The JAG Relief Action Updates (English Edition)

On our suffering churches and relief activities

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/29/2013)

2013-11-30 20:00:50 | Testimony

 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.
 Here at the center starting at 2pm on November Thursday the 28th, we had the “Beginners Bible Study 5”. Even though the sky was clear there was the strong wind that is common this time of year and people wondered in a few at a time.

 We had some people who come on a regular basis, others who attend our tea parties, others who came after experiencing the concert with Samuel and there were even a number of first time visitors. In all there were about thirty people in attendance.
 We opened with praise and prayer and then had a portion called “sharing the blessing of the Word”. During this portion staff member Ms. Nozomi as well as the ever present and helpful Izumi church member Ms. Uchida shared testimonies of how the Lord had worked in their lives through His Word and everyone listened intently to what they had to say.

 After the worship pastor Ito led a teaching based on the textbook. Just like last time, we had a number if leaders who had already been briefed on the lesson sit at each table so that as everyone talked together their questions and doubts could be dealt with in a fun and intimate manner. In closing we all sang a Christmas carol and pastor Ito prayed a benediction.

 I am impressed by the memory of one of the staff ladies talking with me after the event. She said, “It was so moving to watch everyone worship from their hearts and eagerly study the bible.”

 To each of you who prayed, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

   Please continue to work with us by praying for our various outreaches.
 Thank you for all of your prayers and support. 

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/25/2013)

2013-11-26 09:10:09 | Testimony

 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

 Here at the center on Sunday November the 24th starting at 3pm we held a special worship service with guest gospel singer Samuel and we named the event the “Amazing Samuel Christmas”. This was our second concert since October of last year and we had many of our regular attendees as well as a lot of new people.

 After some opening worship and a prayer, Samuel sang some songs with prerecorded tracks and some he played live on a keyboard all the while wrapping the entire place in an atmosphere of God's moving love. He gave a fifty minute concert followed pastor Ito’s brief Christmas message which was then followed by prayer, some Christmas carols, an offering and prayer for healing and deliverance. We closed the hour and a half worship service in the grace of the Lord. After the service everyone spent time drinking tea, chatting and getting CDs signed by Samuel. The grace of God was present in the comforting atmosphere and by the time we were heading home it was already dark.

 I am so thankful that God's presence was in the center, that His hand was touching people, and that many people went home being healed and believing more in Him. Thank you so much each one of you who prayed for this event.

 Please continue to keep our relief work in your prayers.
      Thank you all for your support and for your prayers.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/23/2013)

2013-11-24 18:13:17 | Testimony

 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.
 On Friday the 22nd four people, pastor and Mrs. Ito and two center staff members, went for the regular relief work trip to the six families living in Rikuzentakada. We all left the church just before nine in the morning, headed up the Tohoku expressway, got off at the Ichinoseki exit and there purchased the needed relief items. We loaded up on rice, cooking ingredients, snacks and various paper products then we set off on the winding road the crosses three mountains in order to get to Rikuzentakada.

 We fit our lunch break in and arrived at the first location after 1pm. It was previously the auto camper site “Mobile” on the Hirota peninsula which is now a temporary housing site. The tsunami come to the Hirota peninsula from all sides and there was a place where the tsunami waves measured 40 meters (131 feet) high. The houses here were completely destroyed and so we had started providing relief items for these people immediately after the disaster. After we prayed with the family there we moved on to the next destination. Immediately upon arriving there we met a member of another volunteer group building a futon mattress drying rack and spent some time chatting with them.

 We then spent some time with the elderly couple who lost their home and were now living in temporary residences. We drank some tea, had some snacks, sang some songs of praise, read the word together and then prayed before moving on. Our next location was about ten minutes away by car. We had been helping this next couple since the start of our relief work but unfortunately the kind hearted husband passed away in July due to cancer and his widow is still living in pain and sadness. We spent some time discussing recent events over a cup of tea, then prayed with her and left but not before promising to return the following month.

 We then followed the coast of Rikuzentakada's Hirota bay for twenty minutes over to another residence which is up on a hill. They kindly welcomed us. This family had a hair salon that was leveled by the tsunami so they reopened their business out of their personal residence which also happens to have three generations living under one roof. We were glad to see their cute three year old granddaughter who we had not seen in a while and we were even able to lay hands on her and pray for her.

