

Bassesland Virtual Bass VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT. Electric, Acoustic and Synth Basses

2019-02-28 22:52:52 | 日記
Bassesland Virtual Bass VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT. Electric, Acoustic and Synth Basses

http://bassesland.syntheway.net - Bassesland is a virtual bass that emulates a wide range of sounds of electric, acoustic and synthesizer basses. Available as plugin in VST 32 bit and 64 bit and VST3 64 bit versions for Windows as well as in Audio Unit, VST and VST3 for macOS.

The sounds ranging from several electric bass guitars, including harmonics, slides, slaps, muted, wah effect and fills, going by an upright acoustic double bass, an electro acoustic bass to synth bass emulations based on vintage synthesizer like ARP 2600, Clavia Nord Lead, Kawai K3, Korg 01/W, Minilogue, MS2000, Memorymoog, Micromoog 2090, Minimoog Model D, Little Phatty, Minitaur, Prodigy, System 55, Taurus Bass Pedal, Oberheim OB-Xa, OSC OSCar, Roland Juno-60, Juno-106, JX-3P, JX-8P, MC-909, TB-303 and Yamaha DX7.


• Quick selector to switch between different preset sounds:

Timestamp from Youtube:

01 • Upright Acoustic Double Bass 0:00
02 • Upright Acoustic Double Bass (Pizzicato) 0:50
03 • Electro Acoustic Bass 1:14
04 • Picked Electric Bass and Harmonics 1:46
05 • Fingered Electric Bass and Harmonics 2:40
06 • Fretless Electric Bass 3:28
07 • Jazz Electric Bass 4:08
08 • Funk Groove Electric Bass 4:15
09 • Fuzz Overdrive Electric Bass 5:00
10 • Wah Electric Bass 5:31
11 • Muted Electric Bass 6:15
12 • Slapped Electric Bass 6:37
13 • Bass Slides 7:19
14 • Bass Slides and Fills 7:26
15 • ARP 2600 Bass 7:54
16 • Clavia Nord Lead Acid Bass 8:25
17 • Kawai K3 Reso Bass 8:57
18 • Korg 01/W Bass Suite 9:25
19 • Korg 01/W Xpress Bass 10:00
20 • Korg Minilogue Dirty Bass 10:19
21 • Korg MS2000 Synth Bass 10:47
22 • Memorymoog Bass 11:13
23 • Micromoog 2090 Bass 11:45
24 • Minimoog Model D Bass 12:01
25 • Moog Little Phatty MoogPerc 12:30
26 • Moog Minitaur Reso Bass 12:52
27 • Moog Prodigy Bass 13:26
28 • Moog System 55 Modular Synth 13:51
29 • Moog Taurus 1 Bass Pedal 14:24
30 • Moog Taurus 2 Bass Pedal 15:29
31 • Moog Taurus 3 Bass Pedal 16:05
32 • Oberheim OB-Xa Buzz Bass 16:36
33 • OSC OSCar Bass 17:06
34 • Roland Juno-60 Sub-Bass 17:35
35 • Roland Juno-106 Fat Bass 18:10
36 • Roland JX-3P Juicy Funk 18:44
37 • Roland JX-8P Synth Bass 19:23
38 • Roland MC-909 Acid Bass 19:52
39 • Roland TB-303 Bass Line 20:28
40 • Yamaha DX7 Velo Bass 21:06

• Tremolo Section: The low-frequency oscillator knobs apply modulation to the selected instrument. By using the LFO to modulate various aspects of the audio signal, you can apply effects such as vibrato or tremolo to a huge variety of acoustic, electric and synthetic emulations available. Enabling 'Destination' by selecting 'Panning' mode applies a rhythmic variation in amplitude in the stereo field.

The following combo boxes settings adds motion or variability to sounds:
• WaveForm: Switches between ‘Triangle’, ‘Sine’, ‘Saw’, ‘Square’ and ‘Exponential’ waveforms.
• Source: Switches between ‘Modulation Wheel’, ‘Aftertouch’ and ‘Velocity’.
• Destination: Switches between ‘Pitch’, ‘Expression’ and ‘Pan’ modulation.

• ADSR envelope generator.

• Pitch Bend.

• Reverb built-in.

• Filter Section.

• Amplitude Range Parameters.

• Panning potentiometer control.

• Spatial auralization: Synthesizer emulations brings a stereophonic sound panning to increase the audible perspective, even without using the built-in reverberation or LFO pan effect.

• MIDI CC Automation


Syntheway Virtual Musical Instruments


• VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH
• ARP 2600 is a trademark of ARP Instruments, Inc.
• Little Phatty, Memorymoog, Micromoog 2090, Minimoog Model D, Minitaur, Prodigy, System 55 and Taurus Bass Pedals are trademarks of Moog Music, Inc.
• Kawai K3 is a registered trademark of Kawai Musical Instruments Mfg. Co., Ltd.
• Korg 01/W, Minilogue and MS2000 are trademarks of Korg Inc.
• Nord Lead is a registered trademark of Clavia Digital Musical Instruments
• Juno-60, Juno-106, JX-3P, JX-8P, C-909 and TB-303 are registered trademarks of Roland Corporation.
• OSCar is a trademark of Oxford Synthesiser Company
• OB-Xa is a trademark of Oberheim Electronics.
• Yamaha DX7 is a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation.
• These trademarks are not affiliated or associated with Syntheway and are mentioned only to describe the types of sounds emulated by Bassesland Virtual Bass.

#Bassesland #BassAudioUnit #BassKONTAKT, #BassEX24 #BassNKI #BassVST3 #VirtualBass #ElectricBassVST #AcousticBassVST #UprightBassVST #BassVST #DoubleBassVST #SlappedBass #FuzzBass #WahBass #SubBassVST #FatBass #AcidBass #FingeredBassVST #PickedBassVST #ElectroAcousticBass #FretlessBassVST #BassSynth #SynthBass #VeloBass #ResoBass #DirtyBass #Bassline #JazzBass #FunkBass

Virtual RMI 368x Electra-Piano Preset from ElectriKeys VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

2019-02-28 11:02:43 | 日記
Virtual RMI 368x Electra-Piano Preset from ElectriKeys VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

Virtual RMI 368x Electra-Piano: Preset #10 Demo from ElectriKeys Electric Piano VST VST3 Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT.

http://electrikeys.syntheway.net - ElectriKeys is an electric piano emulation based on vintage Fender Rhodes Mark I and Suitcase 73, Hohner Clavinet D6, Hohner Pianet N, Wurlitzer 200A and 210, Yamaha CP-70 and RMI 368x Electra-Piano models, as well as on workstation synthesizer presets from Roland XP-50 (EP), Korg 01/W (DynoPiano) and Korg X5D (ChorusClav).
Suitable for reproducing all kinds of electric piano sounds of the past and present in many genre of music, be it rock, jazz, jazz-funk, funk, R&B, soul, reggae, pop and even more with the convenience of software controls like ADSR envelope, filters, reverberation and a flexible LFO with switchable waveform and selectable modulation source to modulation destination. Available as plugin in VST 32 bit and 64 bit and VST3 64 bit versions for Windows / Audio Unit, VST and VST3 for macOS. Also developed as EXS24 and KONTAKT Sample Libraries.


• Quick selector to switch between different preset sounds:

01 • Fender Rhodes Mark I • 0:00
02 • Fender Rhodes Suitcase 73 • 1:12
03 • Hohner Clavinet D6 • 2:27
04 • Hohner Pianet N • 3:47
05 • Wurlitzer 200A Electric Piano • 5:05
06 • Wurlitzer 210 Electric Piano • 6:31
07 • Yamaha CP-70 Electric Grand • 7:47
08 • Korg 01/W DynoPiano • 8:54
09 • Korg X5D ChorusClav • 10:02
10 • RMI 368x Electra-Piano • 11:16
11 • Roland XP-50 Electric Piano • 12:13

• Tremolo Section: The low frequency oscillator applies modulation to the selected instrument giving the classic effect, which was called vibrato on the Rhodes Mark I and Suitcase 73, Wurlitzer 210 and Pianet N with the advantage of customizing finely those effects, even in those models that did not have built-in this function. Enabling 'Destination' by selecting 'Panning' mode applies a rhythmic variation in amplitude in the stereo field.
• Rate: This knob controls the frequency. Turn clockwise for a faster modulation rate.
• Depth: This knob controls the amplitude. With a lower setting, the resulting modulation is subtle, while a higher depth will result in a much more extreme effect.
The following combo boxes settings adds motion or variability to sounds:
• WaveForm: Switches between ‘Triangle’, ‘Sine’, ‘Saw’, ‘Square’ and ‘Exponential’ waveforms.
• Source: Switches between ‘Modulation Wheel’, ‘Aftertouch’ and ‘Velocity’.
• Destination: Switches between ‘Pitch’, ‘Expression’ and ‘Pan’ modulation.

• ADSR envelope generator.

• Pitch Bend.

• Reverb built-in

• Filter Section.

• Amplitude Range Parameters

• Volume and Panning potentiometer control

• Spatial auralization: Presets brings a stereophonic sound panning to increase the audible perspective, even without using the built-in reverberation or LFO pan effect.

• MIDI CC Automation


Syntheway Virtual Musical Instruments


• The Fender name and logo are trademarks of Fender Musical Instruments.
• The Rhodes Mark I and Suitcase 73 are trademarks of Joseph A. Brandstetter.
• Clavinet D6 and Pianet N are registered trademark of Hohner International.
• Wurlitzer 200A and 210 are registered trademark of the Gibson Brands, Inc. / Baldwin Piano Co.
• Yamaha CP-70 is a registered trademark of Yamaha Corporation.
• Korg 01/W and X5D are trademarks of Korg Inc.Roland XP-50 is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation.RMI 368x Electra-Piano is a trademark of Allen Organ Company.
• These trademarks are not affiliated or associated with Syntheway and are mentioned only to describe the types of sounds emulated by ElectriKeys Electric Piano.
• All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners,
and do not imply owner's endorsement of this product, or guarantee full compliance with owner's standards.

#ElectraPiano #ElectraPianoVST #RMIElectraPiano #ElectraPianoAudioUnit #ElectraPianoEXS24 #ElectraPianoVST3 #ElectraPianoKONTAKT #ElectraPianoNKI #WurlitzerVST #WurlitzerKONTAKT #WurlitzerAudioUnit #WurlitzerEXS24 #WurlitzerNKI #PianetVST #PianetVST3 #PianetAudioUnit #PianetEXS24 #PianetKONTAKT #PianetNKI #ClavinetVST3 #ClavinetD6 #ClavinetAudioUnit #ClavinetVST #ClavinetKONTAKT #ClavinetNKI #RhodesVST #RhodesMarkIVST #RhodesAudioUnit #RhodesKONTAKT #RhodesEXS24