E.E. Smith's "The LENSMAN"and ROBOTECHA strategy planning

2010-08-19 22:29:58 | 日記
E.E. Smith's "The LENSMAN"and ROBOTECH

A strategy planning is shown about whether "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has been employed as the material to which I advance this reconcilable produce why this time.

To pull "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith" against each other, I suggest it as a figure of speech to make the point of Robotech and Macross easy to understand.



After the pubIishingof original "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith"within the English range,adaptation Anime theatrical film
has opened to Japanese in 1984, the successer anime television series was also made, and the shape of the animation as the adaptation were different in the contents and composition.
An original work didn't become popular, but these adaptationanime series were translated and imported into the English range,and coexists with the novel's original works and the adaptation anime made by Japanese in USA.

1:"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),that concern about the contents of "Bigwest" and "Studio NUE"is serious,and on the other hand "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA" has been producing monopolistically in the contents and the budgets by "the Tatsunoko production" independence.

The time when I put "Macross and MOSPEADA" at the front of the planning for the spread in Japanese about "The Robotech world" as the first stage of the preparations to which the legal settlement plan go advanced, the public can't also deny a possibility that the Japanese trademark incarnation scared to be certain that confusion will misunderstand to the Japanese BIGWEST insist in the trademark of "Macross and Valkyrie" recognizes this as open interference ,and I may be received some pinpricks by the BIGWEST or Iunatic Japanese Original text principle fan.
The participation degree which is worthless and concerned with a work of "the Tatsunoko production" and the BIGWEST commercially at Japan from can't keep neutrality of the legal settlement plan, in The Robotech three works, there was necessity for which "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" even in other words fifty-fifty number one is utilized as a litmus paper.

2:That concern above,"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),the reputation and art-designworks are famous commercially.

And also have a low knowledge degree in Japan, but even "old film-works or models and transformable toy items " are the valuable "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA",its value commercially relatively.
Contrastively, "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has the possibility of improvement development about producing a new film with two completed other films.

"The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has many components and examples which offer the key as the eIememts of working of the whole of "the Robotech Wolrd" , for example;
Protoculure(RESOURCE),The Flower of Life,The original "Zor Derelda" and one of his most famous clone "Zor Prime" ,The pollenater "Cha-Cha",Cosmic Harp and mistresses,The Robotech Masters,The Valivarre starsystem,Tirol,
Tiresians,The Southern Cross Army,Grobal Militaly Police.


2010-08-19 13:17:37 | 日記


1: 『超時空要塞マクロス』(初代テレビシリーズ)はビッグウエストとスタジオぬえの内容に関する関わり合いが大きく、一方で、『機甲創世紀モスピーダ』は、タツノコプロダクション単独で内容、予算共に独占的に制作しており、和解計画を進める準備段階(前座)として、ロボテック世界の日本語での普及を図る上で、マクロス及びモスピーダを中心に据えては、『大衆がマクロスやバルキリーの商標を混同誤解するに違いない』事を畏れた日本国の商標権者が、これを営業妨害と認識して、何らかの嫌がらせを受ける可能性も否定出来ず、和解計画の中立を保てない事から日本国で商業的に無価値で、タツノコプロダクションとビッグウエストの作品に関する関与度合いが3作品中一番伯仲している、つまり五分五分である【超時空騎団サザンクロス(1984)】をリトマス試験紙として活用する必要性があった。

2:上記に敷衍して、 『超時空要塞マクロス』(初代テレビシリーズ)、商業的に著名な作品、『機甲創世紀モスピーダ』も知見度合いは低いものの、商業的に『現行の日本国内の旧作品』でも比較的有価値であり、ロボテック版の両作品、取り分け『MACROSS‐SAGA』の世界観を翻訳紹介することは、商標権の混同を理由とする日本の商標権者ビッグウエストの危惧感、著作権者スタジオぬえ(株式会社サテライト含む)に対する心証を害して、今後の円滑な和解調停に影を落とす危険性があること。

3:日本国に於いて翻案原典3作品の内、最も知名度の低い【超時空騎団サザンクロス(1984)】が、結果としてRobotechの全ての作品を結び付ける鍵となる多くの構成要素、例えば、ゼントラーディを生み出した【ゾル人】(ROBOTECH‐MASTERS/Tirolian)、【プロトカルチャー (資源)】、【生命の花】、【サイフリート・ヴァイス】(ZOR-PRIME,ZOR-DERELDA)、生命の花の発見を原因とする【インビット】との宿命的な長きにわたる対立、ティターンズ(機動戦士Ζガンダム)を思わせるサザンクロス軍の腐敗、対照的に細分緻密化された軍隊組織の設定は、ロボテック作品世界の根幹を構成していて、日本国内での翻訳普及教材に最適だったこと。
