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MINIX 3: Open-Source Operating System

2006-09-26 | SuperComputer
The MINIX 3 Operating System
 "It is loosely based somewhat on previous versions of MINIX, but is fundamentally different
  in many key ways. MINIX 1 and 2 were intended as teaching tools; MINIX 3 adds the new goal of
  being usable as a serious system on resource-limited and embedded computers and for applications
  requiring high reliability"

 "This new OS is extremely small, with the part that runs in kernel mode under 4000 lines of
  executable code. The parts that run in user mode are divided into small modules, well insulated
  from one another."

MINIX 3 is initially targeted at the following areas:
 Applications where very high reliability is required
 Single-chip, small-RAM, low-power, $100 laptops for Third-World children
 embedded systems (e.g., cameras, DVD recorders, cell phones)
 Applications where the GPL is too restrictive (MINIX 3 uses a BSD-type license)
 Education (e.g., operating systems courses at universities)

Hardware Required
 "To run MINIX 3, you need a PC driven by a 386, 486, or Pentium CPU or compatible. The standard
  configuration requires 16 MB of RAM. An 8-MB version is also available, but it is slower due to
  a smaller buffer cache."

Book about MINIX 3
"Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 3/E"
 Andrew S Tanenbaum
 Albert S Woodhull
 Publisher: Prentice Hall
 Copyright: 2006 (2005/12/21)
 Format: Cloth; 1080 pp
 Our Price: $105.00 (Pearson Education)
 Amazon.co.jp: ¥ 10,142 (税込)

How Can I Run MINIX 3 In VMWare?
 "You can download a Minix 3 ISO from the Download page, and set VMWare to install a machine
  from that ISO."

L4 microkernel family, 2006-03-20
US DOE Office of Science: FAST-OS(FastOS) プロジェクト, 2006-02-18
KFS: K42 File System, IBM Watson Research, 2006-02-18


