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Perl for z/OS

2006-02-26 | SuperComputer
IBM alphaWorks > Data management >
 Perl for z/OS
  "A statically-linked, pre-compiled porting of the Perl (Version 5.8.7) scripting language to
   the z/OS UNIX platform.", Date Posted: February 23, 2006

"Support for z/OS UNIX (previously known as OS/390) has been available for several years
 in the open-source version of Perl, which passes approximately 95% of Perl's self-test cases.
 However, building Perl from the open-source version is often difficult and problematic even
 for experienced users and requires access to several GNU utilities. Even when successfully built,
 known defects make this version unsuitable for use in certain applications or in a environment
 where Perl's reliability is crucial."


"This new porting of Perl 5.8.7 provides a pre-built version of Perl with all known defects resolved
 and a dedicated support team to address new problems that may arise."


