言の葉ひらひら - Wordy Leaves Dancing

"In the beginning was the Word."


2012-11-06 | はじめに * In the beginning



アメリカ人は、幼いうちから政治ネタに熱い、という印象がある。今日も数名の5才児が“I voted”というシールを胸に、登園してきた。もちろん本物ではないが、多くの現地校で擬似選挙をするからだ。政治に疎い私には、ある意味、羨ましい。

My sentiments on the election

2012-11-06 | leaves on TODAY
It was quiet around me today... None of my colleagues are eligible to vote. No election-related buzz among my students. As if I am no longer in America. No wonder, I am at a Japanese school in California. I kind of miss the buzz.

What a contrary to the election season four years ago. I was working at a high school in Virginia. There were many heated discussions among my American colleagues and students. The night Mr. Obama was elected, I heard a loud shout of joy from the girls’ dorm. It was a historical moment made tangible. I kind of miss such moments.

Twelve years ago, it was Bush vs. Gore. It was during my student teaching in Michigan. I had my fourth graders debate. They became quite serious; some cried, some were upset. I kind of saw where Americans were coming from.

So I gathered that many Americans are into politics from young age. Even some of my kindergartners were proudly wearing “I voted” stickers on their shirts today. That’s because many American schools have mock elections for kids. And I kind of envy them for growing up that way.