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COVID-19 World infected people = 77.07 million, dead = 1.69 million people 2020年12月22日

2020年12月22日 | website

※- COVID-19 World infected people = 77.07 million, dead = 1.69 million people 2020年12月22日
「New Corona = COVID-19」 -NHK website-

December 22, 2020
According to the summary of "Johns Hopkins University" in the United States, the number of people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus was 77,074,469 people worldwide as of 3:00 am on the 22nd of Japan time.
In addition, the number of people who died is 1,697,679.

The most infected people
▽ In the United States, 17,878,979 people, 
▽ India  =10,055,560 people,
▽ Brazil = 7,238,600 people,
▽ Russia= 2,850,042 people,
▽ France=2,529,756 people.

Died people
▽ America = 317,858 people,
▽ Brazil    =  186,764 people,
▽ India     =  145,810 people,
▽ Mexico  =  118,202 people,
▽ Italy      =    69,214 people


"Avigan Tablets" is the best choice for "New Corona = COVID-19"

Early administration of "Avigan" is the best than "vaccine"


