7899: row ー tier 列
*core = (apple’s)center:earth portion:fruit center:heart:
:hollow:hub:marrow:pit:pith:remove the middle of:
:prepare apples[for the cobbler]: come ~ = cob:
:heart to the ~ = deeply: ~ group = cadre:
:~ feature = seeds:
*corer = kitchen gadget [tool:utensil]: *Corfu = Lonia island:
*Corgi = Welsh dog:
*coriander cumin or~ = spice: *Corinthian = Ireland:
*cork = bottle plug:port[wine] closer: “put a ~ in it “:
:~ country = Eire: ~ people = Irish: ~ screw = sommelier’s tool:
:~ setting = Ireland: ~ soun = pop
*corker = dilly:lulu:remarkable one:幸か不幸かルール守る素敵な人
*corn = ear:ethanol source:fine for fritters:foot woe:Iowa crop:
:maize:Nebraska export:shucked vegitable:succotash half:
:toe problem [woe]: “corn cob “: ~ ball = hokey:
:~ Belt = Iowa: ~ Belt State = Kan:Iowa: ~ bread = pone:
:~ crake = landrail:
:~ dish = grits: ~ ear = cob: ~ fed = describing some cattle:
:~ field cry = caw: ~ field pest = crow:
:~ flower = batchelor’s button:
:~ holder[serving] = cob:ear:foot:toe: ~ meal bread = pone:
*corn:~ piece = ear: ~ serving = ear: ~ setting[site] = toe:
:~ spike = ear: ~ spurrey = yarr: ~ starch = thicken ingaget:
:~ stripper = husker: ~ sugar = dextrose: ~ unit = ear:kernel:
:cotton or ~ = cash crop: crib for ~ = pen:
:How some ~ is served = on the cob: shucked ~ part = ear:
*corn-cob = pipe material:
*corned = kind of beef: “ ~ beef hash “:
:~ beef dish = hash:
*corner = entrap:tree: “ cut ~s “: ~ piece = rook:
:~ stone = building block:foundation:
:~ store = local emporium[shop]: ~ viewpoint = coign:
:fellow in the ~ = dunce: In field ~ = base: in a ~ = trapped:
*cornered = at bay:treed:up a tree:
:sharp ~ = angular:
*Cornell = Itheca school: Financier ~ = Ezra:
:~’s locale = Itheca: ~’s home[setting] = Itheca:
*cornet = trumpet(cousin):
*cornhusher = Nebraska: ~ city = Omaha:
:eponymous city in ~ = Lincoln:Nebraska:
*cornice = archtect [ornamenatal]molding:
○無料メルマガ 「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:
○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!
7899: row ー tier 列
*core = (apple’s)center:earth portion:fruit center:heart:
:hollow:hub:marrow:pit:pith:remove the middle of:
:prepare apples[for the cobbler]: come ~ = cob:
:heart to the ~ = deeply: ~ group = cadre:
:~ feature = seeds:
*corer = kitchen gadget [tool:utensil]: *Corfu = Lonia island:
*Corgi = Welsh dog:
*coriander cumin or~ = spice: *Corinthian = Ireland:
*cork = bottle plug:port[wine] closer: “put a ~ in it “:
:~ country = Eire: ~ people = Irish: ~ screw = sommelier’s tool:
:~ setting = Ireland: ~ soun = pop
*corker = dilly:lulu:remarkable one:幸か不幸かルール守る素敵な人
*corn = ear:ethanol source:fine for fritters:foot woe:Iowa crop:
:maize:Nebraska export:shucked vegitable:succotash half:
:toe problem [woe]: “corn cob “: ~ ball = hokey:
:~ Belt = Iowa: ~ Belt State = Kan:Iowa: ~ bread = pone:
:~ crake = landrail:
:~ dish = grits: ~ ear = cob: ~ fed = describing some cattle:
:~ field cry = caw: ~ field pest = crow:
:~ flower = batchelor’s button:
:~ holder[serving] = cob:ear:foot:toe: ~ meal bread = pone:
*corn:~ piece = ear: ~ serving = ear: ~ setting[site] = toe:
:~ spike = ear: ~ spurrey = yarr: ~ starch = thicken ingaget:
:~ stripper = husker: ~ sugar = dextrose: ~ unit = ear:kernel:
:cotton or ~ = cash crop: crib for ~ = pen:
:How some ~ is served = on the cob: shucked ~ part = ear:
*corn-cob = pipe material:
*corned = kind of beef: “ ~ beef hash “:
:~ beef dish = hash:
*corner = entrap:tree: “ cut ~s “: ~ piece = rook:
:~ stone = building block:foundation:
:~ store = local emporium[shop]: ~ viewpoint = coign:
:fellow in the ~ = dunce: In field ~ = base: in a ~ = trapped:
*cornered = at bay:treed:up a tree:
:sharp ~ = angular:
*Cornell = Itheca school: Financier ~ = Ezra:
:~’s locale = Itheca: ~’s home[setting] = Itheca:
*cornet = trumpet(cousin):
*cornhusher = Nebraska: ~ city = Omaha:
:eponymous city in ~ = Lincoln:Nebraska:
*cornice = archtect [ornamenatal]molding:
○無料メルマガ 「英単語力倍増のための超裏技」
○ 無料メルマガ「英単語語呂合わせ辞典」毎日 G:
○ 単行本「語呂で楽しむ英単語」文芸社 777円 好評発売中!