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Cell Broadband Engine SDK 1.1 released, 2006/07/14

2006-07-15 | SuperComputer
IBM alphaWorks > Research topics > Cell Broadband Engine technology >
 IBM Cell Broadband Engine Software Development Kit
 Update: September 29, 2006
 "Version 1.1 updated with improved system simulator support and additional documentation."
IBM alphaWorks > Research topics > Cell Broadband Engine technology >
 IBM Full-System Simulator for the Cell Broadband Engine Processor, Update: July 14, 2006
 "Version 1.1 includes support for Fedora Core 5; SPU "fast" mode; performance enhancements for SPU pipeline model;
  fixes to prefetch timing in the SPU pipeline model; GUI enhancements and fixes; and a user's guide."

IBM alphaWorks > Research topics > Cell Broadband Engine technology >
 IBM Cell Broadband Engine Software Development Kit, Update: July 14, 2006
 "Version 1.1: Support for Cell BE-based blade servers; 64-bit PowerPC development platforms; improved
  GNU and XLC/C++ tool chains; GDB debugging for PPUs and SPUs; NUMA support; and a quaternion Julia
  Set sample."

 What is the IBM Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) Software Development Kit (SDK)?
  "The SDK here on alphaWorks contains IBM-authored material, including Library and Samples Source Code,
   IBM XL C/C++ Alpha Edition for Cell Broadband Engine Processor (a compiler), and IBM Full-System Simulator
   for the Cell Broadband Engine Processor."
  "The Barcelona Supercomputing Center's Web site contains open-source projects that have been modified for
   Cell BE Processor; these include GNU GCC compilers for PPU and SPU, Linux Kernel 2.6.16, SPE Library support,
   NUMA support, and a system root image for the Full System Simulator."

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
 Linux on Cell BE-based Systems
 07/14/2006: SDK 1.1 Released
  "These new release is based on Linux kernel 2.6.16 and GNU Toolchain 4.0.2 which now includes a toolchain for
   PPU that replaces the default GCC compiler and a new release of the GNU Toolchain for SPU."

IBM alphaWorks > Research topics > Cell Broadband Engine technology >
 IBM XL C/C++ Alpha Edition for Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) Processor, Update: July 14, 2006
 "Version 1.1: SIMD performance improvements; better SPE code generation (branching code and code scheduling);
  improved results for float divide and double divide, including Inf and Nan handling."

IBM developerWorks > Power Architecture technology >
"Get started with the (new) Cell Broadband Engine Software Development Kit:
 Installing the updated 1.1 programming environment", 14 Jul 2006
 "The latest release of the Cell Broadband Engine™ (Cell BE) Software Development Kit (SDK) introduces some
  new features, improves the installation procedure, and provides expanded documentation. This article gives a brief
  overview of what is available, to help you get started on your own Cell BE development projects."

Cell Broadband Engine Programming Tutorial V1.1, 06/15/06
 "The definitive, 187-page document has been thoroughly updated to reflect all that's new in the 1.1 release."

SPE Runtime Management specification V1.1, 06/15/06
 "Everything you need to know in order to fully exploit your SPEs with threads and groups in a manpage-like PDF format."

Cell Broadband Engine Registers, 06/14/06
 "This document describes the CBE memory-mapped I/O registers used by the PowerPC Processor Element (PPE),
  the Synergistic Processor Elements (SPEs), and other units."
 Cell Broadband Engine Links IV [], 2006-06-17


