
MY DICTIONARY (C) 7825: rogue

2013-02-28 07:50:55 | Weblog
7825: rogue ー pluguguly 悪漢

*Casals = Lelio:    cellist ~= Pablo:
*Casanova = famed ladies’ man:
*Casbah = African fortress:Algiers section:
  : hat for the ~ = fez:
*cascade = cataract:fall:water fall:
*case = box:check out:collar style:crate:detective’s assignment:
:enclose:genitive for one:glasses holder:gumshoe:instance:
:jewelry box:job for (Sherlock)Holmes[lawyers]:legal brief:
:mason’s problem:
:pack(up):pack in boxes::pillow covering:port manteau:
:put into bones:study for burglary:wine lover’s purchase:
:~ for the courts = legal matter: ~ small articles = etui:
:~ decision = not guilty: ~ in point = relevant example:
:~ presentation = hearing: ~s = lawyer work load:
:~ worker = lawyer: cold ~ = unsolved crime:  
:decorative ~ = etui: earlier ~ = precedent:
:exec’s ~ = valise: fancy ~ = etui:
:first aid ~ = kit: give ~ = plead: 
:in ~ = as a precaution:lest: small ~s = etuis:
*Casey = Batter of verse:Jones or Stengel: “~ at the bat”:
 :~ Affleck’s brother = Ben: ~ of Top-40 fame = Kasem:
 :baseball’s ~ = Stengel: the immortal ~ = Stengel:
*cash = dinero:dollar bills , e.g.:dough:(ready) money:
:moolah:one way to pay:redeem, as a check:specie:
 :word in COD: ~ bar = reception feature:
:~ cache = cookie jar: ~ carrier = armored car: 
:~ crop = cotton or corn: ~ or cloth ending = ier: 
:~ dispenser = ATM: ~ drawer = till :
:~ flow = company treasurer’s concern: ~ in = redeem: 
;~ out = redeem one’s chip:stop gambling:
;~ registor section = ones: ~ sale = securities transaction: 
:~ up = improvised arrangement: Cuban ~ = pesos:
: It's pressed for ~ = ATM:   type of ~ = petty:
*cashew =kidney shaped treat:nut:~ cousin = pistachio:
:~ family tree = sumac:
*casing    = shell:
*casino = betting setting:dealer’s milieu:spot for slots:”
:utterance at a ~ = Let it ride: ~ Royale”:
 :~ action = bet: ~ attraction = slots: ~ calculation = odds:
 :~ camera informally = eye in the sky: ~ card = ace: 
:~ city = Reno: ~ crew = dealer: ~ cube = dice: 
:~ fan = gamer; ~ figure = odds: ~ fixture = slot machine:
 :~ game = craps:faro:poker:roulete: ~ group = betto[e]rs: 

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」(25000語以上)毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7824: rogue

2013-02-27 07:46:09 | Weblog
7824: rogue ー knave  悪漢
「悪漢野郎軍(ロウグ)団の危ねい部(ネイヴ)隊」(nave 本堂)

