
MY DICTIONARY (R) 1557: madden  1558: maelstrom

2010-11-30 09:09:29 | Weblog
1557: madden ー irk  激怒させる
1558: maelstrom ー whirl  大渦巻き

*righteous 古来茶するとき公正 = moral:
*rigid 理事ども厳しい = hard and fast:inflexible:sturdy:stiff:unbend(ing): 
 :unyielding: ~ fellow = 上役ら村同士厳しく監督ramrod: 
 :~ support = prop: become ~ = 骨化し朝灰になるossify: 
 :get ~ = tense up: stiff or ~ = stark:
*rigma role = complex ritual:   *Rigoletto ~ for one = opera:
*rigor = austerity:hardship:severity:strictness:
*rigorously  observe ~= stand on:   *riker = carousing:
*rikki-takki-tavi = (Kipling) mangoose:
*rile = aggravate:agitate:anger:annoy:get one’s dander up:incite:irk:
 :irritate:make angry:rub the wrong way:steem up:stir up:tee off:
 :tick off:vex:work up:
*riled = up-set:  ~ -up = irate:
*Rilk = Austrian poem:  *Rike = German poet:
*rill = brook(let):hill run-off:little brook:moonvalley:(small) stream:
*Rille = moon creater[trench:valley]
*rim = basketball hoop edge:brink:crater feature[part]:(circle [outer])edge:
 :(hoop) lip:tire frame:wheel part:
 :cup’s ~ = lip: watch ~ = bezel:
*rimal = fissure related:
*rime[rhyme] = frost:hoar:ice coating[particle]:

〇Yahoo ブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」少しレベル高いが英単語語呂合わせが一杯(月、木、土) 気にいった駄洒落英単語で遊ぼう
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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1855: macho  1856:mad-cap

2010-11-29 09:00:52 | Weblog
1855: macho ー virile  男らしい
1856: mad-cap ー reckless  向こう見ずの

*riffle = mix the deck:shaffle:
*rifle = biathlon need:fire arm:loot:ransack:  air ~ = BB gun:
 :light ~ = carbine: type of ~ = carbine: ~ attachment = bayonet:
 :~ range target feature = bullet hole:
*rift = break:division:死産のため分裂schism:
*rig = buggy:convoy member [truck:unit]:equip:fix as a game:
 :highway truck:oil-drilling equipment:out-fit:trucker’s semi:
 :tractor trailer:       ~ up = construct:
 :big ~ = semi: one with a ~ = trucker: teamster’s ~ = semi:
*Riga = wrinkle:       *Rigel = star in Orion:
*Rigg ~ or Ross = Diana:    *rigging ~ support = spar:
*Riggs = 1973 loser to King: ~ of tennis = Bobby:
*right = due:exactly:ortho:proper:  “Right you are !”:
 :”Do The Right Thing”    ~ angle measue = ninety:
 :~ away = at once:immediately:now:on the double:pronto:stat:
 :~ away in the ER = stat: ~ dress = aligne:aline:
 :~ handed = like most people: ~ in a way = avenge: 
 :~ now = at once:Even as we speak!:today: ~ on = yes: 
 :~ prefix = ortho: ~s org. = ACLU: ~ ! to Rene = Nest Cepas !:
 :~ until the very end = down to the wire:
 :All ~ ! = Okay !: have the ~s to = own: hit to the ~ = slice:
 :regal ~ = droit法的権利あると聞き驚いとる: less than ~ = acute:
 :make ~ = 麗句手配し改良rectify: precisely ~ = on target:
 :put ~ = amend: set ~ = fix:orient: sound ~ = ring true:
 :word with ~ or wrong = dead:

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○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」邪道駄洒落英語

