
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:ウガンダ民間人を保護する法律を採択せよ



(Washington, DC, May 21, 2009) – The introduction of legislation in the US Senate and House of Representatives earlier this week to commit the United States to comprehensive efforts to help civilians threatened by one of the world’s longest-running and brutal insurgencies is a crucial step forward for US policy in the region, a coalition of 22 human rights, humanitarian, and faith-based groups said today.


If passed, the Lord’s Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act would require the Obama Administration to develop a regional strategy to protect civilians in central Africa from attacks by the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and enforce the rule of law and ensure full humanitarian access in LRA-affected areas. The act additionally commits the United States to increase support to economic recovery and transitional justice efforts in Uganda. The coalition of supporting organizations includes groups in Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, and Uganda, where communities are currently threatened by the LRA.


“We continue to live in fear of LRA attacks and of our children being abducted,” said Father Benoît Kinalegu of the Dungu/Doruma Justice and Peace Commission in DR Congo. “We are praying for help and protection and hope US lawmakers will hear our cries.”

「私たちはLRAの襲撃と子どもたちがさらわれる恐怖の中で行き続けているんです。」とコンゴ民主共和国ダング/ダルマ(Dungu/Doruma)正義と平和委員会のベノワ・カナレグ(Benoît Kinalegu)は語った。「お助けくださるよう、守って下さるよう、アメリカの国会議員さんたちが私たちの叫びを聞いて下さるよう、お祈りしています。」

Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA), Brad Miller (D-NC), and Ed Royce (R-CA) introduced the bill. It affirms the need for US leadership to help bring an end to atrocities by the Lord’s Resistance Army and to advance long-term recovery in the region.

ラス・フェインゴールド上院議員(Russ Feingold :民主党ウィスコンシン州選出) 、サム・ブラウンバック上院議員(Sam Brownback :共和党カンザス州選出) 、ジム・マクガバン下院議員(Jim McGovern :民主党マサチューセッツ州選出), ブラッド・ミラー下院議員(Brad Miller:民主党ニューカレドニア州選出), エド・ロイス下院議員(Ed Royce共和党カルフォルニア州選出)の各議員が同法案を提出した。LRAの残虐行為終結を助け、長期に渡る当該地域の復興を促進するためには、米国のリーダーシップが必要である事を、同法案は認めている。

“The LRA has long posed a terrible threat to civilians,” said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “This bill will help the US government support for comprehensive multilateral efforts to protect civilians in LRA-affected areas and to apprehend or otherwise remove the group’s leader, Joseph Kony, and his top commanders from the battlefield.”

「LRAは長い間民間人に大きな脅威だった。」とジョルジェット・ギャグノン、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、アフリカ局長は述べた。「今回の法案はLRAの被害に遭っている地域の民間人を守り、LRAの指導者ジョセフ・コニー(Joseph Kony)と、彼の最高幹部指揮官を逮捕するか、戦場から取り除くかするための、包括的で多国間相互的な活動に対する支援を、米国政府に促進させるだろう。」

For more than 20 years, northern Ugandans were caught in a war between the Ugandan military and the rebel group. The violence killed thousands of civilians and displaced nearly 2 million people.  Kony and his top commanders sustain their ranks by abducting civilians, including children, to use as soldiers and sexual slaves.  Though the rebel group ended attacks in northern Uganda in 2006, it moved its bases to the northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo and has committed acts of violence against civilians in Congo, Sudan, and the Central African Republic. In December 2008, Sudan, Uganda and Congo began a joint military offensive, “Operation Lightening Thunder,” against the rebel group, with backing from the United States. As a result, the Lord’s Resistance Army has dispersed into multiple smaller groups and has brutally murdered more than 1,000 civilians and abducted over 400 people, mostly children.


“Given the catalytic involvement of the US military in Operation Lightning Thunder – and the horrific aftermath of this operation – the US government now has a responsibility to help end the threat posed by Joseph Kony once and for all,” said John Prendergast, cofounder of the Enough Project. “One man should not be allowed to terrorize millions of people in four Central African countries.  The bill is a crucial first step in galvanizing immediate and effective US action.”

「稲妻作戦における米軍の触媒的関与、そしてその作戦の恐ろしい後遺症を考えれば、米国政府には今ジョセフ・コニーによる脅威を、キッパリと終結させるのを促進する責任がある。」と、ジョン・プレンダーガスト(John Prendergast)、イナッフ・プロジェクト(Enough Project)共同設立者は語った。「1人の男に、中央アフリカ4カ国の数百万の人々にテロを仕掛けるのを許すべきではない。法案は即時効果的な米国の行動を奮い立たせる、極めて重要な最初のステップである。」

The legislation also aims to help secure a lasting peace in Uganda by supporting measures to assist war-affected communities in northern Uganda and to help resolve longstanding divisions between communities in Uganda’s north and south. It authorizes increased funding for recovery efforts in northern Uganda, with a particular focus on supporting transitional justice and reconciliation.  It also calls on the Ugandan government to reinvigorate its commitment to a transparent and accountable reconstruction process in war-affected areas.


“Smart investment in long-term recovery is essential if the people of northern Uganda are to live with peace and dignity,” said Annalise Romoser, associate director for advocacy at Lutheran World Relief. “Transitional justice initiatives and the development of basic infrastructure such as food and water systems are crucial elements to lasting peace and reconciliation in Uganda. Such investment from the United States will support the inspiring efforts of northern Ugandans to return home and rebuild after decades of war and displacement.”

「北部ウガンダの人々が平和にそして尊厳を保ちつつ生活しようとするなら、長期に渡る復興への賢明な投資が必要不可欠です。」と、アナリス・ロモサー(Annalise Romoser)、ルゼラン・ワールド・リリーフ(Lutheran World Relief)広報局長補佐は述べた。「経過的裁判構想と食料や水道などの基本的インフラ開発は、ウガンダでの恒久的平和と和解にとって極めて重要な要因です。米国からのそのような投資は、数十年続いた戦争と難民生活の後、故郷に帰って生活を再建しようとする、北部ウガンダの人々の感動的な努力を支援するでしょう。」

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