*Carthage :~'s Queen(myth) = Dido: accient ~ = Punic        
*cartilage = gristle: *Cartland ~ genre = romance:
*cartographer : do ~’s work = map: ~’s output = map:
*cartography = mapping:    *carton = box:packet:
*cartoon = animate:capp:dick: “ ~ skunk Pepe Le Pew”:
: " Scooby Doo " ~:”Mr.Magoo of film ~s “:
 :~based musical = Annie: ~ cat = felix: ~ character =Magoo:   
:~ dog = Astro: ~ feline =Topcat: ~ frame = cel:
 :~ genre = anime: ~ ghost = casper: ~ hunter = Elmer:   
:~ “ menace “ = Dennis: ~ Mister = Magoo: 
:~ possum = Pogo: ~ sea serpent = Cecil: 
:Blanc of ~ voices = Mel: blue ~ group = Smurfs: 
:do ~ work = animate: Elmer of ~ = Fudd: 
:Futuristic ~ family = Jetsons: Japanese ~ art = anime: 
:Le Pew of ~ = Pepe: MTV ~ pair = Beavis: 
:Olive of ~ = Oyl: Ren’s ~ pal = Stimpy:
*cartoonist = steig: ~ Addams ofr short = Chas:
:~ AI and kin = Capps: ~ Browne = Dick:Dik: 
:~ Chast = Roz: ~ Drucker = Mort; ~Gardner = Rea: 
:~ Groening = Matt: 
:~Irvin = Rea: ~ Key = Ted: ~ Lazarus = Mell:
:~ Thomas = Nast: ~ Trudeau = Garry: ~ Walker = Mort: 
:early political ~ = Nast: " Miss Peach “ ~ = Mell Lazarus:
: noted ~ = Hatlo: “Peanuts “~ = Schulz:
*cart wheel = hand spring’s cousin:
*Cart wright opera’s ~ = Enric:   ~ patriarch = Ben:
  :~ son = Hoss:
*caruso Bocellior ~= tenor :~ for one = tenor:
*carve  = chisel:cut with precision:make a cameo:
  :sculp:    ~ up = divide:
*carved :~ gem = cameo: ~ Indian pillar = totem pole:
*Carver = peanut pioneer: *Carvey :~ of comedy = Dana:
*carving: used in ~ = ivory: *Cary = Grant or Elwes:
*Casa= dwelling , in Spain:Jose’s home:
:Mexican [Pedoro’s:Spanish] house:
 :Roberto’s house:Sp. abode[house]:
*casaba = melon variety:winter melon: ~ , for one = melom:
*Casablanca :~ club = Ricks: ~ costar = Lorre: 
:~ pianist = Sam: ~ role = Ilsa:Rick: ~ setting = Morocco:  
:Bergman's “ ~ “ role = Ilsa:  Peter of ~ = Lorre:
:Ricks love in “ ~ “ = Ilsa:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」(25000語以上)毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7823: rogue

2013-02-26 07:34:43 | Weblog
7823: rogue ー goon  悪漢
*carrier:DNA ~ = gene: fare ~ = cab:taxi(cab):
:hat ~ = bandbox: impulse ~ = neuron: King’s ~ = CNN:   
:leaf ~ = ant: letter ~ = envelope: letter ~ ‘s tote = mail bag:  
:oil ~ = tanker: pack ~ = llama: pioneer ~ = wagon:   
:radio ~ = air wave: “Sport Center” ~ = ESPN:
:tour ~ = bus: train's liquid ~ = trank car: trait ~ = gene: 
:" Today " ~ = NBC: “Veronica Mars” ~ = UPN:
 : warhead ~ = missile: winter ~ = sled:
*carrion = ket:
*Carroll = Alice:Lewis: ~ character = Alice:   
:~ critter = snark: ~ hunt = snark: Goecey or ~ = Leo:
*carrot prop{snack} for bugs:   : ~s = baby food choice:
 :~ scraper = peeler: like ~ sticks = raw:
 :like some ~s = diced:
 : shred ~s = grate: snow-man’s ~ = nose:
*Carrie :~ or Louis = Nye: She played ~ = sissy:
*carried = toted:borne:   ~chair =Sedan:
  : often ~ = torch:
*carry  = bear:haul:lug:persist:ride:tote:tr:~ all = tote:  
:~ the bag = porter: ~ a bundle = tote: ~ the day = win:
 :~ on = act up:ply:rant:wage: ~ on as war = wage:
 :~ on the air = waft:  ~ out = act up:execute:
 :~ too far = over-do: Yappie ~-all = brief case:
*carrying = doing: ~ a weapon = armed:
*Carson = after Paar:Alli:Downton Abbey butler:Leno’s predecessor:
 :~'s predecessor = Paar: ~’s R = Paar: ~'s S = Leno: 
:~’s successor = Leno: ~ reiterative = Jack Pa Paar:
: Scout ~ = Kit:
*cart = dray:golf course rental:golf vehicle:haul:
 :lug:shopping aid:(small) wagon:wheeled vehicle:
 :~ puller = ass:mule:ox[oxen]:
 : low ~ = dray: serving ~ = tea table:
*Carta  = historic document:   “ Magna ~ “ :
*carte = bill of fare:menu:   “ a la ~ “  
*cartel = combine:bloc:
*Carter = Ford’s successor: : ~’s follower[successor] = Reagan:
 :~ of “Wonder Woman” = Jynda: ~ or Gwyn = Nell:
*Cartesian :~ conclusion = I’m:~ coordinate line = Xaxis:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7822: Roger !

2013-02-25 08:28:06 | Weblog
7822: Roger ! ー wilco !
「憂いる子(ウイルコ)は奴等じゃ(ラジャー)! 了解!」

*carol = Christmas song:noel:season song;sing:song of joy:
:winter air [song]:yule tide sir:   
:christmas ~ = noel: ~ bit = Falala:
*Carol :~ Burnett , for one = Texan: ~of “Scrooged “= Kane:   
:~ of “Taxi” = Kane: Greg to ~ Brady = stepson: 
:model ~ = Alt:
*carole = king of song:  *caroler = yuletide singer:
*caroling = December activity:
*Carolina  ~ bird = wren:  ~ river = Peedee:
*carom = billiards shot:bounce off:rebound(and strike):ricochet:
*Caron ~ of Gigi = Leslie: *carotene “ beta ~ “: 
*carouse [carousal] = boisterous party:revel:go on a toot:
*carousel = merry go-round:  :~,e.g. = ride:   
:on a ~ = hollies song:
*carousing = on a jag[tear]:ricker:  go ~ = bar hop:
*Caros = some Kings and Queens:
*carp = complain:criticize:find fault:fresh water fish:
:gripe:nag: clean the ~ = gut: Japanese ~ = Koi:
:relative of the ~ = loach:
*carpenter  The ~s’ “Close to You “: ~ apron filler = nail:   
:~ ‘s cutter = saw: ~、e.g = ant: ~ need = hammer:nail:
 :~ tool = awl:plane:rip saw:sander:saw: 
:~ with six legs = ant:
*carpentry do ~ work = nail:saw: ~ supply = nails:   
:~ tool = auger:nail(set):saw: ~ work = nailing:
*carpet = broad loom:rug: ~ cleaner for short = vac: 
:~ fatener = tack: 
:~ feature = nap:pile: ~’s fuzz = nap:
:~ type = Berber:braod loom:persian:shag: small ~ = rug:
*carpeting : install ~ = lay:    *carpus = wrist:
*carravaggios : ~ art = baroque:   *carrel = library table:
*Carreras :~ for one = tenor: opera’s ~ = Jose: 
:tenor ~ = Jose:
*carriage = poise: English ~ = pram: nanny’s ~ = pram:
:two-wheeled ~ = shay: ~ event = pram:
*Carrie = king book [thriller]: Spaceck of ~ = Sissy:
:She played ~ = Sissy:  :~ Fisher’s dad = Eddie:
*carrier = naval ship: ~ dad = Eddie: 
:~ of commander = flag ship: ~ of some NFL gamers = Espn: 
:animal ~ = ark: cafeteria ~ = tray:
:canyon ~ = ass: caravan ~ = camel: 
:coal [garbage] ~ = scow: crude ~ = oiler: 

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7821: Roger !

2013-02-24 08:59:54 | Weblog
7821: Roger ! ー Got it ! 了解!

