The JAG Relief Action Updates (English Edition)

On our suffering churches and relief activities

3/30 Relief Report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly Church

2011-03-30 23:01:01 | Situations of Suffering Churches

3/30 Report
 Pastor Kiyosawa arrived in Iwaki driving a 2 ton truck full of clothes and delivered half of the contents to the Minami Elementary School where the evacuees welcomed them.

 At the same time, Pastor Sakai sped over from Koriyama bringing relief goods that Pastor Sanga had learned were needed in the Iwaki evacuation shelters.

 We went twice to the Chuo Dai community center to deliver urgently needed baby diapers.

 After that, Pastor Lee and believers from Grace Truth Church in Nagoya came and observed many neighborhoods around Iwaki. The Usuiso neighborhood was especially hard hit. An acquaintance of one of the believers from Nagoya, who lives in Usuiso, just happened to be searching through the rubble as we came and we listened to their personal account of running for dear life from the oncoming tsunami.

 We had gone there to deliver food but since the people had already left we were not able to deliver any.

 We also went and visited a seeker from our church that lives in Nakanotsukuri. We listened to their tsunami experience, fellowshipped, prayed with them and then returned home.
 Thank you everyone for your material and emotional support. We plan to continue the relief work, connecting with the local church.


This is the Toyoma neighborhood. It is awful.

3/29 Relief Report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly Church

2011-03-30 22:43:58 | Situations of Suffering Churches

▽3/29 Report
 The relief team of 5 people, sent out from headquarters, lead by Pastor Horikawa came to Iwaki and helped deal with the lack of running water by transporting large amounts of water form the Japanese military water distribution facility to various neighborhoods.

 After that, they went to the Naraba neighborhood in order to see what needs there were at the Minami Elementary School where a large number of evacuees are staying. They confirmed that clothes were needed and Pastor Kiyozawa, who was part of the group, arranged to have clothes delivered on the following day.

 In the evening, some of the believers came to the church and gratefully received water and fresh food before returning home.

 Later that night the group delivered baby bottles to the Chuo Dai Community Center. It was great timing because the center was in need of new bottles.

The picture above is of the Usuiso neighborhood. Around 100 people were killed and 20 are missing from this area. The Chuo Dai neighborhood where our church is located has some evacuees from Usuiso.

From Pastor Hiroshi Ito of Izumi Fukuin Christ Church (3/30)

2011-03-30 10:18:42 | Situations of Suffering Churches

Praise the Lord. We appreciate all of your prayers.
 Today (30th) the 20 member team as at work in the Arai neighborhood of Higashi Matsushima city. I would be so happy if you would pray for the anointing over the pastors, Bible school students, doctors and church members as they minister. Pray that as they work in this rough environment that their health would be sustained, that through their words and actions they could be a witness for Christ, and for the comfort, healing, and salvation over that region.
(Picture: Volunteer’s clothes drying outside church after washing of the mud)

From Pastor Hiroshi Ito of Izumi Fukuin Christ Church (3/29)

2011-03-30 09:57:42 | Situations of Suffering Churches

Praise God. Thank you for all of your prayers.
Starting today (29th) the disaster relief volunteers made up of pastors, Bible school students and believers sent out from the JAG will begin their 3 day/2 night ministry. From the first day a group of 20 people tackled the job of cleaning out the 30 centimeter (~1 foot) deep mud that the tsunami deposited in the houses of the Arai neighborhood in Higashi Matsushima city. They served by shoveling out mud, discarding furniture, dragging out tree branches and logs… and ended up covered with mud from head to toe! After they finished working they prayed over each household and ask for God’s healing, comfort and encouragement. Also, a believer who is a physician came along with us and gave examinations and distributed medicine within the neighborhood. A 20 member team working for 3 days and 2 nights is trivial. 100 people, even 200 people is insufficient. At any rate numbers of ministers and servants are needed. We have sufficient amounts of materials and food. What we lack is “man power”. In places where the Japanese military and municipal workers cannot make it to, civilian strength in our case unified Christian power is needed. We would be grateful if you would do everything possible to gather large groups of people and enroll as volunteers. We would also appreciate your prayers for those who are coming to the disaster areas and getting their hands dirty cleaning out the mud.


“The Second Volunteer Relief Team has departed headquarters” 3/29

2011-03-30 09:44:25 | Situations of Suffering Churches

The Second Volunteer Relief Team has departed headquarters!

5:30AM: The team (18 people lead by Pastor Wada) slated for relief work in Miyagi prefecture, piled into 3 vehicles and departed headquarters heading for the Arai neighborhood in Higashi Matsushima city.

▼The Second Relief Team’s (27 people) mission is to aid with the restoration of the Arai neighborhood in Higashi Matsushima city, help with water distribution in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture, and to give childcare at the evacuation center in Koriyama city (Largest evacuation center in Fukushima with 2,500 people).

▼The team headed to Iwaki (7people led by Pastor Hiroshi Horikawa) will depart momentarily. The team serving at Koriyama (3 people led by Pastor Nobue Nakahara) arrived in Koriyama yesterday evening. The will begin ministering today.

Koriyama Christ Church (Koriyama Grace Garden Church) Pastor Sanga

Two reports from Pastor Hiroshi Ito of Sendai's Izumi Fukuin Christ Church 3/27

2011-03-29 23:07:03 | Situations of Suffering Churches

Thank you for your relief support and prayers. Our church was been established as the headquarters for the relief effort and we are seeing various teams go out everyday to the Arai neighborhood of Higashi Matsushima city. The relief work consists of receiving, storing, managing, and then distributing relief goods to communities to whom which we have formed relationships, providing hot meals, removing mud from houses, throwing out damaged furniture, and visiting individuals to counsel and pray with them. But just a few kilometers to the east of this neighborhood is the city of Ishinomaki which has sustained even greater damage. We are planning on setting up a base camp at Higashi Matsushima city and then share the Love of Christ by helping the people of Ishinomaki. We desire that through the love and supporting prayers of all of the pastors and believers of the Japan Assemblies we would be able to continue serving the people in the affected areas. We are overjoyed by your prayers and thoughts for us.

Part of the relief work if “Receiving Disaster Relief Volunteers”. Already we have had groups from individual JAG churches and nondenominational church but on Tuesday of this week a group of ten JAG volunteers are scheduled to come. It would be truly be a blessing to have people involved through prayer, donating relief goods, and donating money as well as relief volunteers who can work to restored the community and give spiritual care.

2nd Report
Bless the Lord. I have heard that the JAG is sending out volunteer groups to the entire disaster area, Praise God. The pictures are of the Arai neighborhood in Higashi Matsushima city. Every house in this area had flooded 30 centimeters (~1 foot) deep with mud and so it will become the work of volunteers to grapple with removing the sludge. Cleaning out the mud, throwing out carpets and tatami flooring, disposing of broken furniture and appliances and if the water gets reconnected washing the house and furniture… it will be hard work. Please pray for protection from any accidents are mishaps and that we will be witnesses for Christ in all that we do.
 Please be careful as you come this Tuesday. We’ll be praying!

Prayer Requests for the 13 Tohoku District Churches (3/25)

2011-03-25 15:36:02 | Situations of Suffering Churches
Entire District
-We praise God that the safety of all pastors and their families has been confirmed.
-We praise God for the precious relief goods that have been delivered
-Please pray that there would be comfort for the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami.
-Please pray that all relief ministers would be protected and that they would be able to reach out with both material goods as well as the Gospel.
-We praise God that essential utilities have been restored for most of our churches (except the Sendai area churches).

Northern Section Churches----------------------(Minister’s titles are omitted)-------------

《Aomori Christ Church》(aka: Aomori Joyful Chapel) ~Report and prayer needs~ Tomomitsu and Kumiko Shibuya
 The YOUTH relief team from Aomori Joyful Chapel combined with the relief team from Hokkaido (hokumin) was able to arrive at Morioka (Morioka Bible Baptist Church) by using the expressway that God opened up at just the right time. The next morning, we were able to provide aid in the Kamaishi area by working with a Canadian missionary who is the Aomori prefecture area Crash representative. We arrived at New Life Kamaishi Church and the place was a mess inside. But with the help of another 8 OMF missionaries we were able to get the place looking very nice. It seems that this will become a place for volunteers to stay and then launch out to work. That night 400 kilos of apple juice, rice and the like were delivered from Aomori. From there we visit an elementary school being used as an evacuation center in the hard hit town of Otsuchicho and delivered some relief goods. Then we delivered some more items to the Otsuchicho municipal branch office in the Kanezawa neighborhood.
 There are about 60 people staying there and because they are actually making their own food and not eating instant food, there really appreciated the seasonings that were brought. Since there were also babies and small children they were happy to receive the baby formula, diapers, baby food and children’s shoes. Going forward we hope to continue working with Crash as well as further the connection between Hokkaido and Aomori (Aomori Church Network).
 It seems that Crash (OMF) has rented and vacant single family home for the next 6 months in Tono city, which is 45 minutes west of Kamishi and will make it a base for volunteers. It is a rather large 3 bedroom house. It is not in a place that was hard hit since they currently have all essential utilities. Not only that but the land lord also owns a gas station and is given fueling priority to the volunteers for their relief work. I praise the Lord for His provision and guidance. Most of the work in that area will consist of using shovels and buckets to remove sand, mud and garbage from homes that were not completely destroyed, and then washing them out with water.
Please pray that from here on will be led in our activities and that we will be a witness for Christ.

《Hachinohe Church》(aka: Hachinohe Hope Church) Ron and Debbie Galbreath
-The new missionary house is almost completed making it habitable and so we can thankfully move in.
-Please pray for one of the ladies in our church who had here entire greenhouse full of strawberries destroyed by the tsunami.
-There is no gasoline and we cannot travel at all. Please pray for that.
-On March the 23rd (Wed) construction started again on the new church building. On the 25th (Fri) the scaffolding will go up and next week construction is schedule to commence. We have no funds. Please pray. Please give. Please pray that the American AG is able to send financial support.

《Morioka Fukuin Christ Church》 Isako and Jinhei Tsunoda
-The church sanctuary and all of the member’s homes were protected. Bless the Lord.

《Akita Fukuin Christ Church》 Mineko Hamazaki
-I am thankful that in Akita city there are all small lines to fill up on gasoline and kerosene.
-Please pray for one sister that she will be able to fuel up as she comes through from Sakeda once a month. (They are lining up from 7AM)
-Another sister who comes from Katagami city is not able to purchase gasoline and so therefore cannot come to church. Please pray that she is able to get gasoline soon.

Central Section Churches----------------------(Minister’s titles are omitted)-------------

《Yamagata Shinsho Christ Church》 Tsutomu and Toshie
-Praise God that we were protected and that all utilities have been restored.
-We pray that the Lord will help us, protect us and lead us away from uncertainty and onto the path towards recovery.

《Yonezawa Fukuin Christ Church》 Hitoshi and Takako Okubo
-Praise God for His protection. Yonezawa had no damage to the point that we almost feel guilty.
-There are many here that have evacuated from the area around the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Please pray that
starting a new life here, including going back to school, will go well.

《Izumi Fukuin Christ Church》 Hiroshi and Aiko Ito
-Praise God from the depths of our hearts for the prayers of all the JAG churches. As well as for the precious relief goods that everyone has sent.
-Superintendent Hosoi and all the executive leaders, Dr. Kitano and all of the professors and students from the Bible school, as well many pastors in our denomination, we truly thank you for your encouragement and the comfort that you minister to us.
-We are thankful that all of the church members, as well as their families are safe and accounted for.
-Praise God that we have almost completed giving aid to our church people and their seeking family members.
-We are thankful that outside of gasoline and kerosene, all daily necessities are making their way to this area.

~Prayer Needs~
-Our church is currently becoming a relief base for helping tsunami stricken towns such as Higashi Matsushima and Ishimaki which are about an hour away by car. Relief goods from AG churches as well as an enormous amount of items brought by Samaritans Purse and Japan International Food for the Hungry are being store at a huge empty bookstore nearby are being distributed to tsunami survivors by a group of about 10 people made up of some of our church members, Teen Challenge members and members of Bridges For Peace (BFP). Please pray that the Lord’s anointing will be upon our relief activities. Also pray for the health of all of the team members, that they would be free of injury and also covered spiritually.
-We are working in the Akai neighborhood of Higashi Matsushima city a place that has yet to have the utilities restored and where the houses were overwhelmed by the tsunami, leaving it a sea of mud, timber and scatter vehicles.Even though we would like to try and wash out all the mud that the tsunami left in the houses, there is no running water and so we cannot do anything. The area has begun to stink and there are some fears of infectious disease.
-It goes with out saying that the Akai neighborhood has a shortage of gasoline, in fact there is not one store open because of the the tsunami damage and it is an extreme case of lacking in relief goods. We hope that moving forward we will be able to continue working in this area, continually bring in relief items.
-Please pray that the Love of Christ will be shown through our feeding ministry to the 160 some people who are living in the Akai neighborhood.
-As the members or our church’s relief team continue to work and rebuild that area may it become a place that belongs to Christ.
-Please pray for the health and safety of our church’s pastor, his family, and every member of the body.

《Sendai Shinsho Christ Church》 (aka: Sendai Grace Chapel) Yoshiaki, Masako and Motoe Kawakami
-Sister Okuyama’s has yet to confirm the well being of her mother (living in Kesennuma). Please pray that she is safe.
-Please pray for elderly family members.
-The essential utilities have yet to be restored.

▽ Southern Section Churches----------------------(Minister’s titles are omitted)--------

《Fukushima Chuo Christ Church》 Mamoru and Miho Ito
-We have had no damage or ill effects from the earthquake, we are focusing on prayer and the Word, and we are spending our days with the believers connected to our church.
-We are working to be witnesses by acting in Christian love.
-Please pray that our ministry of delivering relief goods to the evacuees of Soma and Minami Soma would be blessed. (In order that the people of these two cities would know the Love of Christ.)

《Koriyama Christ Church》 (aka: Koriyama Grace Garden Chapel) Yoshi and Tomomi Sanga
-For the blessing of the relief work to the victims within Koriyama city (childcare, and providing hot meals)
-For the blessing of relief work within Fukushima prefecture (Iwaki city)
-For the blessing of the relief work to the victims throughout the Tohoku region (Ishinomaki city in Miyagi prefecture)
-For the blessing, and restoration of the health of the pastor, his family and the church members and their families.
-Pray that our church would be able to use this chance to share the Gospel of God’s Love.

《Makiba no Asa Christ Church》(Kagamiishi) Yoriko Sato
-While cleaning up from the earthquake, handling emergency contacts, etc. I was worn out and had various symptoms such as headache, cold, joint pain. Please pray that I would be physically touched.
-There are some children whose homes have been severely damaged and can no longer live in them. Pray that they will be able to find a place to stay as soon as possible and that they can then be able to return to church.
-Please pray for the numerous people that are unsettled and fearful from the radiation problems and aftershocks, that they would come to church and be receive peace.
-With the continued clean up, necessary repairs and disorder in the neighborhood it seems that it will still take some time. We hope to be a unified church strengthened and growing through prayer. I worship the Lord from whom all good things come.

《Shin-ai Christ Church》(Kitakata) Seiko and Nozomu Yokoyama
-For the nuclear accident to be quickly resolved.
-That the air polluted with radioactive material would be restored soon.
-Transportation facilities would be restored and businesses could resume (roads, trains, gasoline, kerosene, postal service)
-For the health of the pastor, believers and all of their families. Also for the health and salvation of the Preschool teacher
-For the salvation of those that are in the midst of fear and anxiety.
-That those who have evacuated to Kitakata would once again be able to smile.
-That I would be able to properly fulfill the role of logistics support for the local relief efforts (Koriyama to Iwaki, Fukusima to Soma and Minami Soma).

《Iwaki Assembly Church》 Fuyuki and Yumiko Okuda
-Pray that those believers still living in Iwaki would receive sufficient food and water.
-Many households are still without water. To buy water and other daily necessities they must wait a long time in line.
-Pray that they can receive gasoline.
-Please pray that those believers who evacuated Iwaki would have their expenses met.
-Pray the the radiation levels would drop so that the Iwaki church members would be able to return.

Original Japanese Post By: Nozomu Yokoyama

Izumi Fukuin Christ Church Pastor Hiroshi Ito (3/24)

2011-03-24 13:34:49 | Situations of Suffering Churches
I would first like to thank Superintendent Hosoi and the members of the executive council for their encouragement and comfort to the affected churches. I am also thankful for the visit the other day from Pastor Wada, Pastor Kitano, and Pastor Kiyozawa. They were a tremendous encouragement.
 We have almost accomplished the support work for our church members and their seeking family members and are now becoming a base for distributing relief goods to the tsunami stricken areas. Relief goods from AG churches, the kerosene from Pastor Ando of the Sanda church, as well as an enormous amount of items brought by Samaritans Purse and Japan International Food for the Hungry (some of those items were not necessary but…) to a huge empty bookstore that is about a 10 minute drive away are being distributed to tsunami survivors by groups such as Teen Challenge and Bridges For Peace (BFP) from our church.
 At the moment we are also doing rescue work in a number of places in Higashi Matushima city which is about an hour away by expressway. We are presently active in the Akai neighborhood where electric, water, and gas have yet to be restored. Even though we would like to try and wash out all the mud that the tsunami left in the houses, there is no running water and so we cannot do anything. The area has begun to stink and there are some fears of infectious disease. For many it is like living on a solitary island, with water distribution only starting recently, 4 full water trucks are emptied in about 30 minutes. On the 24th we were able to provide a hot meal to people in the area. We have received an invitation to return to Higashi Matsushima city and so I believe that is where we will continue to minister. Also, near Matushima in the Nobiru neighborhood there are numerous homes that were completely destroyed by the tsunami, leaving only their foundations. We are also planning to begin relief outreach in that area as well.
 This weekend with Pastor Kisaki and the Hachioji team, as well as next week with the AG volunteer and CBC teams we are able to thankfully continue providing support. It would be wonderful if everyone could pray that all members of these teams are kept safe and that through this relief work the teams can be a witness for Christ; spreading both material goods and the Gospel. That sums up our current relief activities.

Report from the Koriyama church: Thanks for relief items (3/22)

2011-03-22 23:25:55 | Reports of Relief Activities

“Pastor Ando went to Sendai, purchased fuel and brought it to Koriyama!”

   -Connecting with the Relief Team-

-Pastor Ando from Sanda Christ Church in Hyogo prefecture and some brothers from Izumi Shin-ai Christ Church went all the way to Sendai city, filled 50 gas cans with 1000 liters of kerosene and then delivered it to us! We are so thankful that we could then distribute it to people living around the church.

-Then they gave us the 20 liters of gasoline that they were able to buy at the service area on the Tohoku expressway. The vehicle that we are using to build our support distribution network was on the verge of running out of gas but thanks to them we have not been stopped by the local gasoline shortage.

-The picture is of Pastor Sakai from Ojima Christ Church (Tokyo Urban Church) who had arrived with relief items while the other team was still here. Although only a brief time, it was moving to see the fellowship between the Kansai team and Kanto team as they exchanged information regarding the relief effort.


“The relief items from Tokyo Urban Church have arrived!”


-Goods brought to Koriyama through the collaboration of Pastor Sakai and Pastor Kikuchi from Utsunomiya-

-Pastor Sakai and some believers from Tokyo Urban Church met at their church and then delivered relief goods here by taking route 4 north of Utsunomiya. It took about 5 hours.

-We have started the relief effort by having Koriyama Christ Church be a link to the Tohoku district churches, cooperating with Fukushima Chuo Christ Church to reach those victims around Koriyama city, Fukushima city, and the Fukushima coastal region.
-For this purpose relief items, gasoline, and kerosene are essential. The timing for these recent deliveries was perfect. We are so thankful for the prayers and love of everyone at Tokyo Urban Church.
-Tomorrow, we will travel to Ishinomaki city in Miyagi prefecture to check on the well being of a church member’s family and deliver relief supplies to them.

 <Koriyama Christ Chruch (Koriyama Garden Chapel) Pastor Yoshio Sanga

From Pastor Hiroshi Ito of Izumi Fukuin Christ Church (3/21)

2011-03-22 07:22:41 | Situations of Suffering Churches

Praise the Lord! I was very busy in the past few days, but the Lord has graciously sustained my health. Thank you very much for your prayers and supports of love for the churches of the Tohoku district. The Lord has answered our prayers, and sustained and protected each congregation. As of today, most of the relief goods have been recieved, yet gasoline is still what is most urgently needed. Please keep praying for it.

Some church members of Iwaki Assembly Church have evacuated to a family who are member’s of Koriyama Christ Church. Please pray for protection and provision of their needs. It would be wonderful if Koriyama Christ Church could help provide food to these evacuees.

Here at Izumi, we had several new-comers and non-Christian visitors in our service yesterday. One of them had their house totally destroyed and is staying at their daughter’s place. The daughter (a seeker in our church) brought them to Sunday service. Also, another seeker who has yet to confirm the whereabouts of family members in Rikuzentakada (which was severely hit by the tsunami) attended the service (the seeker’s daughter is one of our church members). After the service, we laid hands on them weeping and praying.

Also, after the service everyone was blessed when a man and his son were baptized in water. The man accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior in the midst of the actual earthquake. Hallelujah!

From the 19th (Sat) to today, the 21st (Mon), Pastor Kisaki and four brothers from Teen Challenge Japan did relief work here in Sendai City. Today, on their final day here, I joined them with one of our members and visited some evacuation centers in Sendai City, Tagajo City, Shiogama City and Higashi Matsushima City delivering some needed relief goods.

In Higashi-Matsushima City, we delivered rice, kerosene, gasoline, etc. to a victim of the tsunami (a relative of one of the four brothers from Hachioji Christ Church). We also shared some rice and gasoline with their neighbors. All of them were overjoyed with tears. We joined hands and said a prayer of thanksgiving and further protection. Essential utilities have yet to be restored in the area, and they are short of many things. Please pray. We recognize the need of further relief activity in the area.

This morning, pastor Ando of Sanda Christ Church and two brothers from Izumi Shin-ai Church delivered kerosene all the way to our place. We were touched by their love and commitment. Everyone was thankful. We delivered the kerosene and diesel not only to our church members but also to our neighbors, and some victims in Higashi-Matsushima City and even Ofunato City, both of which were severely hit by the tsunami. We truly appreciate pastor Ando and the brothers, and everyone who has given to the cause.

Please continue to pray for the affected areas in the Tohoku region, for restoration and rehabilitation of its towns and villages, and for people’s salvation.

GGC's T diary 3: March 19th (Kooriyama AG)

2011-03-21 12:00:56 | Situations of Suffering Churches

[Translation翻訳] GGC's T diary 3: March 19th

The day is almost over.
Thank you so much for your fervent prayer and encouragement, and tireless, selfless support you've shown so generously.

I overslept this morning. I set my alarm for 6:30am, but I must have stopped it unintentionally.

It was 7:10 am when I woke up. Ms. T, a non-Christian friend who has been with us here at GGC since Wed, has already gone to work. She works in a hospital. I meant to give her Starbucks coffee and a rice ball! Sorry, Ms. T!

However, I got an email from Ms. T at 7:29 am. It read "Good morning, Toyomi. You've been working so hard. Please rest well. How is your husband? If you guys run out of energy, we will be in trouble, too. Please take care of yourself. See you later!"
....What a comfort!

I was busy with making various contacts and making phone calls in the morning.
Ms. L. She worked as an AET English teacher at an elementary school in Koriyama, and she was supposed to work at the Koriyama school board starting this summer. However, I found out that she has moved to Tokyo to get ready to go back to her country.

She was saying she would work together with us for the Lord at GGC in Koriyama, so I felt sad to hear that she was going back to her home country.

However, I got a mail from her this morning, and she said, "I will leave for my country, but will be back to Japan on April 5th."

"What? Are you coming back to Japan?" I replied.
"Of course! I will certainly come back to Japan." She answered.
Yeah!! I'm so happy!
Just to think that she is coming back to Fukushima, to Koriyama, my heart soars.
I know I shouldn't relay on others, but to be honest, I've been sort of sad to see or hear that more and more people were evacuating to other prefectures. So, this news really made my day.

I got another mail. This was from Mr. and Mrs. A who are on their way to their parent’s home in Kanagawa.
"We are on a bullet train right now. We really didn't mind dying in Koriyama, but our family begged us to come home. So we are going to Kanagawa."
”What determination," I was thinking. But I guess it is hard to turn down families’ pleas.

<17 kg of rice>
This morning since the weather was great with a clear blue sky I headed to the grocery store with my kids and Mrs. T's daughter.

On the way, I found a small drug store open. We went inside, and checked out the grocery section. I called Ms. H, who has a big family, and asked if she needed anything.

"Since we don't have gasoline, we can't go shopping ourselves. I'm sorry to bother you, but I’d really appreciate it if you could get some rice and cup noodles for us," she replied.

However, there was no rice or cup noodle. I managed to grab the last three instant noodles that were sitting on the shelf.

We moved on to a next large grocery store. They had a good amount of veggies and fruits, but here again there was no rice or instant noodles.

Just at the moment, I noticed there was a heap of bread.
"Hallelujah, Jesus, bread!!" I said to myself.
The sign said "Two per customer".
I remembered another church member Ms.M who was saying she wanted some bread if possible.

I gathered the kids who were checking out the Tsutaya book store to see if it was open, sent them to a cashier with 2 bags of bread each.

"I was so thankful for the bread, but what should I do about rice?" I asked the Lord.
Then I remembered a friend whose family owns a rice field. She was saying just the other day something about polishing rice.

So I called her and asked if she could sell some rice to my friend with the large family who is in need of rice.

"How much does she need?" she said somewhat restlessly.
"Any amount would be fine, but they are a family of seven, so it would be nice if you could sell 10kg, or even just 5kg."
"Okay." She answered.

Now I have instant noodles, bread, and rice... This should do...

I went to the rice farmer’s house that afternoon.
When I arrived at her door, she said "Here is 17 kg of rice. I happened to have polished rice, so you can have this for free."

"No way! I must pay for it. Please tell me how much its worth." I said.

"No, my mother-in-law says she wants to give this to you for free, because you and the church have always helped our kids. Please take it."

My goodness, Lord!
Even though they own a rice field, it hasn't been easy for them, rather it has been hard.
Nevertheless, what a comfort and an encouragement it is.
By the way, her family is not yet Christians.

As I was leaving, she gave me a cute paper bag, saying, "This is for you. You need something sweet. I just made sweet rice cakes, please enjoy them. Because you are in Koriyama, we decided to remain in here, too. YOU are the hope for us!"

Thank you!
Even though I've been trying to help others with the love of Chirst, it was me who had been encouraged and helped.

We went to Ms. H's home right after that with the instant noodles, bread, and 17kg of rice.
The entire H family and even H's sister came out to the door and they were overjoyed.

Living together... I've learned again today, that this is what our heavenly father wants to see among us.

PS. This rice field owner friend told me that farmers are saying that the rice crop will drop sharply this year and the price of rice will go up.
Maybe it's time for churches to start planting rice fields!? Seriously!


Prayer Requests from the JAG Earthquake Response Office

2011-03-20 04:23:04 | Situations of Suffering Churches

JAG Earthquake Response Office

Prayer Requests for the Great Tohoku Earthquake

  Thank you for all the concern, prayers, and support that have been given to the 13 churches of the Tohoku district following the earthquake that occurred on Friday March the 11th.
  We have received many prayer requests from the Tohoku district and we ask that you would pray for them first during tomorrow’s worship and then continue on after that.
1 Pray that the comfort and encouragement of the Lord would be upon each person that was effected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
  We pray that they would be able to know the peace of the Lord   

2 Pray that all essential utilities (electricity, gas, water, phone) would be restored as soon as possible.
  Especially for those areas that are in the extreme situation of still being without water.

