
MY DICTIONARY今日の語呂合わせ660: emote 661: empric 

2009-02-15 11:59:09 | Weblog
今日の語呂合わせ (知りたい語呂合わせがあればコメントにどうぞ)
660: emote ー ham it up  大げさな演技する
661: empric ー quack  ヤブ医者

*herb = angelica:aromatic plant:basil or thyme:cook’s seasoning:
 :oregano or sage:parsley:rosemeary:薬用植物は省く
 :aromatic ~ = anise:mint:  brassy ~ = alpert:
 :cook ~ = basil:fennel:thyme:  European ~ = wild sage:
 :flavorfull [fragrant] ~ = sage:  kitchen ~ = dill:
 :medical ~ = senna:  minty ~ = basil: musician ~ = Alpert:
 :pizza ~ = oregano:  salad ~ = endive:
 :~’s concern in an expensive pub = ale cost:
 :~ trea = caffeine free drink:  ~ with curly leaves = parsley:
*herbal = like some tea:
 :~ beverage = tea:  ~ infusion = tea:強引冬ずうと水注ぐ
*Herbie = Disney bug [car]:
*Hercule = sleuth Poirot:  ~’s creature = Agatha:
*Hercules    one of the pillars of ~ = rock of Gibraltar:
 :dozen for ~ = Lamors:  ~ portrayer Kevin = Sorbo:
*herd = assemble:bison bunch:cattle [farm] group:keeper of cattle:
 :shepherd’s responsibility:tend:群れ集団の暴走歯止め報道利用
 :~ member = steer:  ~ sound = baa:
 :mark the ~ = brand:  Seberian ~er’s tent = yurt:
*here = not there:now’s partner:”present”:
 :” ~ and now 2:” See ~ “: “ You are ~. “:
 :~ at = contract adverve:        ~ Fr. = ICI:
 : ~ in = belong:below (to lawyers):in contracts:in this section:
 :~ in Havana = aqui:   ~ in Quebec = I.C.I.;  
 :~ Lat = Hic: ~ of = concerning this:  ~ to Henri = I.C.I.:
*here-about = in this region:このあたりの部屋場うとうとする