*Carey :~ or Barrymore = Drew:
*cargo = hold (fill:stuff):load:ship’s freight:
 :~ amount = ton: ~ boat = barge: ~ measure = ton:
:~ or ego prefix = super: ~ unit = ton: ~ weight = ton:   
:~ worker = deck hand:loader: Enola Gay’s ~ = Abomb:
 :load ~ = stow:   postman’s ~ = mail:
 :put on ~ = lade: shop [store] ~ = lade:  stow ~ = lade:load:   
:take on ~ = lade: tanker ~ = oil:
*car hop = drive-in worker:old server:
*Carib = Lesser Antilles Indian:
*caribbean = curacao: ~ dance = Merengue:
:~ island = Stkitts:Stulucia:Tobago: 
:~ island chain = Bahamas: ~ liquor = rum:
 :~ music = steelbands:~ nation = Haiti:Jamaica: 
*Caribe = Pironha:
*caribou = elk:moose cousin:rein deer:
  :~ cousin = moose:
*caries = dentist discoveries: 虫歯余計有りずきずき痛む
*caring = concern:kind:sympathetic:
*Carioca :~ home = Rio:
*Cariou :~ , Dawson or Deighton = Len:
  :~ of Broadway = Len:
*Carl = Rob Reiner’s dad: one of the Reibers:
: Rob or ~ = Reiner:
*Carla = “ Cheers “ barmaid [character:role]:
*Carlo“ Monte ~ “: *Carlsbad = site of a noted cave complex:
*Carmen = operatic gypsy:
  :~ creator = Bizet:   ~ or Faust = opera:
  :~ for one =~ opera:   ~’s love = Donjose:
*Carmel      : mountain ~ setting = Israel:
*car mine = red:  *carnaby :~ clothes = mod:
*carnal = fleshy:   *Carne :~or garland = Judy:
*Carnegi ~ or Evans = Dale:  *carnelian = red gem:    
*Carnera ~ ‘s successor = Gaer:  *Carney = art:
*carnival :~ attraction = fortune teller:ride: ~ city[spot] = Rio: 
:~ game = ring toss: ~ pitchman = barker: 
:~ pitchman’s talk = spiel ~ section = midway: ~ shill = barker:
*carnivore :~’s delight = meat: 
*carob = chocolate substitute:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7820: rod

2013-02-23 08:42:44 | Weblog
7820: rod ー scepter  杓

*card:~ collection = deck:hand: ~ expert Edmond = Hoyle:
:~ game = canasta: ecarte:fantan:gin:gofish:hearts:loo:
old maid:skat:stuss:war:
:~ game for three = scat:skat:  ~ game for two = ecrate:
:~ game of the 1600s = Primero:
:~ game or sot = rummy:  ~ game with a pool = loo:  
:~ index = library catalog:   ~ party = bridge gathering:   
:~ player’s cry = gin: ~ s = hand make-up:some Christmas mail: 
:~ spot [symbol] = pip:
*card-board : strong ~ = oak-tag:
*Cardiff = Walsh seaport:  :~ bunny ? = Welsh rabbit:
 :~’s land [setting] = Wales: ~ seting = Wales:
*cardinal = red: ~ cap = zucchetto: ~ cap letters = STL: 
:~ ‘s home = St.Lois: ~ number ending = eth: 
:~ red = bright color: ~ 's symbol = red hat:真っ赤でなるほど基本
*cardio = heart:心臓高価であります
*care = anxiety:be anxious:burden:be concerned:feel concern:
:have a heart:maintenance:mind:safe keeping:   
: “ A lot you ~ “:” nurse ~s for sick ":
 :~ for = like:mother:tend: ~ taking = Guardian ship:    
:great ~ = pain: I ~ = words of support:  
:in ~ of = address phrese: take ~ = be well:
 :take ~ of = give a darn:see to:tend:
 :Who ~ s ? = It doesn’t matter:So what ?:
*careen = lurch:
*career = calling line:line of work:profession: call it a ~ = retire:   
:political ~ killer = scandal: ~ campain = pol:   
:~ military paerson = lifter: ~ soldier = lifer:
*care free unworried: :~ philosophy = easy come , easy go:
*careful = meticulous: : Be ~ ! = Watch it !:
*careless = lax:rash:sloppy:
*caress = fondle:gentle touch:pat:pet:stroke:
  :~ gently = pat:
*caret = insertion(indicator:sign):invertd V:proof mark:
:proof reader('s mark:symbol): add with a ~ = insert:
*care-taker = mother often: : gentle ~ = coddler:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7819: rod