3 Pray that the fuel supply (gasoline, kerosene) would stabilize.
  It is resulting in the inability to go and buy food, get to the water distribution centers, and travel to and from work.

4 Pray that the nuclear power plant accident will be resolved quickly and that there would be no further damage to the local economy in relation to the accident.
  Misunderstandings about the radioactive leak at the power plant are spreading and relief is being hampered from coming in causing the victims in the area to suffer all the more.

5 Pray that through the prayers and support of JAG churches the Tohoku district would be used to reach the hearts of all 380,000 evacuees with the love of God and His gospel.
  In response to the earthquake there has already been one salvation at Izumi Gospel AG and the baptism will be held on the 20th of March.
  Also, on the 20th, Fukushima Central AG is planning to go to a local High School that is being used as an evacuation center and provide hot meals.

Report from Pastor Hiroshi Ito of Izumi Fukuin Christ Church (3/19)

2011-03-19 12:47:27 | Situations of Suffering Churches

Now one week has passed, and we truly feel the joy that was brought to life by the grace of our Lord and by your love and prayers.

  The disaster areas are gradually settling down and getting back to normal. Still many in the northern part of Sendai city and neighboring Kurogawa County are without gas or water. Please pray for the repair of these vital utilities.
  Yesterday we were able to confirm that all of our church members were safe. We thank the Lord for that. One brother in our church was not able to return home because of the earthquake but finally was able to get to his house yesterday. We had had a great time of fellowship with him here at our home. There are still other members of our church who are living in evacuation centers, with friends, in houses that are in danger of collapsing, so if you would pray for these I would be grateful. We are even now considering having these people come and stay at the church.
 Thank you all for your prayers and relief goods. We are truly thankful. They have met the needs of our church members and we have been able to then distribute the items to their family members and neighbors, bringing joy to all.
  We had taken some water and cooking gas canisters to a sister in our church and I just heard this morning that her mother, who is not yet a believer, said in response, "Jesus' church is really amazing!" We are hoping to continue distributing the relief items and minister to those in our region. If we are able to get more items I think that we could even take them to the evacuation center and become a greater witness for Christ. 
  We are still having aftershocks, shortages on many materials, and many people are filled with fear and worry. Also, because there are many who have not heard from friends and family who live in the tsunami hit areas, there is much emotional care that we need to provide. After tomorrow’s worship and baptism service and after we clean up the mess around the church I hope to discuss these needs with our church members. If you could keep these things in prayer I would be glad.

  This earthquake is certainly a great time of testing, but God is working in a great way. In fact at Izumi Fukuin Christ Church we had a man and his son accept the Lord as their savior and they will be baptized tomorrow. It is someone that we have been reaching out to and praying for over a long period of time but it seems that through this earthquake he has experienced the protection and grace of our amazing God. At the time of the earthquake he was in Kurihara city where the strongest shaking was measured but yet he was protected and made it out alive. Praise the Lord!
 Later I hope to share his testimony. 
 I pray that tomorrow on that Holy day, the glory of the Lord would fill every church.

Izumi Gospel Chapel  Pastor Hiroshi Ito


Current status of relief efforts in Aomori (3/19)

2011-03-19 12:43:49 | Reports of Relief Activities

Current status of relief efforts in Aomori

Aomori was rocked by the earthquake and we were included in the mandatory evacuation, but other than a shortage of gasoline and food, things have continue just as before.

Seeing that most of the relief coming up from Kanto tends to stop at Fukushima or Miyagi prefectures, I thought what about help from the North. We are seeing this come about by working with a willing church in Sapporo, Hokkaido that we connected with through the Youth Network.

Next Monday the first group will arrive at Aomori Christ Church from Hokkaido. With a combined effort of the YOUTH and other volunteer churches in Aomori, we will head out, stopping at Morioka Bible Baptist Church on our way to Miyako in Iwate prefecture. Please pray that we will be protected as we travel, that the relief activities would go smoothly, and that through it all a witness of Christ’s Love will be seen.

Aomori Christ Church  Pastor Tomomitsu Shibuya