3038: ratty ー torn ぼろぼろの
3039: raucous ー loud 耳障りな
*ward = avert:city area: hosp ~ = ICU: ~ of Sisters = Sela:
:~ off = avert:fend:pary: ~ worker = nurse:
*warden = captor: ~ worry = riot:
*wardrobe = armoire:movable closet: ~ sources in Eden = figs:
:ornate [tall] ~ = armoire:
*ware = earthen and tin follower:marchandise:product:
:hawk ~s = sell: trader’s ~ = pelt: trapper ~ = fur:
*warehouse = store: ~’s bus = stor: ~ employee abbr. = PKR:
:~ platform = pallet: ~ sight = crate:
*warfare = fighting: kind of ~ = atomic:
*war head ~ carrier = missile: *warily = in a cautious way:
*war-lord = military leader:
*Warhol = pop’s Andy: artist ~ = Andy:
:~ creation = Popart: ~(painting) subject = soup can:
*warm = cordial:heat up:prepare left-over:tepid:
:~ and cozy = snug: ~ and fluffy = fleecy:
:~ hearted = kind: ~ milk = insomniac’s quaff: ~over = reheat:
;~ one’s heart = cause to feel happy: ~ season = Summer:
:~ spot = hearth:rankle: ~ up = heat:thaw at:workout lead-in:
:comfortably ~ = toasty: not ~ = cool: slightly ~ =tepid:
3038: ratty ー torn ぼろぼろの
3039: raucous ー loud 耳障りな
*ward = avert:city area: hosp ~ = ICU: ~ of Sisters = Sela:
:~ off = avert:fend:pary: ~ worker = nurse:
*warden = captor: ~ worry = riot:
*wardrobe = armoire:movable closet: ~ sources in Eden = figs:
:ornate [tall] ~ = armoire:
*ware = earthen and tin follower:marchandise:product:
:hawk ~s = sell: trader’s ~ = pelt: trapper ~ = fur:
*warehouse = store: ~’s bus = stor: ~ employee abbr. = PKR:
:~ platform = pallet: ~ sight = crate:
*warfare = fighting: kind of ~ = atomic:
*war head ~ carrier = missile: *warily = in a cautious way:
*war-lord = military leader:
*Warhol = pop’s Andy: artist ~ = Andy:
:~ creation = Popart: ~(painting) subject = soup can:
*warm = cordial:heat up:prepare left-over:tepid:
:~ and cozy = snug: ~ and fluffy = fleecy:
:~ hearted = kind: ~ milk = insomniac’s quaff: ~over = reheat:
;~ one’s heart = cause to feel happy: ~ season = Summer:
:~ spot = hearth:rankle: ~ up = heat:thaw at:workout lead-in:
:comfortably ~ = toasty: not ~ = cool: slightly ~ =tepid: