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FIFA 17: My 87 Hulk at ST

2016-06-22 15:33:32 | FIFA 17
This is my review of the Russian League TOTS players. The reason why I built this team is because I really wanted to use 87 Hulk at ST. This is the team, I will not review Boateng, Alaba or Neuer, because everybody already know these players. All my games are in D1.

Hulk The main man in the team. Even on 7 chem this man destroys everything! He is incredible, in the first 10 games he had 15 goals and 5 assists. WOW just WOW!( is providing fifa 17 points at cheap prices for gamers.)

Shatov has the Pace, 96 sprint speed. He will give any fullback a run for his money. His dribbling is close and he is agile. He will not loose the ball and if he is given a chance, he will find the back of the net! The only downside is his relatively low stamina 78, he will be out of breath in the 90th minute.
Promes The "cheap" Robben with a 4* WF. I really liked this dude more than Shatov. Even tho he is right footed, his strong WF will help alot! Great dribbling and LT+RT is a cheatmode with this guy! Pace, pace and pace!
SIF Eremenko THE engine of the team, he is litterally everywhere. Even if he is not a TOTS player this year, you will not find a better playmaker in the Russian League. He has longshots for days and playmaking ability of Iniesta. Great passing and he runs all day!

Dzagoev The other one, he is the deep lying playmaker. Great allround player who holds his how in the midfield. If he gets the ball, I'm confident with him to dribble past the opposition or pass it to your own team mate. He has a good shot on him too!

Wernbloom I really was excited to try out this guy, on paper he looked like the perfect CDM for this team. BUT this guy was the weak link in the midfield. I couldn't get this guy to work at all! He is almost always out of position, even when I instructed him to stay back. Nope, he was making runs to great attacking positions just to loose the ball. His controll on the ball is bad, just BAD! His shots went pretty much to row Z every time. If he was near a player he would get it back. But never did he do GREAT things for me.

Smolnikov One of the best RB I've used. His pace and defending does the job! He assisted Promes on the wing really well, his crosses is actually really good when he is deep inside the final third. Great to use in build up play. Better options for RB would be Zanetti, TOTS Carvajal and TOTS Srna. I really liked him!

Berezutskiy The other letdown in this team. Thank god for Boateng for holding up the defense, because this dude couldn't get the ball of a freaking child. He is so slow, that his defensive stats was irrelevant, players would just run around him. Stay at home defender, but not my cup of tea.

To round up this team:

Great for attacking plays! The quintet of Shatov - Hulk - Promes - Eremenko - Dzagoev was vital for me to win the games. The defence was the worst part, except for Alaba - Boateng - Smolnikov and shoutout to Neuer, the best keeper in the game! The two players Wernbloom and Berezutskiy was sold after ten games and replaced by Lahm and De Boer. Now the team is a D1 winning team, thanks to the "upgrades" Lahm and De Boer.
