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Disastrous Education System in E-'lem

2010-08-28 20:44:41 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
なんか知らんが、東エルサレムに住んでるパレスチナの子ども達が通ってる学校の状況に関する報告書を Association of Civil Rights in Israel(ACRI:האגודה לזכויות האזרח )と Ir Amim(עיר עמים: ヘブライ語で『市民』という意味)が公表していたのだが・・・。
・ACRI, Ir Amim in New Report: Neglect of Education in E. J'lem Persists(2010年8月24日 acri.org.il)

・Failed Grade: Palestinian Education System in East Jerusalem 2010(2010年8月24日 acri.org.il;.pdfファイル)

・Israel plans more East Jerusalem homes as talks collapse(2010年3月11日 guardian.co.uk)

・Pupils in east Jerusalem get half funding of those in west(2010年4月16日 ynetnews.com)

以下、2010年8月24日分 acri.org.il『ACRI, Ir Amim~』から概要部分を(略

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· The shortfall in classrooms has remained the same; only 39 classrooms have been built this year
· More than 40,000 pupils have to turn to private schools who charge high tuitions
· Approximately 5,300 children do not study at all
· About half of the classrooms in East Jerusalem are not standard: 647 out of a total of 1,398; ,more than a quarter are in "inappropriate conditions"
· Most of the standard classrooms are in unsuitable environments
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・民間の学校(UNRWA が運営する学校含む):13,955


ちなみに、4年前に Knesset が行った調査では、東エルサレムの生徒の(高校卒業資格を得るための試験における)達成率はあまり良くないとか。

以下、2010年8月24日分 acri.org.il 『Failed Grade~』から P.5 の一分を(略

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The heads of the Ministry of Education and the Municipality of Jerusalem have been aware for many years of the shortage of classrooms that never ends.
Yet, despite promises given in legal proceedings from 2001 to build 644 classrooms by 2011 (see following chapter), the construction of classrooms has proceeded very slowly.
An analysis of the construction figures by Ir Amim together with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel from August 2010 shows that the shortage is not going to be reduced in the coming years.
Since 2001, 257 classrooms have been built in East Jerusalem.
By the end of 2010 the construction of a comprehensive girls' school in Ras al-Amud is scheduled to be completed with 39 classrooms.
In 2011 another 42 classrooms are supposed to be built but completion of their construction by that time is not guaranteed.

Even if all of the planned classrooms are built, a total of only 338 classrooms will have been built by the end of 2011, which are at most 52% of the classrooms the authorities promised to build.
It should also be noted that the classrooms under construction do not meet all of the needs of the system, and this was also stressed by the authorities, who claimed they were unable to build enough classrooms to address the historic classroom shortage.

It should also be noted that the Ministry of Education and the Municipality of Jerusalem currently are planning to build additional classrooms in the years after 2011.
As of August 2010, the number of planned classrooms is another 365, but the time of their construction is not guaranteed because their construction depends on additional land expropriations, planning, approval and budgeting procedures.
Even if all of the planned classrooms are built one day, there will still be a shortage of another 1000 classrooms, because the expected construction will address only the rate of the population's natural growth.
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もっとも、東エルサレムにおける学校の状態ってのは、西岸地区や Gaza 地区まで視点を広げると「まだマシ」って可能性もなくはないが。