2013-02-22 07:44:03 | Weblog
7819: rod ー pistol  ピストル

*carat = diamond unit [weight]:enerals[ad ukni :garnet unit:
:gem weight:jeweler’s weight:rock unit:unit of weight:
*caravan = travel group: 
:~ animal [carrier:creature:critter] = camel:
 :~ home = tent: ~ sary = inn: ~ setting = desert:   
:~ site = Sahara: ~ spot [stop] (s) = oasis:(oases): 
:~ stop-over = serai:
*caravel = fast sailing ship: :Columbus [historic] ~ = Pinta: 
*cara-way = seed for rye:  *carb = diet no-no , perhaps:    
*carbine = light rifle:type of rifle:
*carbo = starch , to a trainer:  *carbolic : " ~ acid “ :
*carbon = diamond make-up:element 6: ~ smudge = soot: 
:source of ~ black = methane:
*carbon copy = c.c.:  *carburetor  ~ valve = choke;
*card = amusing person:comb wool:deck cpmponent:
 :hand unit:Jack , e.g.:Jack or Jocker:trump:
 :black ~ = spade: café ~ = menu: casino ~= ace:   
:children ~ game = war: cribbage ~ = nob: diner’s ~ = menu:
 :educational ~ game = authors: errant ~ player = reneger:  
:extra set [hand] of ~s = widow:
*card:face ~ = king: flexible ~ in black jack = ace:
:fortune teller’s ~ = tarot: get well ~ = mail for the ailing:   
:give out ~s = deal: good ~ = ace: hand out ~s = deal: 
:heart-shaped ~ = Valentine: high ~ = ace:nine:trey:
:highish ~ = ten: in the ~s = fated:
:kid ~ game =old maid:war: kind of ~ = debit:
:library ~ = need for borrowers: low ~ = deuce:three:trey   
:low ~ in pinocle = nine: middling ~ = seven:six: 
:monopoly ~ = deed:  mystical ~ = tarot:   
:old ~ game = loo:  playing ~ = trey: pool taking ~ game = loo:  
:popular ~ game = hearts: restaurant ~ = manu:  
:royal flush ~ = ace:ten: seer’s ~ = tarot:  set of ~s= hand:
:shuffle ~s = riffle:  single round in a ~ game = hand:
:sleeve ~ = ace:    32 ~ game = skat:
:three ~ game = monte:   three player ~ game = skat;
:top ~ = ace:honor:  trick-taking ~ game = Euchre:
:wild ~ = deuce:joker:  1950s ~ = Edsel:
:~ below of Jack = ten: ~ case = businessmen’s accessary:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7818: rod

2013-02-21 07:38:25 | Weblog
7818: rod ー wand  指揮棒

*car:~’s pace abbr. = MPH: ~ parker = valet:
:~ part [feature]= axle:body:chassis:door:engine:fender:
bas cap:hood:motor:radio:seat belt:spark plug:wheel:
:~ pioneer Andre = Citroen: ~pioneer Fredinand = Porshe:
:~ pool = commuter group:share a ride: ~ price reducer = trade in: 
:~ problem = rattle: ~ quatet = tire: ~ race = rally:
:~ racing org. = Nascar: ~ repair expense = parts: 
:~ rental choice = Sedan: ~ s two truck = mater:
:~ safty feature = air bag:
:~ scar = dent: ~ seat = child’s place for traveling: 
:~ section = body: ~ shopper’s tryout = road test: 
:~ skid = spin out: ~ sticker = decal:
:~ stopper = power brake: ~ take back , for short = repo:
:~ trip = drive: ~ trunk in London = boot: 
:~ type = coupe:hard-top:sedan: ~ wash = shool foundraiser: 
:~ with constant problem = lemon: ~ with a meter = taxi:
:arrive by ~ = roll up: air-port ~ = rental:    
:armored ~ name = brinks: bar on ~s = axle:
:bumper ~s ride =dodgem: city ~ = taxi:    
:classic ~ = modelt:Reo: closed ~ = Sedan: 
;collectible ~ = Edsel: Disney ~ = Herbie: 
:drag race ~ = hotrod: drive the getaway ~ = abet: 
*car:early ~ = Reo: early ~ maker = Olds: exec’s ~ = Limo: 
:extra hand of ~s = widow: failed ~ = Edsel:
:family ~ = Sedan: fancy ~ = limo: fast ~ = hot-rod:   
:French ~ = Renault: historical ~ = modelt:   
:How some ~ s stop. = on a dime:  Italian ~ = Fiat:   
:journey by ~ = road trip: kind of ~ = Chevy:Sedan:Tbird:  
:long ~ = limo: like some ~s = boxy:leased:used: 
:new ~ = game show prize: old ~ = Edsel:Reo: 
:old ~ feature = fin: old ~ part = crank:  old ~ starter = crank: 
:one ~ = like some garages: open ~ = roadster:
:passenger ~ = auto: police ~ feature = radio:
:procession of ~s = auto-cade: put the ~ away = park:    
:scar on ~s = dent: 
:sleeping ~ = pullman:  some ~ = rental:sedan(s): 
:street ~ = tram: street ~ line = tram way: 
:street ~ name = stella: temporary ~ = loaner: 
:test driver’s ~ = demo: tourist ~ = rental:   
:town ~ = Lemo service vehicle: toy ~ = kid’s convertible:
:used ~ deal = resale:
*carabao = water buffalo: *Caracas = Venezuela’s capital:
*carafe = decant:wine holder:  ~ content = wine:
*caramel = chewy candy:cola ingredient: Milky Way part:
:sweet meat(s):

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7817: rod

2013-02-20 07:57:15 | Weblog
7817 rod ー cane 杖

*capriciously = on a whim: *capris = short pants:
*Capshaw :~ or Moss = Kate: *capsize = keel over:tip over:up-end:
*capsule : cold ~ feature = dime release:   seed ~ = pod:
*Capt = Lts’ superior:ship's officer:   ~ subordinate = LT:
 :~ suprerior = Maj:
*captain = ship commander: : Argo ~ = Jason: Berne ~ = Nemo:  
:Enterprise ~ = Kirk: fictional ~ = Ahab:Nemo:
:mitt for ~ William = Kidd glove: Melville ~ = Ahab:  
:“Moby-Dick” ~ = Ahab: “ Nautilus “ ~ = Nemo: obsessed ~ = Ahab:
:officer above ~s = major:  order from ~ Picard = make it so:
:"Pequod" ~ = Ahab: pirate ~ = Kidd:  Yes , ~ ! = Aye !:
:~’s assistant = mate: ~ aid = crew member:first mate:
:~ ‘s counter part = colonel:   ~ Hook’s helper = Smee:
:~ Kirk’s frontier = space: ~ Marvel’s magic word = Shazam:
:~ record = log( book):    ~ Picard’s second-in-command = Riker:
:~ superior = major:  ~'s table = cruise dining spot:
*caption = heading:legend:picture explanation:title:
*captivate = enamous:engross:fascinate:
*captivated = rapt:  *captivity :not in ~ = at large:    
*captor = one’s with prisoners:warden:
*capture = apprehension:nab:nail:net:take (by force):
  ; not yet ~d = at large:   to ~ = land:
*Capuchin :~ monkey = Sai:
*car = auto:caboose:comry,e.g.:elevetor booth:
:Ford [GM:Lexus ] product:highway sight:Lynx or Cougar:
:railroad unit:Sedan or compact:station wagon:
 :~ accessory = tire: ~ bar = axle: 
:~ borrower for short = joy rider: ~ buyer concern abbr. = MGP: 
:~ buyer protection = coupe:lemon law: ~ choice = limo:sedan: 
:~ coat = driving jacket ~ count = doors:   
:~ dealer’s model = demo: ~ dealer ship ‘s offering = lease: 
:~ ding = dent: ~ efficiency stat = MPG: 
:~ engine part = fan belt:piston:radiator cap: 
:~ fare = traveling money: ~ for hire = taxi: ~ four some = tire:
:~ from a repair shop = loaner: ~ fuel = gas: 
:~ hop = drive-in-worker:old server: ~ in a 1964 song = GTO: 
:~ key = starter of a sort: ~ lot = spot for lemons: 
:~ model = coupe: ~ navigation aid ,abbr. = GPS:  
:~need = gas: ~ of the ‘50s =~ Edsel: 
:~ owner’s expense = gas: ~ owner’s ned = tag:

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中

MY DICTIONARY (C) 7815: robust

2013-02-19 09:19:55 | Weblog
7815: robust ー hearty

*capful = (fabric) softener measure: 
*capillary = blood vessel: *capita : “ per capita”:
*capital :Afghan ~ = Kabul:  African ~ = Cairo:Nairobi: 
:Alabama ~ in 1825 = Selma:  Alaska’s ~ = Juneau:   
:Aquino’s ~ = Manila:  Armenia ~ = Erivan:
:Asian ~ = Hanoi:New Delhi:Taipei:  Bahrain ~ = Manama:
: Balkan ~ = Sofia:   Belarus ~ = Minsk:
:biblical ~ = Tyre:   Bulgarian ~ = Sofia:
:Byelorus ~ = Minsk:   Caesar’s ~ = Roma:
:Canadian ~ = Ottawa:   Canea is its ~ . = Crete:   
:Cavados ~ = Cane:   
:Central American ~ = Managua:SanSalvador:Tegucigalapa:
:ChiangKai-shek’s ~ = Taipei:   County ~ = Seat:
:Colombia ~ = Bogota:  Coyote State ~ = Pierre:
:Crete’s ~ = Canea: Cuban ~ = Havana:  Czech ~ = Prague:
:Dutch(with” The”) ~ = Hague:   early ~ of Japan = Nara:
: Eastern State ~ = Trenton: Ecuador’s ~ = Quito:   
:Egypt’s ~ = Cairo: Elam ~ = Susa: 
:Estonia’s ~ = Tallinn: European(Eur) ~ = Oslo:Prague:Rome:  
:former ~of Araska = Sitka: fjor ~ = Oslo:
*capital:Garden State ~ = Trenton: Ghansa’s ~= Accra: 
:Gilbert Islands~ = Tarawa: Greek ~ = Athens:   
:Guam’s ~ = Agana: highest ~ in the world = Lapaz:  
:Hungary’s ~ = Budapest: Iceland’s ~ = Reykjavic:
:Idaho’s ~ = Boise: Indian ~ = Newdelhi:  
:Iraland ~ = Dublin: Iran ~ = Teh(e)ran:  Italia ~ = Rome: 
:Its ~ is Hamilton = Bermuda:  Its ~ is Valleta. = Malta:
 :Jordan’s ~ = Amman: kansas ~ = Topeka: 
:Kentucky ~ = Frankfort:Kenya ~ = Nairobi: key for ~s = shift: 
:Latvia's ~ = Riga: 
:Lebanon ~ = Beirut: Libyan ~ = Toripoli: 
:Lone Star ~ = Austin: Majorca’s ~ = Palma:
:Malta ~ = valletta: Midweat state ~ = Topeka:
:Minnesota's ~ = St.Paul: Mongolian ~ = Ulan Bator: 
:Montana ~ = Helena : Mooris ~ = Granada: 
:Moroccan ~ = Rabat: Neb ~ = Linc: 
:New Jersey ~ = Trenton: NewMexico’s ~ = Santafe: 
:NewYork’s ~ = Albany: 
:Nigeria former~ = Lagos: Nordic ~ = Oslo:   
:North African ~ = Tunis: Northern Ireland ~ = Belfast:  
:Northern State ~ = Juneau: Northwest ~ = Olympia: 

○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ 「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 F:

「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 発売中