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2006 SPEC Benchmark Workshop (06/01/23)資料公開

2006-06-18 | SuperComputer
2006 SPEC Benchmark Workshop, January 23, 2006
 "The program featured a series of talks on:
   available benchmark suites,
   the use of benchmarks in industry, academia, and government organizations and,
   benchmarking methodologies."

"Keynote: Jim Smith, University of Wisconsin - Benchmarking: Science? Art? Neither?"
"BioPerf: An Open Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Computer Architecture on Bioinformatics and Life Science Applications"
"Workload Characterization of SPECweb2005"
"HPC Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation With Realistic Applications"
"SPEC HPG Benchmarks for HPC Systems"
"Benchmarking using the Community Atmospheric Model"
"J2EE Performance and Scalability - From Measuring to Predicting"
"Fun Size Your Data: Using Statistical Techniques to Efficiently Compress and Exploit Benchmarking Results"
"Overview of the HPCC Challenge Benchmark Suite"
"Evaluating Whether the Training Data Provided for Profile Feedback is a Realistic Control Flow for the Real Workload"
 "Branch behaviour in SPEC CPU2000", Darryl Gove's blog, June 16, 2006
"Analyzing the Processor Bottlenecks in SPEC CPU2000"
"Multimedia Workloads versus SPEC CPU2000"
"Performance Prediction using Program Similarity"
"The Memory Behavior of Data Structures in C - SPEC CPU2000 Benchmarks"

2006年 5月 15日には新しい部会設立がアナウンスされました:
"SPEC to develop energy metrics for servers
 New committee explores intersection of power use & performance", May 15, 2006
 "The non-profit Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) has formed a new committee to develop standard
  methods and metrics for comparing energy use of server-class computers."
 "The first SPEC energy and performance benchmark is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2007."

SPEC Power-Performance Committee
 "The SPEC Power-Performance committee has begun development of the first generation SPEC benchmark
  for evaluating the energy efficiency for server class computers."

 Benchmark Goals
  System utilization will vary in order to provide multiple usage loads and energy measurement points.
   Energy measurements are made at the AC input to the system under test.
   The benchmark as initially planned addresses a subset of server workloads.


