
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  

今年の締めは(DJ KAORI MIX )

2012-12-20 22:22:48 | 日記
先日発売されたDJ Kaoriの新Mix CDを聴いていますが、かなりいい感じです2012年度代表する洋楽のヒット曲満載で、クラブでよく聴いた曲を思い出しますI listen to DJ Kaori's new Mix CD recently It is very nice. Most songs were ranked highly through 2012 English Billboard They were also best popular song in club

完全始動(Training again^-^)

2012-12-16 23:53:01 | 日記
今日も仕事帰りにジムで運動しました一年ぶりに格闘技エアロプログラムのボディコンバット60分に参加し、超ハイになりました今後は戦闘モードで仕事、運動、遊びに励んで参りますAfter job, I went to gym to do exercise again I participated in body combat of Les Mills(martial art aero training)I have not participated in it for about 1 year since my right knee was injuredIt was hard training for meHowever, I felt better after finishing the programMay be natural high

気分爽快(feeling good^-^)

2012-12-11 23:06:45 | 日記
今日は仕事帰りに抜糸後初めてジムでトレーニングを実施軽いジョギングと右膝部、コア部の筋トレで久しぶり良い汗をかきました全力でない軽度のジョギングでしたが1年ぶりくらいに走った感じは気分爽快無理せず、焦らず今年度中にたまった体内の蓄積を消費していきますAfter job, I went to gym to do training Main training are light jogging, training around right knee and core training of my bodyI have not run since last NovemberSo, I felt good when I had light joggingBy end of 2012, I must continue training for new myself carefully and seriously

再始動(New Moving Before 2013^-^)

2012-12-06 22:27:30 | 日記
昨日病院で右足膝の抜糸をして、長かった治療も終了しましたこれからはジムを中心に右足膝周りの筋肉を鍛える運動を開始本格的なランニング、筋トレ、強度のあるフィットネスプログラムを取り入れ、怪我する前のスリムマッチョを目指しファイトAfter I took examination in hospital yesterday, care of my right knee was almost finishedI need to train muscle around my right knee from todayIt is running, weight training and participating in hard fitness program in gymGoal may be slim muscle body before injuring