
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  

世界はひとつに(London Olympic!!)

2012-07-28 21:32:12 | 日記
この夏最大の世界的なスポーツイベントであるロンドンオリンピックが開幕開会式はテレビで見ましたが、素晴らしかった自分が好きなポールマッカートニーのHey Judeは世界の人々の胸に響き渡りました個人的に興味のあるスポーツはサッカー、水泳、陸上ですが、いろいろと世界を一つにする大イベントを寝不足覚悟で楽しみます London Olympic 2012 started I am always interested in watching world wide sports event. It is fun for me. The opening ceremony was very great. Paul's Hey Jude was also very nice. Although I like to watch football, swimming and athletics game, I may enjoy watching many game.

海猿(Brave Hearts^-^)

2012-07-25 19:31:33 | 日記
今邦画で人気がある海猿Brave Heartsを映画館で観てきました海上保安庁の実際の現場を舞台にしたこの映画は毎回スリル、感動の連発です自分はドラマも見ましたが、主役の伊藤英明さんは草食系男子が流行の今日、本当の肉食系男子を演じてくれるかっこいい俳優です本物の日本男児健在です最後のラストシーンは本当に感動 Umizaru is popular movie in Japan nowI watched it at theater. This story is risky work of Japan Marine GuardTo solve some accident caused on sea, Brave members of Japan Marine Guard must fight with some trouble and sadness. The main character, Hideaki Ito is a nice Japanese actor that has good physical shape. He is really suitable for this movie I was deeply moved by last scene. I can say that Umizaru is forever through samurai spirit,

アブリルラビィーン(Avril Lavigne^-^)

2012-07-22 23:19:13 | 日記
ここ数日外は涼しくなり夜もぐっすり眠っています 最近夏バテ気味だった自分に喝を入れる音楽として肉食系女性歌手アブリルラビィーンのWhat The Hellを結構聞いてました彼女の元気いっぱいの声で勇気と元気をFor few days, cool weather is coming here. So, I can sleep deeply at night because of coolness. To make my tension up for this summer, I like to listen to one song of Avril Lavigne, What The HellShe is a very popular singer through world now. Her voice may give many listeners power and good feeling

好きな理由(favorite reason・・・)

2012-07-14 22:11:07 | 日記
毎日暑い日が続いています前回のブログに書いた自分がクラブに行くのが好きな理由はいくつかあります基本的に最近の流行の音楽を聴ける、お酒も飲める、友達とワイワイ騒げるなどが上げられます。クラブで流れる曲は主に洋楽なので、面識のない外国人と日本人同士が同じ空間を楽しめる異次元の場所ではないでしょうか?音楽、流行、ファッションに興味がある自分に最高の場所ですRecently, hot day is continuing. Although I wrote through my last blog, there are some reason that I like clubbing. First, I can listen to trend music. Second, I can drink there. Third, I can spend good times with my friends there. As music is almost English, some foreigners and Japanese that are unknown can enjoy same space and time there. It may be strange space that doesn't exist in real society. As I am interested in music, trend and fashion always, I may be a one of club lover

夏ちょっと一息(need break time^-^)

2012-07-11 22:01:27 | 日記
七夕も終わり、いよいよ夏本番です仕事も相変わらず忙しく、休みなく結構働いています休みが有れば大好きなクラブへ行って遊びたい感じです夏に入り結構ルーズ感覚のなっている自分に喝を入れて一歩ずつ前へAfter praying Tanabata(July 7), summer starts. I am busy working from last weekend without taking restIf I take rest, I feel like to going to club and enjoying myself there.I may be a lazy man every summer. To become new myself, go for it