 We continued by visiting two more residences. At one house no one was home so we left the relief items in their entry way and one of the staff ladies prayed for the family. The last home was that of a farming family whose house is up in the hills about five kilometers from the coast, but what is amazing is that the tsunami made it all the way up there. Since no one was home on our last trip here they we're very excited to see us again and eagerly invited us into their home! But since it was nearly dinner we did not want to impose and so we took a rain check for next time.

 In lieu of a visit they pulled a bunch of daikon out of their field (see picture) and then allowed one of our staff members to pray a blessing over them. As we left the Rikuzentakada area around 5:30pm it was already dark and so we drove back through the mountains in the dark. We came out at Ichinoseki where we ate dinner and then we headed onto the expressway, arriving back in Izumi a little after 9pm. I am so thankful that this trip to Rikuzentakada was protected by the hand of the Lord. All the glory belongs to the Lord!

 I ask that you would continue to pray for our future relief work.
          Thank you all for your help and support.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/22/2013)

2013-11-22 17:15:23 | Testimony

 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  On Thursday the 21st of November, here at the center, we ministered by packing the boxes that will become the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) presents.

 OCC is a project run by Samaritans Purse which aims to give children living in hunger and poverty what may be the only Christmas gift that they receive in their life. Along with the gift, the children receive a 12 week discipleship program booklet which aids the local churches in holding Bible studies with them.

 This work started here in Japan last year and many of the local disaster victims, whom themselves received lots of relief, chose to get involved with the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Relief Center's outreach by going from receiving grace to giving grace.

 And this year too, starting in October, many people have started bringing gifts to both the Izumi church and the relief center. Particularly, the local council of Higashi Matsushima's Yanaginishi neighborhood where the relief center is located, made a public request for people to join the OCC project and so everyday lots of people come by and drop off presents. Not only that, the local senior’s group made a donation to cover the shipping costs. In addition, on Thursday the 21st we had many locals turn out to help with the work of packing the present boxes and we we're able to complete a total of eighty one boxes.

 The eighty one boxes will be taken to the regional collection point which is the “Group City” ministry which is in the Izumi ward of Sendai city. There they will each be individually rechecked and then shipped to the Philippines.

 All the glory belongs to the Lord.

 Please keep our continued relief activities in your prayers.
      Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Okubo of Yonezawa Christ Church (11/21/2013)

2013-11-22 17:09:49 | Testimony

Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord!

 We are looking for performers. Specifically for people to volunteer as performers for a Soso area relief event.

 The event will be at a temporary housing site and we are hoping for (Christian) people to perform or to act as conversation partners who can be sympathetic with both elderly and/or children who are living in this radioactive disaster area. Are any of you musicians, magicians or entertainers who can work the stage for forty minutes? There is a problem of the lack of volunteers all over the country.

 I'll give you the inside scoop. The Meal Distribution Festival held on Saturday the 16th of November was in need of volunteers and there was a slump in the rotation of stage performers. One of the reasons for this was that some if the regular ministers that came were not able to attend because of the typhoon disaster that occurred in the Philippines. So I received a phone call from pastor Ito saying the he would really like “Yamagata Jin” to come and perform but I told him that it really depended on my family's schedule as to whether I could attend or not. In the end it was not until two days before the event that I knew for sure that I could go and minister.
 On Saturday December the 14th there will be a concert at the Hirobatake temporary housing site (by the Fukuda elementary school) which is in the town of Shinchi, Soma and this will be “Yamagata Jin's” last activity for the year. For next year’s activities there are already guitarists, folk singers, magicians, marimba players, violinists and flutists offering their services.

 I am sure that we will be working at this for a long time. Please keep us in your prayer and we would appreciate your cooperation.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/18/2013)

2013-11-18 14:12:01 | Testimony

 On Saturday the 16th, here at the relief center, with the blessing of the Lord and under a beautiful clear blue sky, we held the 41st “Meal Distribution Festival”. Around 9:30 in the morning the center staff, members from the Izumi church, guests and a number of local volunteers gathered at the center to pray and prepare for the days event (I was really amazed and thankful to see that when I arrived at 9:30 most of the tables had already been set up. Apparently the local volunteers came early and started around 8:30). We had a team of nearly 35 people made up of the center staff, Izumi church members and the local volunteers.
 After an opening prayer, we split into four preparation groups: the meal team, the take home care package team, the stage/PA team and the meeting area team. By about 11am we had finished our preparations and then set about passing out the number meal tickets around 11:30. By that time there was already a number of people inside and outside the center eagerly waiting to see the event start.

