Make it happen - passing the CPA exam and onwards...



2005-10-30 | Dear Diary
My afternoon will be ruined because I have work related matters to take care of:-( People, do not schedule study-preventing things one month before the exam. I always regretted it, but I did it again.
Hope I can wear out my brains till then.

Yesterday, I was still working on Economics (and finished packing too.)
I know it's taking too much time, but this is the only way I can improve my scores now.

Also, I counted the days available before the exam, and it turns out I only have one day each per chapter. My goodness! It's a good thing I realized this now...

Here's my plan:
Nov 3(Thurs) Financial Management
Nov 5(Sat) Risk Management/Capital Budgeting
Nov 6(Sun) Performance Measures
Nov 12(Sat) Cost Measurement
Nov 13(Sun) Planning, Control, Analysis
Nov 19(Sat) Business Structure
Nov 20(Sun) IT
And I know there's gonna be a business trip in between... Aaaaa~

Good luck all who's leaving for the exam. Break a leg!

Being tall

2005-10-29 | Dear Diary
Four hours of sleep is killing me.
If there was someone taller and thicker than me,
I would have gratefully fainted in front of that person,
but luckily (?) I could not find a suitable object...

This morning I finally finished solving the Economics chapter from Wiley and am going into Bisk. And it seems I haven't solved Wiley for nothing. Up to now, I'm getting all the answers right:-)
Also for Bisk, I've copied the pages chapter by chapter and binded them neatly into a mini book, which is helping me feel in order and maintain my patience.

Wiley と Bisk 全部やっちゃうくらいの勢いで。

Dear readers,

2005-10-28 | Dear Diary
"I have been greatly honored and humbled by the confidence that you have shown in me, and have appreciated immensely your support." However, I am concerned that my studies is not proceeding as it should be. I am finally finishing my multiple choice questions in economics from Wiley. And only still economics.
I am sure, work is going to get busier every day. I can only endure this situation, as this is fate for people working with journal sales. That said, I would still like to pursue my goal, even if this means moving only a page a day.

(Inspired by Harriet Miers' letter to withdraw)


2005-10-27 | Dear Diary
Working for too long hours is making me sick.
For times like this, I should take a hot bath
but I also want to finish some economics today too.
Hmmm... BEC の本、一冊犠牲になってもらいましょう。


2005-10-25 | Dear Diary
Again I was the last person left in the whole office yesterday.

The fee for the next exam is finally confirmed.

Two nights in Leo Palace with a nice cozy room
with air fare
and transportation to/ from exam center
amounts to 73,440 yen in all.
quite cheap, no?

As for my studies, as I'm totally fed up with the Bisk CD-ROM,
I'm moving on to the paper Wiley and Bisk.
I'm still working on economics which I hardly studied last time,
and which I swear it appeared more than 10% in the last exam.

Foreign Language

2005-10-24 | Dear Diary
I joined a friend for dinner today.
She invited me because a German friend of her was here in Japan for a business trip. At times like this, I should practice my German, but shortly afterwards, I immediately switched to English. 英語がある限り、わたしゃ一生ドイツ語マスターできないよ。

One more month to go before BEC exam.

In order to lead a normal life

2005-10-23 | Dear Diary
during the weekdays, and esp. when there's no time during the weekdays,
I need to finish everything now! Housewife wanted. どんどん時間が過ぎていくよ~(涙)

My Bisk CD-ROM is a mess.
It doesn't show the answers sometimes
And when I'm correct, it beeps the wrong sound and marks me wrong.
やれやれ。But it's kinda fun so I'll cope with it a little more.

don't always jump to questions...

2005-10-22 | Dear Diary


Price elasticity of demand
measures the sensitivity of demand to a change in price.

=   % change in quantity demanded
    % change in price

To make the results the same regardless of whether there is an increase or decrease in price, the amount is usually calculated using the arc method

=   Change in quantity demanded                                   Change in price
----------------------------------          ÷          --------------------
          Average quantity                                               Average price

For a lazy person like me, the textbook part should also appear when solving the problems.  Maybe the CD-ROM is better for me.  解説文が表示されないなどの不具合があるが、ちょっと放置されていたBisk CD-ROM、解いてみようと思う。


2005-10-22 | Dear Diary

I survived the week again!
You won't believe how many times I heard the annoucement saying there's no train left!  And that the train won't come no matter how long you wait!←I find this announcement very cruel.  They don't need to reinterpret the statement, you know...

I counted the days left before the exam
(which I really have time for)
and was shocked to find that there's only 5 more days.  Yikes!

I'm still in economics and am so confused with the calculations.

The price elasticity of demand is calculated as
the % change in quantity /   % change in price,
up to here it's OK.

But when the numbers roll in, I'm over.

Previous rate $10
New rate $11
Aver. games played at previous rate 80
Aver. games played at new rate 70

------------------------ =1.4

When 5 division is needed,
I'm always unsure what the end results really mean.

Also why is the subtraction going on in two different directions?
numerator: previous - new
denominator: new minus previous

But I bet it's probably only me who don't understand this.


what happens when working too much too late

2005-10-20 | Dear Diary
i felt sick when i woke up yesterday,
but had to go to work cause i had the key to my office floor.
thought i'd feel better gradually but no.
the dizziness wouldn't go away.
i zigzagged my way to the office like a drunk person and
collapsed on the floor when i reached the office entrance.
i have no power left to capitalize my sentences,
but am hanging on to economic mcqs from wiley.

Almost booked

2005-10-19 | Dear Diary
November 23rd, Wednesday is my day.
I'm again contacting Leo Palace for the airfare and hotel.
The only problem is that they don't offer cheap tickets for those who only stay there for one night, and I can't take my days off two days in a row during this busy season.
The only solution is to sneak out of office early and take the night flight.
I tried to reschedule my exam for BEC, and am surprised to see none of the days available for the last two weeks of November for Guam.

Since noon, I have a runny nose and can't stop sneezing.
Don't tell me this is a cold...

love at first sight

2005-10-16 | Dear Diary
I wanted to lock myself up at home and cram in BEC,
but then I realized I was running out of coffee
which I could not live without for a day;-)
And it can't be any coffee- it must be from a coffee shop.

At the shop, I found a brass coffee mill
which I could not take my eyes off.

It seemed exactly like the bullet I've bought in Sarajevo
many many years ago when I wanted to see for myself
what a war exactly was.

The right one in the picture is the bullet.
It hasn't been polished because I wanted to leave
whatever handprints and marks of sorrow left left.

Adding flowers increased the sadness,
but now with a friend to accompany him,
the bullet finally seems to be at peace.

During the war, so many have lost the chances to study.
And here I am living in a peaceful world whining about work and how tired I am to study.
Shame on me.


2005-10-15 | Dear Diary
I woke up with head throbbing to find that it was already dinner time.
If I had to work for one more day, I think I would've been dead, really!
At the moment, I'm still leaving work in time for the last train, but still have the weekend off, so I should be grateful.

First I will clean this mess
Second: do the laundries
Third: Cook some raviolis and sip some white wine?
(confession: have already digested Ramen and espresso, which really did not go too well)
Fourth: I hear rain- laundry postponed
Fifth: search for flights to Guam
Sixth: study for BEC

The good old days

2005-10-13 | Dear Diary
I miss the days I used to say I was busy when in fact it was way too easier than now.
I MUST SURELY BE INSANE to dedicate all possible hours and effort to work.
Is this company worth all this?

As for BEC, the MCQs I ripped off is so crumpled now (cause it was in my bag for so long), I need to finish this before it starts to fade...
10 MCQs per day is the best I could do per day.

Gotta go!

Another one of my friends passed!

2005-10-11 | Dear Diary
Chatted just now with a friend who passed all his exams! Congrats!
Asked him tips for passing,
and the answer was,

Tomorrow I'm off to Kobe and Kyoto, but
still have to pack
and leeks to chop and fridge.

Time spent staring at economic problems: 10 minutes.
Estimated free time tomorrow: 0. (as will be with boss the whole time)