MY DICTIONARY (R)1853: Mac  1854: machination

2010-11-28 08:55:00 | Weblog
1853: Mac ー buddy  仲間
1854: machination ー plot  陰謀

*Riddler = Batman villain [enemy]:
*rider = bill [contract] add-on:equestrian:horse man:pony express worker:
 :subway patron:  ~ cost = taxi fare: ~ need = saddle: 
 :~ protection = seatbelt: ~ strap = rein: board ~ = sufer:
 :bus ~'s hope = seat: historic ~ = revere: saucer ~ = alien: 
 :scout’s ~ = tonto: wave ~ = surfer:
*ridge 峰への登り路 = chain [range] of hills:corduroy:
 :crest:mountain chain:
 :roof:縁飾りとして植えるといいwelt: ~ pole = highest roof of timber:
 :glacial ~ = Esker: mandolin ~ = fret: mountain ~ = arete:
*ridgy = twilled:
*ridicule = jeer:razz:ride:scorn:sneer (at):taunt:
 :~ sharply = skewer:      *ridiculed = rode:
*ridiculing = derisive:
*ridiculous ソリで暮らすは馬鹿馬鹿しい = absurd:asinine:inane:
 :Don’t be ~ ! = Get real !:
*ridiculously  ~ odd = screwy:
*Riesling  ~ for one = Rhine wine:white wine:
*Rif = Yugoslva measure:
*rife = abounding:prevalent:teeming:
 :be ~ = abound:teem:
*riff = jazz (phrase):musical bit [phrase]:

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○ 無料メルマガ「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」邪道駄洒落英語

MY DICTIONARY (R) 1851: I've got it !  1852: mac

2010-11-27 11:40:59 | Weblog

1851: I've got it ! ー Eureka  わかった!
1852: Mac ー ally  仲間

*rid = clear:邪魔です印鑑バーから取り除くdisecumber:eliminate:free(of):
 :relieve:remove:  get ~ of = dispose:ditch:divest:weed out:
 :~ of rind = pare(d):
*ridden It can be ~. = もう草刈る時mower:
*ride = Caneylsland attractiion:carousel 回転木馬から去るe.g.:
 :Disneyland feature:go by bus [burro:taxi]:go cycling:go for a spin:
 :harry:hitchhike goal:Midway attraction:motor:needle:
 :sit in the saddle:tease:travel on horse back:use the subway:
 :~ a bike = cycle: ~ as full speed = gallop: 
 :~ herd = play the tyrant: ~ high = enjoy:success:
 :~ out = endure:outlast: ~ a sailboard = wind surf: 
 :~ the waves = surf: ~ the white water = raft:
 :bumper car’s ~ = dogdem: down-hill ~ = ski bob: long ~ = limo:
 :prepare to ~ = mount up: quick ~ = spin: share ~ = car pool:
 :short ~ = spin: take a ~ = hitch hike e.g.: take for a ~ = trick:
*rider  ~’s horse = steed:
*riding = equestrianリイクエスト取り安心乗馬 activity:
 :~ contest = rodeo: ~ need = saddle: ~ strap = rein:
 :~ whip = crop:
*riddle = conundrum:enigma:やはり場末ではやる判じ絵rebus:
 :end of an old ~ = what-a-mi: form of ~ = rebus: 
 :picture ~ = rebus: the answer to each of these ~ = author:

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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1849: lustrous  1850: lute

2010-11-17 08:59:58 | Weblog
1849: lustrous ー satiny  光沢のある

1850: lute ー sitar  ギター
*rich = abundant:leaded:like Donald Trump:wealthy:  “getting ~”:
 :get ~ = make a mint: real ~ = opulent実が豊富で枝あぴゅらんと垂れる:
 :very ~ = lush: very ~ man = Midas: ~ backer = fat-cat:
 :~ color = ruby red: ~ dessert = tort: ~ icecream = gelato:
 :~ shade of blue = royal: ~ source = mine: ~ travelers = jetset:
 :~ vein = lode:
*Rich autoracer ~ = Mears:
*Richard one of acting ~ = Egan: ~ of Chicago = Gere:
*Richardson  Fleming or ~ = Sam:
*riches = a pile of gold:wealth:  ~s’ antipode = Rags:
*Richie  ~’s dad to the Fonz = MRC:
*Richmond  ~’s river = James:    *Richthofen ~’s title = baron:    
*Rick = Moranis: ~’s pianist = Sam:
*rickety 弱いくせに張り切っている~ boat = tub:
*rickey = lime drink:  ~ additive = lime:
*Rickman = Arkin or ~ = Alan:  *Rick Shaw ~’s kin = Pedicab:
*Ricky  He played ~Ricard = Desiarnaz:
*Rico = Miami Vice cop:  “ Puerto ~ “:
*Rico chet = 二球続けて絡むcarom:    *ricotta = sport chese:

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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1847: luster  1848:lustful

2010-11-16 08:48:53 | Weblog
1847: luster ー shine  光沢
1848: lustful ー amorous  好色な

*rex = cat breed: curly haired cat [filine]:
*Rex critic Reed:Reed , Morgon and Stout:writer Stout:  
 :~ or Donna = Reed:
*Rey = Spanish sovereign [king]:king of Spain:
*RFK = DC stadium initials:
*rhapsody = freedom composition:     *rhapsodic = lyrical:
*rhea = cousin of an ostrich:  ~’s cousin = emu:
*Rheingold “ Das ~ “:
*Rhett = butler of fiction:Scarlett’s suitor:
 :~ butler’s portrayer = Gable:
*Rhine = Loreler’s river:Loreli:  ~ feeder =AAR(E):Mosel:
 :~ or Marne = river: ~ siren = Loreli: ~ wine = Riesling for one:
 :~ wine in Britain = hock:
*rhino = African charger:horned beast:horned zoo critter:
 :Safari sight: zoo animal informally:  ~ plasty = nose job:
*rhinoceros  ~ feature = horn:
*rho = letter after pi:P look alike:pi follower:
 :~ follower = sigma: after ~ = sigma:
*Rhoda = Mary’s friend:  ~’s mother = Ida:
 :~’s portrayer = Valerie:

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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1845: lush  1846: lustful

2010-11-15 10:04:01 | Weblog
1845: lush ー souse  酔っ払い
1846: lustful ー lascivious  好色な

*Rhode   ~ island = RI:
*Rhodesia = previous name of Zimbabwe:
*rhombi = geometric diamonds:
*Rhone = Isere:It flows through Lake Geneva:
 :~ feeder = Saone: ~ water = eau:
*RHS = Brit historian org.: *rhubarb = loud dispute:
*Rhum “ Baba au ~”:  *rhumba = Cuban dance:
*rhyme = lineric part:poem part:  Jack of ~ = Horner:Sprat:
 :Jack of ~ fame = Sprat: Nursery ~ trio = Mice:
 :piper of ~ = Peter: shepherdess of ~ = Bopeep:
 :start of a nursery ~ = Baa Baa:
*rhyrhmic  pleasantly ~ = lilting:
*rhythm リズムよく抑揚つけて経伝する = cadence:   “ I got ~”:
 :fields of Rippling ~ = Shep:
*rhythmic = cadent:  ~ dance = chacha:
*ria = (small) creek:(narrow) inlet:small sream:
*rial = coin[money] of Iran:Qum coin: *rialto = theater district:
*riant = cheeful:laughing:
*riata = lariat:lasso:rancher’s rope:range[rodeo] roope:

〇Yahoo ブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」少しレベル高いが英単語語呂合わせが一杯(月、木、土) 気にいった駄洒落英単語で遊ぼう
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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1843: lush  1844: lush

