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2018 Japan Tax Ratio = 42.5%

2018年02月24日 | 政治・経済

※- 2018 Tax-to-income ratio projected to remain high

February 23, 2018
Japanese workers and companies are expected to shoulder an average of 42.5 percent of their income on taxes and social welfare premiums in the 2018 fiscal year that begins in April.
The Finance Ministry says the national burden ratio is expected to edge down by 0.2 point from fiscal 2017. But it will still remain at over 40 percent for the 5th straight year, and will be the 4th-highest on record.
The ministry says individual and corporate incomes are rising due to a gradual economic recovery, and are expected to increase more than the taxes and premiums.
In 2015, France's ratio was higher than Japan's at 67.1 percent. Germany was also higher, at 53.2 percent. The United States was lower, at 33.3 percent



