氣天流 獅子・ひょっとこ会


想起・GACKT・Kitenryu-Shishimai Hiroshi Ezawa “The flying crane” Mami Yamaji's

2020年11月27日 | 活動報告
“The piano dancing with a lion”  Mami Yamaji & Hiroshi Ezawa
 youtube   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cdpdwoxw6Y  (2016.02.14)














” Kimono” is the traditional costume of Japan, the crane has been often drawn well.
January is the season when the appearance of the crane is the most beautiful of the year.
The color of red head becames deeper, and white feathers will also be in glossy.
There is the famous "Korakuen" ,a historic garden located in Okayama Prefecture.On New Year's Day, I saw some flying cranes  in the garden.

Looking at the beautiful crane flying in the sky, I felt the starting of a bright one year.
The beautiful scene  in my eyes, was depicted in this piano music.

演奏動画 山地真美「鶴は舞う」 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR3kDgdwsWc&authuser=0

予告編 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtIfXe3Ao7I




” Kimono” is the traditional costume of Japan, the crane has been often drawn well.
January is the season when the appearance of the crane is the most beautiful of the year.
The color of red head becames deeper, and white feathers will also be in glossy.
There is the famous "Korakuen" ,a historic garden located in Okayama Prefecture.On New Year's Day, I saw some flying cranes  in the garden.

Looking at the beautiful crane flying in the sky, I felt the starting of a bright one year.
The beautiful scene  in my eyes, was depicted in this piano music.


Mami Yamaji's “The flying crane” selected for  Cannes invitation mivie's theme music. Kitenryu-Shishi Hiroshi Ezawa
“The flying crane” composed by Mami Yamaji, a Japanese pianist, has been selected for the theme music of the movie “ ORIGAMI” which is invited to Cannes Film Festival 2016. Congratulations!
On February 5th, Ms. Yamaji and I held a collaboration of the piano and the lion dance live performance “The piano dancing with a lion” at Nippori Sunny Hall in Tokyo. It was a first time for Kitenryu-Wakajishi to perform with the piano music, so the lion dance was a little bit different from usual passionate, cheerful rythem. The melody of the piano piece Mami played was really nice feeling, like a sound of a little stream, so the lion dance was performed in an unusual mood. 
For the rest of my life, I'd like to perform the lion dance just as this piano sound. Thank you very much for a nice experience.  
March 26th, 2016.

 A comment from Mami Yamaji  March 29, 2015
“To disseminate the beauty of the scene of Japan to the world by music” is my goal and I think the film brought me a step forward to that goal. The story of the movie is based on an old Japanese tale “Turu no Ongaeshi” or “ The Grateful Crane.”  My piece of piano which features cranes is best fit for the film image and its sense of unity got me so exited.
Mami Yamachi official web site ”創奏”: http://mami-piano.com/ 
From Mami's Facebook Page
My original piano work “Crane Dance” is going to be a theme music of a Cannes Film invitation movie. 
CATO OCHI Producer/Scriptwriter/Director
*Cameo appearance GACKT* 
Japan's first all English movie “ORIGAMI” has been invited to Cannes  Film Festival 2016! 
GACKT appears in the first scene of the trailer.
Cannes  Film Festival 
About Cannes  Film Festival 

February 14, 2016






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