
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  

喜び、そして別れ...(Pleasure and departure)

2017-04-19 23:21:06 | 日記
彼女と一緒に過ごした4日間は最高の思い出になりました^_^お互いに尊敬すること、支えること、愛することの大切さを学んだ時間でした🤘最後の別れは悲しかったですが、また新しい出発に向けてお互いそれぞれ頑張ります👍I have had wonderful moment with my girlfriend for four days😉Respecting, supporting and loving each were very important for us🙏It was very sad for me last time😢However, Go ahead for our new future👏👏

彼女が来た(Fukushima 3 days dating)

2017-04-16 21:58:00 | 旅行
福島へ遊びに来た彼女と3日間の観光デートは楽しかったですね^_^また新しい地元の良さを感じた時間でした🤘I have had dating with my girlfriend who came from Bangkok, Thailand for three days and it was very exciting and happy for me😊We went everywhere🚘 and I could feel happiness to live in Fukushima😉 I love Fukushima, want Fukushima and my girlfriend✌️