 The special stage performer for this event was pastor Hitoshi Okubo of the Yonezawa Fukuin Christ church who uses the stage name, “Yamagata Jin” and his wife Naoko was also able to come. He had a quick rehearsal and sound check and then started the performance. He played many classic Japanese songs, enka, hymns etc. and then once the food was ready to go pastor Ito acted as emcee and opened the event with a greeting and prayer.

 We began by handing out “meal packs” that included disposable chopsticks, wet wipes, a manju, a mikan, a tract made by Mr. Hoshino and an invitation to our special upcoming worship service on the 24th. The meal consisted of hotdogs and the relief center’s famous “niku udon”.

 As everyone left to go home we passed out packages of tissues, and bread donated by the Yokohama Costco via the Kanazawa Assemblies of God church. We also gave out special gifts just for the children.

 We actually had about 350 people come and enjoy the meal, receive the relief items and return home amidst the blessing of the Lord.
 We had some regular attendees, others who have not been around for a while,  others who came for their first time and there were also a number of families that came for this even. One of the ladies from the Izumi church that has been helping with the meal distributions from the very beginning pointed out a mom that was walking along with her young child and said thoughtfully, “That lady come to some of our first meal distributions and she had a little baby with her at the time. Look how big that baby has grown to be!” That fact that 2 years and 8 months has passed since that earthquake was clearly felt.

 One of the people who attended had not been seen for a while. They had been seeking the Lord and had a issue with their hand that made it stiff and difficult to move and in August the visiting pastor who was a part of the “Malaysian Festival” prayed for healing. The person came completely healed and sharing a testimony of thanks and praise to the Lord! (there are pictures in the relief center)

 The day after that event at the follow up meeting held at the Izumi church, a center staff member who was passing out the meal tickets shared with me something that one lady happened to say to her. She said that the lady gratefully stated, “It’s great that the weather is good today. But still, you all are so kind to hold these meal distributions whether it’s rainy, windy or cold. I really appreciate that.”
 Happy reunions, thanks and praise, numerous reports of healings, testimonies of thanks from the locals...I praise God that He has blessed and led this recent event!

 Periodically during “Yamagata Jin’s” two hour stage performance there were breaks where pastor Ito shared encouraging passages from the Word and the worship team from the Izumi church offered gospel songs of praise. It was a truly grace filled time.

 What’s more, some of the local disaster victims said that they wanted to give an offering for the recent typhoon victims in the Philippines so we scrambled and prepared a “Philippines Relief Donation Box”. I was so blessed by the overwhelming response and giving of the people here.

 The 41st “Meal Distribution Festival”, which started at 11:45, was ended right on schedule at 2:30 with a closing prayer of thanks and praise.

 I ask that you would continue to pray for our future relief work.

          Thank you all for your help and support.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Okubo of Yonezawa Christ Church (11/17/2013)

2013-11-18 14:08:10 | Testimony

Hallelujah! Saturday the 16th was the Higashi Matsushima AG Relief Center's meal distribution.

 I wore my green jersey of the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles baseball team, the symbol of reconstruction in this area, and sang with all my might.
 After finishing on the stage, Ms. “N”, a lady in her seventies, came up to me and said, “Jin, after hearing your songs today I feel really good. I've gotten my second wind to press on further. Please come again and sing.” Her beloved dog “Hana”(9yrs.) was born in the Kubota neighborhood of Yonezawa, not far from the church I pastor. God's leading is truly amazing.

 The songs that I played were “Jesus loves you” along with 20 famous hymns and Japanese classics.

 I had a slight cough since last week so it was a little bit painful to sing but I am thankful that I could be of help. Thank you for all of your prayers.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/16/2013)

2013-11-16 15:39:41 | Testimony

Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  Here at the relief center, on Friday the 15th, we started preparations for the 41st meals distribution which will be held on the following day of the 16th. A team of about thirty people made up of the center staff, members of the Izumi church and many local turned out to help in the preparations.

