in the past, ‘Selection and Concentration’ are very important in the business strategy, but now we shall change this thinking.
--- we shall move to ‘Dispersion and Inclusion’ from’ Selection and Concentration’.
Dispersion from concentration is occurred good things, for example, it is eco-friendly on the earth, working place of people is free by digital, but on the other hand, it becomes difficult to gather wisdom.
--- so, we need to enhance skill of leadership more to more. It is not system, how enhance to connecting human to human. We are in digital world, so that Leadership of Connecting People and Gathering wisdom is Key Leadership in dispersion. Of course, leadership for Inclusion is same function as gathering good wisdom for society.

Seigo Sakai
July 2020