Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

あさひ学園 同窓会 - Asahi Gakuen Reunion

2009-06-07 | Weblog

あさひ学園 同窓会






Asahi Gakuen Reunion

Yesterday, we had a very special class reunion.

Asahi Gakuen is a private Japanese school in the Greater Los Angeles

which I attended from 4th through 9th grade.

This was a reunion a half a world away from the school we attended

and about thirty years since the last time most of us met.

The conversations and memory just kept flowing and it truely was a mental time trip back to those days.

Relationships formed before the internet or e-mail,

it was a miracle that 67 classmates (including 4 teaches) could join this special event.

I had a blast!