
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  


2015-05-26 10:37:32 | 日記
今日の夜は地元の球場で開催されるプロ野球の交流戦を観てきます^_^巨人対西武の交流戦第一試合で今から楽しみ I will watch professional baseball game, Giants vs Seibu at local stadium tonight🎶It is first game of exchanging between Pacific and Central league⚾️It will be exciting night for me😄


2015-05-18 18:37:36 | 日記
5月は新緑の季節で新しいことを始める時期ですね^_^自分は特に新しい何かをしてませんが😢両親の家の近くに出来た新しいスタバへ早速行きました☕️新しい店で新鮮でした✌️May is season of young leaf, to start something newBut I am not starting something special one now Usual thing is always fresh for me😉I went to new starbucks near my parents' house today🎶Good cafe time feeling new something👍