Make it happen - passing the CPA exam and onwards...


When to take

2006-01-31 | Dear Diary
As usual, I'm again home at this hour...
I'm now wondering if it is ever possible to take the exam in Feb.
I realized though looking at my schedule that if I don't take it this Feb., I won't be able to take it till late April or May.

Studies today:
Nibbled some pieces from elementary accounting.
(Still not confident with P/L)

Operating Income
+ Other Revenues
- Other Expense

+- Unusual or Infrequent Items
Income from Continuing Operations

Discontinued Operations
Extraordinary Items
Cumulative Effect of a Change in Accounting Principles
Net Income


2006-01-29 | Dear Diary
Today was my last day in NOVA.
I had 194 points left in mid December
and was able to use up 143 points to date.

Not only did I just go there, but I made progress.
I got promoted to a higher level, and now I can understand French films!!

With one goal realized,
finally I can move on to my ultimate goal
for these past years- passing the CPA exam.

I'm so happy that now I only need to concentrate on one thing.

Foreign Languages Day

2006-01-29 | Dear Diary
5 hours of French,
3 hours of German.


I'm sure

2006-01-27 | Dear Diary
that I'm the busiest person in our company.
I should buy myself a tent and lodge!
But finally, we were told that we can hire two people.
I interviewed three people this week,
but always when I offer them a job, they reject us!
(is it because of me?)

I didN'T want to finish the day without studying so I listened to the DVD
(but only for ten minutes...)

I know it's the basic of basic, but I confirmed:

Sales - Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Margin (Gross Profit)

Gross Margin - Operating Expenses = Operating Income

Operating Expenses can be divided into
①Selling Expenses (ads, sales salaries (me!), freight-out)
②Administrative Expenses (accounting and legal fees, officer's salaries)

*freight-in is an inventoriable cost until sold.

Little hope

2006-01-26 | Dear Diary
I might have to go to HK too.
Feb exam is starting to get hopeless...

Focus time and attention on a select few, or just one,
rather than spreading yourself too thin.
After all, you want enough of you to go around.
    ↑read it in some horoscope book

I'm back!

2006-01-24 | Dear Diary
Come to think of it, never in my life have I landed in an airport with so much snow. Mount Fuji and all the other landscapes were white like Camembert cheese, and it was quite a sight.

I was stranded in the airplane for hours, but I'm safely back now.

All the top management were there at the meeting, and although it was very interesting, it was also tiring since I was expected to speak up for the Japanese office. (Which I attempted to do a few times, and which I made a complete fool of myself.)

If there is a next time, I would:
1. Not speak everything that pops up in my head
2. Learn effective words to convey own idea
3. Not only criticize people, but also express appreciation

Aside from the fact that I had to take cold showers two days in a row, and my throat is croaky from inhaling all the sand and cowpies, everything was swell. The food was delicious (except for some desserts that was like sweetened soggy socks), the people were nice and easygoing, and the colors of the saris seen in the streets were beautiful.

Now that I'm back in the office, I'm again struck back to reality, seeing the loads of work that needs to be done.

As for the CPA exam, which should be my main theme, and not work,
the NTS arrived, but I cannot yet book the date since my next biz trip schedule is still uncertain.



2006-01-16 | Dear Diary
また23日月曜から書きますm(_ _)m

Carrot and stick

2006-01-12 | Dear Diary
Work is dominating my life, creating too much discomfort.
Something's got to give, since each pressured work is possibly the last straw.
But then comes the carrot-and-stick approach. In March, I can go to Thailand for work:-)

CPA studies: 10 minutes of elementary accounting
The rest: S L E E P !!

Oh, I also reapplied for the NTS via the NASBA website.
My application "should be processed within 7-10 business days."


2006-01-11 | Dear Diary
I should not have signed up for the お茶の間留学!
To take this lesson, I had to change the Internet provider,
and now, my connection is clogged. Bummer.

CPA studies: Elementary Accounting 30 minutes, the best I could do.

Last train day this year: nearing 5

Packed belongings for India biz trip: 0
Am required to take along "some kind of sport clothing for outdoor activities."
Cannot figure out what to bring

I still haven't applied for the NTS

2006-01-10 | Dear Diary
It's impossible to take and pass FAR next month.
But I can't postpone BEC any longer.
Unless I try to maintain momentum, things could come to a complete standstill.

So here are my plans:

Study FAR elementary accounting

Biz trip to diarrhea land

Feb: Restart BEC

Somehow find time to take exam by the end of Feb.