2010-11-14 08:40:28 | Weblog
1843: lush ー topper  酔っ払い
1844: lush ー sot  酔っ払い

*rex = cat breed: curly haired cat [filine]:
*Rex critic Reed:Reed , Morgon and Stout:writer Stout:  
:~ or Donna = Reed:
*Rey = Spanish sovereign [king]:king of Spain:
*RFK = DC stadium initials:
*rhapsody = freedom composition:     *rhapsodic = lyrical:
*rhea = cousin of an ostrich:  ~’s cousin = emu:
*Rheingold “ Das ~ “:
*Rhett = butler of fiction:Scarlett’s suitor:
 :~ butler’s portrayer = Gable:
*Rhine = Loreler’s river:Loreli:  ~ feeder =AAR(E):Mosel:
 :~ or Marne = river: ~ siren = Loreli: ~ wine = Riesling for one:
 :~ wine in Britain = hock:
*rhino = African charger:horned beast:horned zoo critter:
 :Safari sight: zoo animal informally:  ~ plasty = nose job:
*rhinoceros  ~ feature = horn:
*rho = letter after pi:P look alike:pi follower:
 :~ follower = sigma: after ~ = sigma:
*Rhoda = Mary’s friend:  ~’s mother = Ida:
 :~’s portrayer = Valerie:

 〇Yahoo ブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」少しレベル高いが英単語語呂合わせが一杯(月、木、土) 気のにいった駄洒落英単語で遊ぼう
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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1841: lurid  1842: lurked

2010-11-13 08:44:27 | Weblog
1841: lurid ー seasational  扇情的な
1842: lurked ー furtive  秘かに

*revolution = mutiny反乱で任務他人任せ:  ~ hero = Allen:
 :USR ~ general = Gates:
*revolutionary   ~ Guevara = Che: Hangarian ~ = Gela Kun:
*revolutionist  French ~ = Marat:
*revolve = spin:up-rise:
 :~ about an axis = gyrateスピンでじゃあ異例となる回転する:
*revolver = door:gun:pistol:side arm: ~ in Rome = pistora:
*revolving = rotary:
*revue = cabaret offering:musical comedy:set of skit:skit show:
 :variety show:  ~ part[segment:turn] = skit:
*rev up = increase:  *revved get ~ = psych:
*reward 相場運的確に掴み取り王道として気前よく報酬与える = bounty:
 :bell hop’s ~ = tip: bus boy ~ = tip: fresh fellow’s ~ = slap:
 :graduate’s ~ = degree: job ~ = raise: performer’s ~ = ovation:
 :pledge drive ~ = tote bag: red cap ~ = tip: rover’s ~ = treat:
 :service ~ = tip: speeder’s ~ = traffic ticket:
 :waiter’s ~ = tip: raise (prize): ~ for waiting = tip:
 :~ from the teacher = star:      *rewed = marry again:
*rewin = gain again [back]: *rewire = provide new electrical system: 
*reword = put another way: *rework = adapt: ~ copy[proofs] = edit:
*rewrite = emend:pen again:  ~ for the screen = adapt:

〇Yahoo ブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」少しレベル高いが英単語語呂合わせが一杯(月、木、土) 
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MY DICTIONARY (R) 1839: lure  1840: lurid

2010-11-12 08:01:13 | Weblog
1839: lure ー tempt 誘惑する
1840: lurid ー gruesom ぞうとした

*resurge = come back strong:
*ret = designation for former Adm:no longer active abbr.:soak as flax:
 :soak as fiber:to soak flax:
*retail = sell:store business: biggest ~ mo. = Dec:  
 :~ complex = mall:
*retailer = seller:vender:   ~ ambition = outsell:
*retain = employ by paying a fee:hold:keep:
*retainer  attorney’s ~ = fee:  *retake = second shot:
*retaliate = avenge:revenge:   *retard = hamper:hinder:
*rete = network (of nerves):plexus:
*retell = pass down as a folk story:share an old story:
*retene = pine tar product:     *retest = reexamine:
*Retia = networks:  *reticent = unwilling:
*retie = bind again:
*retina = eye part:part of eye ball;where images focus:
 :~ part = rod: 
*retinal = of an eye membrane:    *retinar = of an eye part:
*retinue = bride’s attendants:following:group of servants:
*retint = paint over:
*retire = bow out:call it a career:call it quits:go on pension:go to bed:
 :retreat:stop working:
*retired = abed:

〇Yahoo ブログ「英単語面白語呂合わせ集」少しレベル高いが英単語語呂合わせが一杯(月、木、土)   駄洒落英単語で遊ぼう
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