
2006-05-20 | スピーカー・パネリスト紹介

Pierre Jacquet has been executive director in charge of strategy and chief economist of the French Development Agency (AFD) since 2002. He was previously deputy director of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), a Paris-based think tank, where he was also chief editor of IFRI’s quarterly review Politique Etrangère. In addition to his AFD position, he is professor of international economics and chairman of the department of economics and social sciences at the Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, one of the ivy league engineering schools in France. He is also an occasional guest professor in executive programs at the French business school INSEAD. A former member of the Prime Minister’s Council of Economic Analysis from 1997 to 2006, he belongs to the Cercle des Economistes, a private non-profit club of economists who contribute a daily editorial on a French radio (Radio Classique). He writes on issues related to globalization, international monetary and financial issues, the coordination of economic policies, trade policies and negotiations and development. His latest book is Politique Economique (with A. Benassy-Quéré, B. Coeuré and J. Pisani-Ferry) published in 2004 by De Boeck.

Mr. Pierre Jacquet

Directeur de la Stratégie et chef économiste, Agence française de développement (AFD). Membre du Conseil d’Analyse Economique (CAE) Membre du Cercle des Economistes Président du département "Sciences humaines, économie, gestion, finance" et professeur d’économie politique internationale de l’Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC)