 We opened the prep day with prayer and then prepared 400 people's worth of meals as well as relief care packages stuffed with tracts and bread; the men set up the tent and stage outside and we were even able to slip lunch in. During the lunch break pastor and Mrs. Ito shared a word of encouragement regarding the idea of “thanks”. It was a great lunch break with a chance to get a “taste” of the Word!

 The prep work started at around 11am and ended, as planned, at 2:30pm. We closed out the time with prayer and thanks and prayed a blessed over the following day's meal distribution.

 Please keep our continued relief activities in your prayers.
      Thank you for all of your prayers and support.


A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/11/2013 Part 2)

2013-11-12 07:58:15 | Testimony

Praise the Lord!
 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  On the afternoon of Sunday the 10th here at the relief center, we held worship and Sunday school. For this week's worship we had special guest Mr. Masaki and Mrs. Tomoko Ando, the pastors of Sanda Agape Christ church in Sanda, Hyogo. Along with them was their sixth grader son Yuki. The Boehme missionary family that currently works at the relief center worked at the Sanda church prior to the disaster and pastor Ando even sent them up here a few times immediately after the disaster. The Lord was gracious enough to lead them here again and they stayed with the Boehme's, attending morning worship and Sunday school at the Izumi church.

 At the relief center, Yuki attended Sunday school while the Ando's ministered in the main worship service. After prayer and worship pastor Tomoko shared her wonderful testimony of salvation. This was followed by a joint special song of worship given by the Boehme's and the Ando's. Then pastor Ando share a message taken from Psalm 102:17 entitled “He will respond to the prayer of the destitute, He has not despised their plea.” With this message he gently and thoughtfully conveyed hope and happiness to the hurting hearts of the disaster victims. After the message he led a time of prayer for the healing and protection of the disaster victims.

 We were blessed to have nearly 35 locals in attendance for this worship service. There were folks who have attended previous services, others who recently received relief items as well as some first time visitors. The Sunday school time with the children was also very blessed.

 Currently, “Convoy of Hope”, which is affiliated with the US Assemblies of God, has given a financial offering to the center which has allowed us to start providing heating oil to those in need. Please pray that this heating oil relief effort will be effective in sharing the love of the Lord and that many people will encounter God through it.

 This week, on Saturday the 16th, we will hold our 41st meal distribution. It will surely be cold as well as blustery from the strong north wind that this area is infamous for. Missionary Glenn from the Shinohara church is scheduled to come with a team on Thursday the 14th and then join the locals, the center staff and members from Izumi to start preparations on Friday. Together we will work to setup the facilities, prepare tracts for distribution as well as do the cooking prep for the meal. We are planning on preparing about 400 people's worth of food and relief items. Please pray that we will be able to share the love of the Lord with everyone and that both the weather and the ministers will be protected. I give God all the glory!

 Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Okubo of Yonezawa Christ Church (11/11/2013)

2013-11-12 07:42:21 | Testimony

Hallelujah! Thank you all for your prayers.

 This most recent even that we held was the best yet! Praise the Lord!

 On Saturday the 9th of November, starting at 1:30pm, the Niigata Grace Trio held a "Violin and Flute Ensemble" at the Gankoya temporary housing site which is in the town of Shinchi. Almost twenty people attended and we were able to deepen our relationship and connection with the people there. The ensemble's performance as well as the reading of the book “Sono mama no kimi ga suki” (I like you just the way you are) ended at 2:50pm...(I had brought my guitar, tuned it and was on standby since the Niigata team was running a few minutes late, but in the end the services of "Yamagata Jin" weren't needed...phew!)

 Mr. "W", a former fisherman, openly shared with pastor Tsuchiya, about his concerns for the future of Fukushima prefecture. When I asked a mother, Ms. "F", who attended with here 2 year old daughter (she also brought her 2 year old niece) what she thought of the event, she said that it was a good diversion and it helped to release the stress that she felt. The Niigata team, who live a little over 4 hours away, arrived back at their homes around 10:30pm that evening. Shalom!

