My Favourite


Before Sunset(ビフォア サンセット)

2005-06-19 02:23:54 | Ethan Hawke
「Before Sunset」 app.77 mins
diected by Richard Linklater ( before sunrise,School of Rock, waking life...)
Screenplay by Richard Linklater,Julie Delpy,and Ethan Hawke
Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy

Thank you for reading my blog!I think this is the right time to write about this movie.This is my favourite movie " Before Sunset".There is another movie called "Before Sunrise".same director,actor and actress.Jesse(Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) met on the train 9 years ago.They spent a romantic night together.(one night stand...)They felt something each other and they didn't want to say goodbye.But Jesse had to go back to the States and Celine had to go back to Paris.So they made promise to come back the same station in 6 months.....anyways please see this movie,"Before Sunrise" as well.(my another favourite movie!)

Jesse wrote a book about the night they spent time together 9 years ago and the book is selling in the States and European countries.He was visiting European countries for the campain of the book and one day he came to the book store in Paris.

Celine lives in Paris and unexpectedly found Jesse is coming that book store!She got Jess's book, read it a couple times and showed up Jesse's autograph session day.

She was listeding what Jesse was talking to audience and the press but finally she looked in Jesse's face.That was great surprise for Jesse!!After autograph session they said " hi" each other and decided to have a coffee till Jesse's flight to New York.
They haven't seen each other so long.During walking to the cafe,they asked each other if they showed up 9 years ago,what they do now,....

At the cafe they figured out they were living NY same time...they chat chat and fill in the life blank each other.

Jesse wanted to take a walk with Celine like 9 years ago so they left the cafe.Celine takes him to nice place to walk.

Jesse never talked about his wife and kid, Celine never talked about current boyfriend.It seems that they avoid to talk about it....

Celine says " we didn't sleep." Jesse says" yes, we did." Celine says "I'm right." Jesse says "Is that so forgettable?"

The day 9 years ago is the most romantic day in their life....but Jesse got married and have a son,Celine has a boyfriend now so they try to act like an adult.Just talk different topics.They started to talk about what they believe ,gohst,spirits,reincarnation,god,the universe,...and Celine ask "if we were both going to die tonight..,what we talk...?",Jesse answered "talk the the hotel room..." Celine suggests" how about on the bench in front of us?" ...Jesse grabbed her arms and sit her on him...they look pretty happy but Celine trys to make room between him.Jesse moves close to her.

Celine says "you are gonna miss your flight." she grabbed his arm and let him stand up and started to walk again. Next topic was Jesse's family and Celine's boyfriend.They sound jealous each other...

Jesse finds the boat(Canauxrama).That reminds him 9 years ago they had a coffee on the boat in Vienna.Celine is from Paris so she said that's too embarrassing...Jesse forced (..kind of..) to get on the boat, finally Celine agreed with it.Jesse called to the driver to pick him up next boat stop.Time up is very soon...

They keep talking and Jesse remembered how much he wanted to see her .Celine as well.She tells him she remembered him and missed him.Jesse says to Celine,"You wanna know why I wrote that stupid book?...So you'd come to a reading in Paris and I could walk up to you and ask,where the fuck were you?" Celine:"No, you think I'd be here today?" (she can't hide her happy face) Jesse:"I'm serious, I think I wrote it,in a way, to try to find you."

Celine is so happy to hear from him like this but she knows they're gonna apart very soon so she trys not to fall in love with him again...But Jesse always thinks she would have been,his life might have been so much different...

Celine:"Past is past." But Jesse talks all his regret...

Celine changes topic about his wife and marriage life.Then she trys to compose the feeling to Jesse.

Jesse keeps talking but the boat arrived at next stop. Celine:"Well, we're here.We gotta go."

Jesse :" Shit." mumble....

Goodbye time coming,driver is here,Celine wants to keep in touch with Jesse...Jesse offers to give her a ride home.

in the car they start to talk about their love life, relationship, and feeling,...getting emotional each other.she out loud everything what she is thinking.

Jesse start to talk about his real marriage life and his feeling, what he dreamt....

Now they know their feeling each other.the car arrived at near Celine's apartment.

Celine: So I want to try something.
Jesse: what?
Celine: I want to see if you stay together or if you dissolve into molecules.
Jesse: How am I doing?
Celine: Still here.
Jesse: Good. I like being here.

Jesse walk Celine to her door.they enjoy last walk together and she introduces her kitty ...
Jesse asks "You know what?I was thinkng,would you play me one of your songs?"
just one song promise then they go to her room together.

Jesse sit down her couch pretty relaxing...and chose walts to listen.

「Let me sing you a walts....about this one night stand....」

Jesse realized the song is about the day 9 years ago...

「you meant ,for me , much more than anyone I've met before. one single night with you ,little Jesse!
It worth a thousand with anybody. I have no bitterness, my sweet I'll never forget this one-night thing.....My herart will stay yours until I die...」

 Now they know each other...Jesse wanted to see her that's why he wrote the book, Celine composed the song like this...

BGM is Nina Simone "Just in time"

Celine acts like Nina Simone and Jesse is watching her with smile and laughing.....looks like he found comffy right place where he wants to stay....

"Baby , you're gonna miss that plane.."

"I know...."


4 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
買いました (ルーシー)
2005-06-19 11:47:54





「I Know・・・」のセリフにガツ~ンとやられました 

このセット、最高! (riezo)
2005-06-19 12:55:21






I know...の後、どうなったんだろう?っていつも考えます。


TBありがとうございます! (さくら)
2005-08-25 16:35:52
reizoさん 先日はTBとコメントありがとうございました!



「生きてこそ」というヒューマンドラマも見ましたけどあのイーサンもけっこう好みでした。(そんなことを言えるような内容の映画ではないんですが・・・)。ブログにも書きましたがなぜか「ガタカ」「トレーニング・デイ」「ニュートンボーイズ」などのイーサンは違うんですよね~~~。どなたかが「イーサンは文系の優男役がはまる」と書いていらっしゃるのをどこかで見ましたが、そういうことなのかもしれません。reizoさんおすすめの「テープ」も見てみたいと思います!ちなみに私はビフォアサンセットのあの終わり方は、「ジェシーはすぐにはアメリカに帰らなかった!」派です。あの「I know...」は確信犯ですよ


はい、イーサン大好きです (riezo)
2005-08-25 19:18:46

 ようこそ!!そうですね、イーサンホークってなんだか役によって全然違うんですよね。魅力的なときと、そうでもないときと・・・。生イーサンは本当に魅力的ですよ!New Yorkに行ったとき、ちょうど舞台をやっていました。

 「テープ」のイーサンは、Reality bites やBefore Sunrise/Before sunset好きにはいいと思います。この映画でもイーサンは、beer,reefer, pot,high,....he is such an A !!

 でも、こういう役のイーサンって上手いと思う。(もしかして”素”??)とにかく、話す。音楽や風景が変わることもない。だって、映画のはじめから最後までたった1つの部屋で撮影しているのですよ。しかも、イーサンが(今を生きるの彼)robert sean leonardとuma thurmanのことを問いただすという内容がなんだかリアルに感じる・・・。

 この映画でイーサンは、best junky actor awardみたいのを受賞したんだと思います。


 I know...の後、たいていのアメリカ人は、もちろん帰らなかったに決まってるじゃん!ぐらいの勢いで言うみたいです。私は、「え~・・・ハァ~そうか~」見たいな感じで余韻に浸り、帰った、帰らないは別に考えなかったな。


