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The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, 25 years ago 2020年01月17日

2020年01月17日 | 健康

※- The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, 25 years ago

January 17, 2020
In the memory and moral succession of the earthquake.

Twenty-five years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and 6,434 people have died.

In memory of the victims of the disaster, the families of the victims who died prayed quietly at 5:46 a.m. at the time of the disaster.

Chuo-ku Park: There are about 5,000 bamboo lanterns at the Higashi Amusement Park, but it's still dark, but people who have lost their families and loved ones visited.

And at 5:46 a.m., when the earthquake struck, a quiet prayer was given to the victims.