 ・・・What’s more, the fellowship time that we held afterwards was a great time of interaction and was the best that we have had yet!
 The Grace Trio members as well as Ms. “N” and Ms. “H”, who came from Koriyama, spent time playing with the children, while pastor Tsuchiya, his wife pastor Yasu and myself mingled with the adults. It was a wonderful time of strengthening relationships that lasted for over an hour. After seeing Ms. “M’s” help with refreshments and attending to the elderly guests as well as Mr. Takashi’s help with getting the PA setup, I realized that this kind of ministry really needs about ten volunteers.


A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/11/2013 Part 1)

2013-11-12 07:31:37 | Testimony

Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  On Thursday the 7th, here at the relief center, we held the twentieth "Tea Party Event". We were so blessed that God gave us good weather which led many people to attend this wonderful event. Missionary Rhonda opened with a word of prayer, then we sang classic songs like “Akatonbo” (red dragonfly) and “Sato no Aki” (down home in autumn), then the staff led some enjoyable games, followed by some worship songs. Then we all enjoyed delicious snacks while some of the center staff members as well as retired minister Mr. Honma and Mrs. Ito, pastor Aiko that is, shared a bit from the Word. Each person shared a scripture that had a major impact on their lives and how it had blessed and changed them. Everyone that came listened intently to the real live experiences that the Word had brought about. In closing, pastor Aiko prayed a blessing and then many people hung around to chat with the center staff.

 At this meeting, two different people shared testimonies of healing, one about their husband and another about their nephew. I am so thankful that the Lord is making clear to these people that He hears their prayers.

 I ask that you please pray for the salvation and healing of these many lost disaster victims. Thank you for your support and your prayers.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/2/2013)

2013-11-02 10:49:52 | Testimony

Praise the Lord!
 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  At the relief center from Tuesday October the 29th to Saturday November the 2nd we were blessed to have brother Kuroda from Fujisawa Olive Chapel come and minister by giving free massages. Mr. Kuroda has ministered here six times including this visit and many of the locals know him well and seem almost like his regular customers. There were also first timers who came because they heard rumors of the free service not to mention that the center staff was making people aware of the ministry. I am so thankful for Mr. Kuroda making the huge sacrifice to repeatedly come here and minister.

 For this round of massage ministry over forty people came to receive treatment. We would really appreciate if you would pray that each person who came to the relief center would receive the love of Jesus and be drawn to His feet.

 On Thursday the 7th we are planning on holding our 20th “Tea Party”. Please keep it in your prayers.
Currently, we are planning this year's final meal distribution festival for Saturday November the 16th from 11:30 to 2:30. We are kindly ask for the cooperation of both churches and individuals both in praying for the event as well as coming to minister.
Please continue to keep our relief work in your prayers.

 All the glory belongs to the Lord!
        Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (11/1/2013)

2013-11-02 09:50:52 | Testimony

Praise the Lord!
 Thank you all for your consistent and loving prayers and support for the relief work of the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

  Here at the relief center on Sunday the 27th of October, we held Sunday worship and Sunday school. For worship we had praise and then salvation testimonies from some staff members followed by a long awaited message from pastor Ito who had been away ministering for over a month and a half. We were blessed to have a number of local folks show up for the service. What's more, we had a lady attend for the first time after we met her at a nearby temporary housing site while distributing relief items. We all praise God that she came, was touched by the Lord and deeply moved; she said that she really wants to continue attending. At the end of the worship time we prayed for the recovery of an attendee who had recently been hurt in an accident as well as for people who were sick and unable to attend. It was a great chance for everyone to experience the restoration and healing work of the Lord.

 In the Sunday school session they had a “Roasted Sweet Potato” party. This started with a message from the Word followed by a delicious snack of warm roasted Japanese sweet potatoes.

 We are planning on holding our twentieth “Tea Party” on Thursday the 7th. Please keep it in your prayers.
Also, the next meal distribution is scheduled for Saturday the 16th from 11:30 to 2:30. We kindly ask for the cooperation of both churches and individuals to both pray for the event as well as to come and minister.
Even still at the Matsushima Amazing Grace Relief Center we daily have people come and request heating appliances as well as other various relief items.

 We ask for your continued support as you remember these issues in your prayers.
 All the glory belongs to the Lord!
        Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

To view more pictures of this event, click this link and scroll to the bottom of the blog entry.