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Intro to the IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox

2007-03-10 | SuperComputer
"An introduction to the IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox
 Machine-learning algorithms on parallel computing platforms", 06 Mar 2007
 developerWorks > Grid computing >

"The IBM Parallel Machine Learning (PML) Toolbox, available for download from IBM® alphaWorks,
lets you run machine-learning algorithms on parallel platforms. This makes it possible to train such
algorithms on large data sets in reasonable computational time. The toolbox includes several
algorithms, as well as an API for adding your own algorithms. The PML Toolbox is a joint effort of
the Machine Learning group at the IBM Haifa Research Lab and the Data Analytics department at
the IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab. Members of the PML Toolbox development team explain their
motivation for developing it, describe the algorithms included in it, and show how to add your own

IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox, 2006-12-05


