
MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ 476: defector 477: defer

2008-10-02 11:00:48 | Weblog

今日の語呂合わせ (知りたい語呂合わせがあればコメントにどうぞ)
476: defector ー imigre  亡命者
477: defer ー honor  敬意払う

*fifth = dementiion or amendment:    
 :~ avenue event = parade:  ~ element = boron:
 :~ for one = avenue:   ~ month = May:  
 :~ or Madison abbr. = Ave:    ~ note = sol:  
 :take the ~ = refuse to testify:
*fifty = US state count:50%:half:
 :~ Cent’s music = rap:  ~ fifty = equal:even:
 :~ minutes past = ten of:  ~ percent = half:
*fig = Mediterranean [Newton:seedy] fruit:trifle:
 :ward robe source in Eden:ヒグマが好むイチジク “~ Newton”:
 :April 15th ~ = CPA:
 :~ marigold = samh:   ~ pollinator = wasp:
*Figaro = baritone:singing barber:
*fight = battle:bicker:brawl:come to blows:have to:set to:
 :~ beginning = take off:  ~ club = brad:
 :~ memento = scar:  ~ result = fat lip:
 :~ sight = arena:war zone:  ~ site = arena:ring:
 :cry during a ~ = take that:  family ~ = feud:争いは冬時
 :fierce ~ = bear cat:  fomal ~ = duel:決闘どうあるべきか  
 :have a sward ~ = duel:  little ~ = spat:スパット喧嘩やめる
 :prepare for a ~ = par:  swash buckler’s ~ = duel:
 :sward ~ = duel:  thing to ~ = cause:
*fighter = warior:兵士う折り合う  高射砲のように非難にふらふら来る    
 :~ of fame = Ali:  ~ pilot = ace:  ~ pilot’s worry = flak:
 :arena ~ = gladiator:  fierce ~ = tiger:
*fighting = at it:at war:combat:war:戦闘は後一時
 :freedom from ~ = peace:
*figurative 比喩的に日暮れ手袋する ~ expression = idiom:
*figure = calculate:shape:軽くレイトを計算する
 :~ like Sherlock = deduce:でどうするか推論する
 :~ out = solve:deduce:  ~ skater’s jump = axel:
 :~ of speech = idiom:  ~ a sum = add:
 :~ wrongly = err:
*figurine 秘牛凛とした小像   ~ stone = jade:ヒスイ混ぜ移動する
*Fiji  =Pacific island nation:  nation east ~ = Tonga:
*filament   silk ~ = brin:    *filar = thread like:
*filbert    ~ tree = hazel:昼バーと、塀ズルと咲くハシバミ
*filch = nim:steal ; swipe: 昼ちょっとこそ泥すわ一服できない
*file = catalogue:do an office job:do clerical work:
 :do secretarial work:dossier:nail shape:office holder [item]:
 :rank’s partner:rasp:send in a 1040:書類出し営業に渡す
 :~ extensioin = tab:  ~ for office = stand;
 :~ in = enter one behind another:  ~ label[part] = tab:
 :~ stand in = icon:  
 :coarse ~ = rasp:  on ~ = available for reference:
 :secret ~ = dossier:  some ~ = rasps:鑢で削らすぷぷと
 :type of graphic ~ = eps:
*filed not ~ = uncast:
*filer = clerk at times:    ~ worry = audit:
*files = target of an audit:  会計監査に応じてる
*filet = debone: ナイフでぼんくらの骨取りヒレ取る
*filigree  = delicately ornament: like ~ = lacy:
