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Cray XT4/XT3関連メモ II [07/03/24 - 04/14 ]

2007-03-24 | SuperComputer
Cray XT4/XT3関連メモ III [07/05/09 -- ], 2007-05-09
"Pork-stuffed Cray parades CEO and product", 13th April 2007, The Register
"Interview Cray's Peter Ungaro has become fully emergent. Not so much like a fluff-filled executive at a Web 2.0 start-up, but more like a CEO of a manly supercomputing firm ready to brag about his company's latest accomplishments."

"In 2009, Cray begins the “Cascade era” where it will start merging disparate processor technology around a common architecture. The company wants to ship Opteron, Vector, FPGA and massively-multithreaded technology in the same box. Baker will be the first product in this line."

To pull off Cascade, Cray must still design custom compilers that split up applications and send the right code to the right kind of processor. Cray also plans to keep beavering away on a standard version of Linux for its boxes and a lightweight version that's more scalable on the high-end kit."

Close to 250 of Cray's 800 staff work on software at this time."
"ORNL's 'Jaguar' Purring Perfectly", April 5, 2007
"Oak Ridge National Laboratory's revved-up "Jaguar" passed its 72-hour acceptance test with high marks, and the supercomputer now has a peak capability of 119 trillion calculations per second - or 119 teraflops."

"The test runs included a number of real-life applications, including computer codes associated with advanced simulation of materials at the atomic scale, he said."

"One of the material codes had a sustained performance that was 68 percent of the computer's peak capability, Zacharia said. Other codes ran at about 36 percent, he said."

"Later this year, Jaguar will be upgraded again. New processors will be loaded into the cabinets. That will more than double the peak operating capability to about 250 teraflops."

"Within the next two years, the Oak Ridge lab expects to have a new petascale machine from Cray, with a peak capability exceeding 1,000 trillion calculations per second."

Cray XT Jaguar, National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Cray Inc.のプレスリリース:
"ORNL More Than Doubles Performance of Cray Supercomputer to 119 Teraflops", Apr 11, 2007
"ORNL enhanced its existing Cray XT3(TM) supercomputer and integrated it with a new, fully compatible Cray XT4(TM) system. The merged supercomputer has a total of 11,708 dual-core AMD Opteron(TM) processors, along with 46 terabytes of memory and 750 terabytes of disk storage."
Cray to Resell BlueArc Storage Systems, 2007-04-05
"UK Scientists Choose Cray for HECToR", March 30, 2007, HPCwire
High End Computing Terascale Resources (HECToR), 2007-03-01
Lustre Roadmap
MDSのスケーラビリティ:32 Nodesは、Version 2.0(Q3 2008) で計画。
Version 2.0では、Clientは 100,000、OSSは 1.000+ Nodesを目標。
CrayViz 1.00 ( Last Edit : 30/03/2006)
A visualization tool for the Cray XT3 family of supercomputers.
 CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
ユーザサイドで開発されるのでしょう (須藤様、ご紹介有り難うございます)。
Usage statistics of the HPC systems, CSCS,
Cray XT3: 2,551,885 cpu hours/92 days (July, August, September), Processors: 1100 to 1664 (extension)
"Data shown here concern only "palu", the production version of the XT3 at CSCS and not "gele", the developers system."
言いたいことは解るけど、"palu" と "gele" が気になる。

"CSCS Moves Swiss National Weather Prediction to Cray Supercomputer", Mar 12, 2007
Cray XT4/XT3関連メモ I [07/03/06 -- 03/20], 2007-03-14
Cray XMTプログラミング ワークショップ (07/03/15) 報告, 2007-03-15
High End Computing Terascale Resources (HECToR), 2007-03-01
DataDirect Networks Japan Subsidiary, 06/12/05, 2007-03-01
07/03/14, 15: Cray XMTセミナー、ワークショップ, 2007-02-14
Cray MTA-2関連リンク, 2007-02-14
Cray XT4, XT3関係エントリー・リンク [06/10/30 -- 07/03/06], 2006-10-30
Cray: Adaptive Supercomputing Strategy, 06/03/20, 2006-03-21
Cray XT3 (ASCI Red Storm) とストレージ, 2006-01-10


