
MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7970: run in

2013-07-31 08:11:09 | Weblog
7970:run in ー spat 喧嘩

*Dodecanese ~ dazzler = Green Goddess:
*dodge = avoid:elude:evade:jump out of the way:steer clear of:
 :~ truck = ram:   ドジなごまかしで慰留度が過ぎるのを避ける
*Dodge City ~ notable = Earp:
*dodger = bask:L.A ball player:marl: ~ of distinction = Reese:    
*Dodgers = L.A team:1980 World Series champs 
*dodgy = artful:evasive:potentially dangerous: 
*dodgem = bumper cars ride:*dodging blame ~ words = Not me !:
*do-do dim wit: moss back: nit wit:
 :extinct avian[bird]:flightless bird:堂々でもウイットに欠けたのろま
*Doe = John or Jane:  どうする雌鹿バックに雄鹿
*doe = anonymous surname:buck:barrer of rabbit:fawn’s mom:
 :female deer [rabbit teg]:forest female:gentle animal:
 :It might go for a few bucks.:jack rabbit:mama deer:some deer:
 :stag’s mate: “ Doe , a deer , a female “: ~’s baby = fawn:
:~ mate = stag: 
:~ or buck = deer: ~ when young = fawn: young ~ = fawn:
*doer = achiever:activist:effective person: ~’s word = verb:
*doff = remove:shed:take off: どう振舞おうと服を脱ぐ
*dog = Afghan hound , for one: beagle or boxer for one:chase:
:dachshund:foot in slang:(closely) follow:kennel resident:
:Kibbles consumer:pooch:puppy:
:”All dog’s go to the heaven.”:”Lada Dog”:”Sunday and her dog”: 
 :”You sly dog ! “:~ cry = show of barkers: ~ bite = flea:
:~ breed = chow:Lhasa Apso: ~ cry = howl:yap:
:~’s digs = kennel: ~ doc = vet: ~’s dog = paw: 
:~ ear = (temprary)book mark:mark shift: ~ face = infantry man: 
:~ fight = aerial battle: ~ fight particitant[pro:winner] = ace: 
:~ gely = persistently:with persistence  
:~ gone = Drat !:Nuts !:Rat !: ~ informally = pooch: 
:~in Dresden = hund: ~ leader = leash: 
:~ line = leash: ~ name = rover: ~ nap = pinch a pooch:
:~nuisance = flea: ~ owner = master: ~’s pest = flea:  
:~ pulled vehicle = sledge: ~s = feet in slang:
:~ show = where a boxer might win.:
:~ show category = breed: ~sled cry[command] = mush: 
:~ sound = arf: ~ star = Lassie: 
:~ tag = army [GI] ID:GI’s necklace: ~ -tired = weary: 
:~ treat = bone: ~ trot = gentle pace: ~ topper = Kraut:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円

MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7969: run in

2013-07-30 08:54:10 | Weblog
7969:run in ー wrangle  口論する

*do:I didn’t ~ it. = denail: make ~ with = eke: 
:noisy ~ = wing-ding:痛飲ぐでんぐでんの騒ぎ
:place for a mew ~ = salon: to-~ = ado:commotion:hoopla:stir:
 :to ~ list = agenda:chore: to-~ item = task :
:words after “ D “ = adeer:
*Doa = film noir classic: *doable = not too hard:    
*do-all = factotum:   *Dobie ~ of sitcom fame = Gillis:
*doc [doctor] = bashful buddy:cert:clinic nickname[worker for short]
:Disney medico:dopey pal:happy friend[companion]:healer:medic:
:MD’s [medic’s]nickname:physician informal:sawbones:severinsen:
:sleepy pal:treat:    ~ ‘s bill = fee:  ~’s block = AMA:   
;~ charge = fee: ~ order = AMA:Say ah !: 
:~ organization[org] = AMA: ~’s pay = fee: ~ request = Say ah !:
:~ white wear = coat: animal ~ = vet: baby ~ of note = Spock: 
:bad ~ = quack: bone ~ = osteo: bunny ~ = vet:  
:delivery ~ = OB:
:enterprise ~ = Mccoy: head ~ = shrink: in need of ~ = ill:  
:kitty ~ = vet: Oprah’s ~ = Phil:      
*docent = college lecturer:     
*docile = calm:easily (taught):gentle:   make ~ = tame:
*doing      county ~ = fair:    ~ nothing = idle:
 :~ well = on a roll:    ~s = What’s happening ?:
*dock = harbor [port] sight:loading site:mooring place:place for ship:
 :ferry ~ = slip:   secure to the ~ = moor:
 :untie from the ~ = cast off:   ~ and plantain = weeds:
 :~ workers .org. = ILA:
*docket = court hearing:    on the ~ = slated:
*dockhand = cargo worker:worker next to the ship:
*docking ~ place = berth: ~ site = harbor: 
:~ spot = pier:port:slip:  *Don’t = mama’s warning:
*doctor [doc] = treat: “The Doctor is in[out] .”: ~’s gp. = AMA: 
:~ concern = patient: ~ goal = cure: ~’s place = clinic: 
:~ who’s foes = Daleks: army ~ = medic: 
:late Canadian ~ = Osler:     needing ~ = ill:
*doctoral ~ paper = thesis:   *doctorate ~ deg = PHD:
*doctrine = credo:dogma:tenet:  教義通り毒取りん
*document = deed:paper: ~ abbr. = cert: land [regal] ~ = deed:     
:club ~ = charter: official ~ = paper: owner’s ~ = deed:
:property ~ = deed (of trust): title [transfer] ~ = deed: 
:travel ~ = visa:    *documentary ~ maker Burns = Ken:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円

MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7968: run n

2013-07-29 08:53:49 | Weblog
7968: run in ー quarrel  口論する

*division = rift:segment: apt ~ = RM:  corporate ~ = sales:  
:drama[play]~ = act: free way [highway] ~ = lane: 
:gallon ~ = quart: game ~ = inning: historical ~ = era:  
:history ~ = century: league ~ = east: map ~ = state: 
:play ~ = act: race ~ = heat: radio ~ = band:
 :social ~ = tribe:   South African geological ~ = Ecca:
 :supermarket ~ = aisle:   time ~ = min:  tribal ~ = sept:
 :work-out ~ = set:   zodiac ~ = sign:  year ~ = week:
 :~ direction = into:   ~ preposition [word] = into:
*divisor = math problem number:   出刃いざ使い約数作る
*divorce = break-up:end the marriage:(marital)split(of a sort):
 :~ relative = annulment:   ~ town = Reno:
*divorced ~ mates = exes:  ~ spouse = ex:
*divorcee = ex-wife:
*divot = chunk:golf (course) chunk:links in replacement:
*divulge = impart:let out: 秘密暴くのに出張る時期
*Dix = twice cinq:
*Dixie = Belle:plantation setting:the South: ~ dish = grits:
:~ domsel = belle:      *Dixit “Ipse ~ “:
*Dixon = Mason’s partner:   ~ land = Jazz style:
*dizzy = giddy: stun:    出城での愚かな質疑で目まいがする
*dizzying        ~ designs [posters] = opart:
*DKs = ship’s levels abbr.:
*Dli = Caesar’s siss:    *DLII = 552 in old Rome:
*DMC run ~’s music = hip-hop: run’s ~ field = hard core rap: 
*Dmitri ~’s denial = nyet:
*DNA = “csi” evidence[topic]:double helix staff:genetic stuff:
:some crime evidence:     ~ carrier [segment] = gene:
:~ sequence = genetic marker:じゃな手癖の悪いの遺伝:継続し食えんすぐには
*do = accomplish:achieve:avail:complete:cook (through):finish:
 :party:perform:pull off:take action: 
:“do’s and don’t’s”:”~ a deer”: ”Do as I say ! “: “ Do unto others “:
:” Neer-do-well “:” What’s ~ing? “:
 :~ a dairy farm chore = milk: ~ follower = re:
:~ for = doom: ~home-ech-homework = sew:
 :~ in = kill:murder:off:slay: ~ in gangster style = ice:
 :~ it yourself = DIY: ~ out of = fleece: ~ over = repeat:
 :~ over as travel plan = rebook: ~ 70 = speed:  
:~ something = act: Do tell ! = Spill it !: 
:~ time = serve sentence:
 :~ up = decorate:dress:fasten: make fancy:
 ;~ well = excel:prosper: ~ wrong = err:
 :big ~ = afro:gala: I ~ = swearing promise[in vow]:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7967: run in

2013-07-28 07:20:45 | Weblog
7967: run-in ー bicker  口論

*diva aria singer:Met star:opera songstress [figure]:
 :cheer for a ~ = bravo: Met ~ = Amara: ~ ‘s forte = aria: 
:~ Jenny = Lind: ~ Moffo = Anna: ~ out-put = trill:
:~ piece = aria: ~ ‘s practice = scale: ~’s practice note(s) = Mi(s): 
:~‘s problem = egomania: ~ Renata = Scotto: ~’s scarf = boa:
 :~ solo = aria:  ~’s song = aria: ~’s specialty = aria:
*divan = low couch:sofa: *Dive = emulate Greg Louganis:
*dive = dingy place:emulate Greg Louganis:low haunt:
:plunge head first:seedy bar [joint]:submerge:
 :shabby bar[joint]:summer Olympic competitor:下級酒場にだいぶ行ってない
 :take a ~ = fake a knock-out: ~ creation = splash:
 :~ in = enter [undertake] with enthusiasm:enter completely:
 :~ into = immerse oneself in:begin with enthusiasm:
*Diven  “ the ~ Miss M “:
*diver = reef visitor: ~’s gear = scuba:
 :~ Louganis = Greg: ~’s place = deep sea:
*diverse = eclectic:varied: ~ comb = vari: 種種のダイバー隅もぐる
*diversify = assort: *diversion = amusement:detour:
*divert = amuse:distract:entertain:sidetrack:
*divest = deprive of:get rid of:strip:
*divide =carve up: cut up:part:rend:schism:separate:split:
:sunder: ~ into thirds = trisect: divide up = allot連動させ出刃移動させ切り分ける
*divided = apart:split: ~ highway feature = median strip:
*divider    court [tennis] ~ = net:   guitar ~ = fret:
:high way ~ = median:   list ~ = comma:  play ~ = act:
 :property ~ = fence:
*divine = angelic:heavenly:infer福音は暗示する: 神聖で売いん行為禁止し予言する  
:“The Divine Miss M “ = Bette:
 :ask [call] for ~ help = pray:   English ~ and poet = Donne:
 :~ being = angel: ~ comedian ? = Dante: ~ giantess = Norn:
 :~ nourishment = manna天恵の心の糧を神から学ぶ:
*diving ~ bird = auk:grebe:loon: ~ board access = ladder:  
:~ duck = scaup:smew:teal:  kind of ~ or fishing = deepsea:
*divining rod        use a ~ = dowse: 
*divinity = fudge:
*divisible        ~ by two = even:tie:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円

MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7966: run in

2013-07-27 06:19:52 | Weblog
7966: run in ー argue 口論する

*distill = make mooshine:*distillate = scotch: coal ~ = tar:
*distilling  ~ apparatus = alembic:
*distinct = loud and clear:
*distinction = elegance:nicety:superiority:
 :dodge of ~ = reese:   elevated place of ~ = dais:
 :mark of ~ = twain:  subtle ~ = fine line:
 :~ flavor = tang:   ~ quality = color:
*distinguish = set apart:
*distinguished = noted:      ~ airman = ace:
*distort = pevert(s):skew:twist:warp:
*distract = divert:    *distracter tot ~ = toy:
*distraught all broken up:in tears:torn-up:
*distress = alarm:心痛疲労でストレス溜まる cry of ~ = Oh , no !:
 :display of ~ = sob:    tooth ~ = ache:
 :~ call = Help me !:May day !:SOS: ~ code = SOS:
 :~ initials [inits:letter] = SOS: ~signal = flare:SOS:
*distressed = up-set:      ~exclamation = Dear me !:
*distribute = allot:mete:  ~ sparingly = ration:
*district = area:region:sector:zone:   mark into ~s = zone:   
:military ~ = sector: of ~ = areal:
*distrust = doubt:set on store by:
*distrustful = cynical:leery:     ~ fellow[sort] = cynic:
*disturb = jar: “ Do not ~ “   ~ the peace = riot:   
:~ the night peace = snore:
*disturbance = ruckus: noisy ~ = riot: *disturbed = up-set:
*disuse deteriorate from ~ = rust: how ~ = rust: sign of ~ = rust:
*DIT = Morse symbol:
*ditch = get rid of:gully:moat:(drainage) trench:
 :castle [protective] ~ = moat: drainage ~ = culvert:
 :~ purpose = drainage:
*dither = flustered state:狼狽してふらふらスターする “ Mrs.Dithers “ = Cora:
*ditching = truant activity:
*ditto = in the same:like wise:the same (as before):
*ditty = air:song:tune:      ~ beginner = tra:
*ditz = scattered brain sort:   *DIV = mil unit :spec:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7965: rung

2013-07-26 09:30:49 | Weblog
7965: rung ー ladder 梯子段

*dispatch = haste:send (out):急送ですパッチリ運ぶ
*dispatcher = sender:~ boat = Aviso:
*dispel = alleviate:荒れ日えいと追放ですペルー人
*dispenser beer ~ = keg: bill[cash] ~ = ATM:
 :coffee ~ = urn:
*disperse = fan out:sow:scatter:strew:散乱ですパスする
*dispersed  be ~ = fan out: *dispirited = sad:
*displace = uproot: ~ distress = sob:  
*displaced ~ person = evacuee: *displacement links in ~ = divot:
*display = array:bare:show: ~ light[sign] = neon:
 :computer ~ = read-out: method of scenic ~ = diorama:    
:museum ~ = diorama: old PC ~ = CRT: ordered ~ = array:
 :put on ~ = encase: showy ~ = eclat:
*disleased  looking ~ = scowling:
*displeasure  express ~ = hiss:
*disposition = temper: strategic ~ of troops = ambuscade:ambush:
*dispossess = evict:  *disprove = rebut:
*disputation = argument:   反証ですプロブツブツ言う
*dispute = argue:dust up:論争ですピュッと唾飛ばし争う
 :family ~ = feud: loud ~ = rhubarb: viciious ~ = cat fight:
*disputed = at issue:  *disregard = ignore:omit:    
*disregarded = passed up: *disrelish = dislike:       
*disreputable = shady:   *disrespect bold ~ = insolence:
*disrobe = bare:peel:strip: *disrupt = gum up:分裂混乱ですラップとるな
*disruption  violent ~ = shockwave:   *diss = reed:
*dissect = analize in detail: *dissent = opposing opinion:
*dissenter  ~’s vote = nay: *dissolute ~ person = rounder:
*dissolve = decompose:liquefy:melt:高熱でザル部分溶ける
*dissuade = turn aside by advice:説得です上どかし思いとどます
*distance  at a ~ = afar:far:some way off:
 :at [in] the ~ = afar: from a ~ = afar:
 :long ~ = country mile: nautical ~ = sea mile:
 :tiny ~ = hair: within shouting ~ = near:
 :~ runner = miler: ~ unit = fur long:
*distant(ly) afar:aloof:far:     ~ comb:forr = tele:
 :~ pref = tele:  ~ sight = horizon(s):  ~ writer = penpal:
 :coldly ~ = aloof:   more ~ = farther:  not ~ = closer:
*distaff on the ~ side abbr. = feminine:
*distaste = dislike: cry [sound]of ~ = fie:ugh:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7964: run for it

2013-07-25 07:13:16 | Weblog
7964: run for it ー flee  逃げる

*dishevel = tousle: *dishonest = crooke:   
*dishonor = abase :shame:
*dish water plunge into the ~ = immerse:
*disillusioned= becoming ~ = souring:
*disinclined = adverse:averse:loath:
*disinfectant ~’s target = germs:   *disintegrate = rot:
*disk = Frisbee for one:platter:program holder:
 :~ snapping game = tiddl(e)y winks: thin metal ~ = paten:
*dislike = aversion:     ~ greatly = despise:hate:
*disloyal = false:unfaithful:untrue: ~ associate = rat:
 :~ sort = false friend:
*dismal = bleak:dark:暗く淋しく外に出ず丸くなっている~ to poets = drear:
*dismay あ!ぽーるどーんと倒れ落胆ですめいめい狼狽= appall:consternation:
*dismiss = fire:let out:shrug off: ~ from a job = fire:
 :~ in disgrace = send packing:
*dismissal = heave-ho:解雇でミスある誹謗受ける abrupt ~ = kiss-off:
*dismount = alight:
*Disney = Mickey’s creator: ~’s Ariel for one = Her maid: 
:~ and Whitman = Walts: ~ bug[car] = Herbie: ~ deer = Bambi: 
:~ dog = Lady:Pluto: ~ etal. = Walts; ~ fish = Nemo: 
:~ Honcho Michael = Eisner:  ~ land feature = ride: 
:~ land setting = Anaheim: ~ mermaid = Ariel: ~ medico ? = doc: 
:~ meerkat = Timon: ~ movie = Brother Bear(2003):   
:~ septet = dwarf: ~ world city = Orlando: ~ world part = Epcot:
 :Chip’s ~ pal = Dale: former ~ honcho = Eisner:
:like many ~ films = grated: 1982 ~ film[movie] = Tron:
*disobedience = naughtiness:
*disobedient = bad:    *disobey = defy:be naughty:
*disorder = entropy:havoc:mess:muss:riot:
 :Malay nervous ~ = amok: public ~ = riot:
 :skin ~ = rash: wild ~ = riot:
*disordered = in a mess:messy:mussed:
*disorderly = untidy:~ crowd = mob:
*disorganized ~ jumble = mess: *disown = renounce:       
*disparage = slur:snide:      
*disparaging = snide: ~ look = sneer:
 :~ name [word] = epithet:  ~ remark = slur:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7963: run down

2013-07-24 08:18:04 | Weblog

7963: run down ー shabby みすぼらしい

*disease = angina:malady:病気で爺ずるずる入院勤まらでい
 :~ cause = germ:  
:~ carring maosquito = aedes:  ~ cell = tumor:
 :~ of rye = ergot:   ~ with chill and fever = malaria:
 :childhood ~ = measles:   It spreads ~ = germ:
 :like many ~s = curable:   like some ~s = viral:   
:mad dog ~ = rabies:   pest-brone ~ = Malaria:   
:plant ~ = edema:   skin ~ = mange:
*disembark = alight:land:     *disenchanted = sour:
*disencumber = rid:        *disfeature = mar:
*disfigure = maim:mar:rail:spoil:
*disgorged be ~ = spilling out:
*disgrace = infamy:shame(d):  dismiss in ~ = send packing:
 :in ~ = under cloud:   ~ in an officer = demotion:
*disgraced = shamed:
*disguise = cloak: ~ item = wig:  bank robber’s ~ = ski-mask:
*disgust = feed(fed) up:Ugh !: cause ~ = gross out:   
:expression of ~ = Nerts !:      *disgusting = gross:
*dish = bowl:chef’s [cook’s] creation:plate:reception aid:
:share gossip:”side ~ “:breakfast [brunch] ~ = omelet:   
:cabbage ~ = slaw: cheese ~ = fondue:rare bit:   
:chicken ~ = coq au vin: common side ~ = coleslaw:potatoes:   
:corn ~ = grits: corned beef ~ = hash: deep ~ = tureen:   
:diner ~ = hash:omelet: diner side ~ =(cole)slaw:   
:dinner ~ = plate: do ~es = help after dinner:wash:   
:entrée side ~ = rice: fish ~ = sushi: hearty ~ = stew:  
:help with ~ = dry: hot ~ = chili: hot ~es support = trivet: 
:jellied ~ = aspic: ab ~ = etna:petri: layered ~ = lasagna: 
:leafy [lettus] ~ = salad: left over ~ = hash:     
:main [meal principal] ~ = entrée: metal ~es = tinware:  
:Mexican ~=taco: Milanese rice ~ = risotto: pie ~ = tin:
 :popular side = slaw: rice ~ = paella:pilaf:risotto:
 :shallow food ~ = nappy: sizzling ~ = fajitas: soup ~ = tureen:
:spicy ~ = chili: southern ~ = grits: steamed ~ = tamale:   
:Thanksgiving ~ = yam: the ~es = china:
 :veal ~ = Oroloff: ~ the dirt = gossip: ~ drier = wiper:  
:~ perhaps = antenna: ~ served with kraut = wurst:
:~ with a crust = pot pie:       
*dishabille = tousle:     *dishearten = discourage:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7962: run down

2013-07-23 06:59:38 | Weblog
7962: run down ー seedy  みすぼらしい

*disciplinarian 弟子プリ根あり案外訓育家   strict ~ = ram-rod:
*disciplinary take ~ = crack down: 規律あるしつけ弟子プリンが褒美
*discipline = ethic:     *disclose = bare:leak:reveal:
*disco = go-go:teens’ hang-out:   変な発表です苦労ずっとする
 ;~ dancer = hustle perforemance:
*discolor = stain: *discombobulate = rattle: *discomfit = faze:       *discomfort  tooth ~ = ache:
*disconcert = abash:faze:rattle:
*disconnected ~ from the network = off line:
*discontinue = cease:desist:end:halt:
*discontinuance = lapse: *discord = strife:
*discordant = atnal:   ~ period = wartime:  be ~ = clash:
*discount = belittle:mark down:rebate: at a ~ = marked down:
:~ chain = K mart: ~ event = sale:   
*discourage = dampen:daunt:*discouraging ~ force = deterrent:
*discover = dig up:find: New Zealand ~ = Tasman:
 :~ by accident = light on :
*discovered be ~ = come to light:  just ~ = new:
*discoverer       ~’s cry = Aha !:
*discovery = espial:
 :cry [exclamation] of ~ = Aha !:Eureka !:  
 :happy ~ = treasure trove:
*discreetly eye ~ = peek at:  *discrimination = taste:    
*discus = Olympic(track) projectile [saucer]:track and field:
 :~ medalist = Aloerter:
*discuss = bat around:go into:talk about [it over]:
 :~: colloq. = rap: ~ freely = air: ~ in detail = hash out:
 :I want’ ~ that ! = Drop it !:   put off ~ing again = retable:
*discussion = chat:dialog:talk: ~group = panel:seminar: 
:on-line ~ = chat:   
:open [public] ~ = forum: settle through ~ = iron out:
 :subject for ~ = topic:   under ~ = at issue:
*disdain = sneer:
 :reject with ~ = spurn:   show ~ = sniff:
*disdraught = torn-up:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:


MY DICTIONARY (D) 今日の語呂合わせ 7961: run down

2013-07-22 08:33:58 | Weblog
7961: run down ー ratty  みすぼらしい

*director:”Star Wars” = Lucas:  “Things Change” = Mamet:
 :”The Ten Commandments” = Demille:
 :”Unfaithful” ~ Adrian = Lyne: “Witness” ~ = Weir:
*dirge = elegy:lament:mournful music:sad song:
*dirigible = aerostat:  *dirk = kiltie’s dagger:
*dirt = earth:dust:firth:grime:slanderous gossip:soil:
 :dish the ~ = gossip:   garden ~ = soil:  wet ~ = mud:
 :~bag = unpleasant sort:  ~ remover = detergent:
*dirty = begrimed:soiled:underhanded:unfair:unsportsmanlike:
 :make ~ = begrime:soil:     ~one[person] = slob:
*Dis = God of the underworld:prefix bar or arm:slight in slang:
*disable = break:lame:      on the ~ list = out of action:
*disabling  ~ spray = mace: *disadvantaged  be ~ = lose out:
*disaffection cause ~ = estrange  *disagree = differ:        
*disagreeable nasty:
*disagreement = out of step: :honeymooner’s[petty] ~ = spat:  
:in ~ = at odds:
*disappear  gradually[slowly] ~ = fade: make ~ = erase: 
:way to ~ = without a trace:  *disappoint = let down:bum out:
*disapproval  sound of ~ = hoot: express ~ = boo:deprecate:     
:with ~ = askance: *disapprove condemn: voice ~ of = hissat:
*disapproving  ~ sound = boo:
*disarm = defuse:make harmless:win over:
*disarrange = mess:muss: disarray = mess: 
*disarrayed = messy:
*disaster ~ aid org. = FEMA:  critical ~ = bomb:
*disastrous = dare:      *disavow deny:
*disbar = boot a lawyer:prohibit from practicing law:
 :kick out of the legal biz:  *disbelief cry of ~ = My eye !:    
*disbeliever = pagan:  *disbelieving ~ cry = Says you !:
*disc = brake shape:the “D” in CD:harrow blade:music buy [holder]:
:platter:record: out-dated ~ = LP:  photograph ~ = record:
*discard = scrap:throw away: casually ~ = toss aside:  
:smoker’s ~ = butt:       
*discerning = clear eyed: *discernment = taste:
*discharge = emit:fire: ~ a debt = repay:
 :tending to ~ = emissive:  
*disciple  ~ to blossom admitting love vital at last = follower:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:
