(New York, December 7, 2010) – The Chinese Government should immediately release Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate, and allow him to travel to Oslo to attend the Nobel ceremony held in his honor on December 10, 2010, Human Rights Watch said today.
Liu has served one year of an eleven-year prison term for co-authoring Charter 08, a document calling for gradual political reforms in China. His wife Liu Xia was placed under effective house arrest since the announcement of the prize on October 8, and ordered by the police to stop issuing public statements on penalty of being permanently denied permission to visit her husband in prison.
“Liu Xiaobo’s arrest was illegitimate, his trial unfair, and his sentencing unjust,” said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. “He should be freed and allowed to travel to receive this historic award along with his wife.”
The Chinese government has tried to justify Liu’s imprisonment by saying that he is a “criminal,” and that his conviction was the fair result of Chinese judicial proceedings. Chinese officials have insisted that other governments should respect the integrity of China’s legal system. Yet the lack of integrity and numerous violations of due process have characterized both Liu’s persecution and that of China’s small but vibrant human rights defender community since the announcement of the prize.
After his arrest on December 8, 2008, Beijing police held Liu incommunicado and in violation of Chinese law, without access to legal counsel under a form of detention called “residential surveillance” at an undisclosed location in Beijing until June 23, 2009. Since the announcement of the prize on October 8, 2010, Beijing police have also clamped down on Liu’s family, friends, and supporters. In addition to Liu Xia’s house arrest, all the principal signatories and co-drafters of Charter 08 have been under tight police surveillance, prevented from meeting one another or giving interviews to the media, and denied the right to travel abroad.
Countless other rights activists across the country have been harassed, summoned for questioning, or detained by the Public Security Bureau or state security officers. In addition, several prominent figures, such as the world-renowned artist Ai Weiwei, leading legal scholar He Weifang, China’s famous criminal lawyer Mo Shaoping, and the 80-year-old economist Mao Yushi, have been banned from traveling ahead of the ceremony on account that such trips would “jeopardize national security.” One internet user, Mou Yanxi, has been sentenced to two years in a labor camp for sending a message of support to Liu Xiaobo on Twitter. Another, Dai Dongping, has been charged with state security crimes for posting a picture of the Tiananmen demonstration in 1989 on QQ, a popular Chinese Internet messaging service.
中国全土にいる無数の人権擁護活動家が公安局(Public Security Bureau)や国の公安担当官によって、嫌がらせに遭い、尋問に召喚され、若しくは拘置されている。加えて世界的に高名な芸術家アイ・ウェイウェイ(艾未未:Ai Weiwei)氏、指導的法律学者・フー・ウェイファン(賀衛方:He Weifang)氏、中国における刑事犯罪弁護士として有名なモー・シャオピン(莫少平:Mo Shaoping)氏、80歳の経済学者マオ・ユーシー(茅于軾:Mao Yushi)氏など、幾人もの著名な人物がノーベル賞授賞式に先立っての旅行を禁じられている。そのような旅行は「国家の安全を危うくする」というのが理由だ。あるインターネット・ユーザーモウ・ヤンシー(牟彦希:Mou Yanxi)は、ツイッター上に劉曉波氏を支持するメッセージを送信した容疑で、2年間の強制労働所送りの刑に処されている。更にもう1人、ダイ・ドンピン(泰董平:Dai Dongping)は、中国で人気のインターネット・メッセージ・サービスであるQQに、1989年に起きた天安門広場でのデモの写真を掲載したために、「国家の安全を脅かす罪」の容疑で起訴されている。
Human Rights Watch, along with Chinese rights advocates and legal experts, have long called for the abolition of the crime of “inciting subversion” (article 105 of the Criminal Law) under which Liu was sentenced, which criminalizes criticism of the Communist Party and has been indiscriminately used to punish peaceful dissenters.
Estimates for the number of political and religious prisoners in China are difficult to come by, but range in the thousands. Official statistics from the Ministry of Justice show that several hundred people each year are sentenced under “state security crimes” and there are at least 18 other known political prisoners currently serving a sentence for the crime of “inciting subversion.” The Chinese government has also consistently used the administrative system of “reeducation-through-labor” that allows the police to impose sentences of up to three years’ detention without a trial or a defense lawyer, and to punish protesters, religious and political dissenters, and rights activists.
中国に政治犯や宗教犯が何人拘束されているのか?についての試算を入手するのは困難であるが、数千人の幅でそれは存在する。司法部(Ministry of Justice)の正式な統計によれば、毎年数百名の人々が「国家の安全を脅かす罪」で刑に処されているのに併せて、現在少なくとも18名の著名な政治犯が、「破壊活動煽動」罪での懲役刑に服している。中国政府は又「労働を通しての再教育」という行政制度を一貫して行使し、警察が裁判をせず弁護士をつける事も認めないまま、3年以下の懲役刑を科すとともに、抗議運動参加者・宗教的政治的反体制派・人権擁護活動家を罰することを認めている。
“The government’s argument that Liu is a criminal simply shows that Chinese laws themselves infringe on freedom of expression and are out of step with international standards and the aspirations of Chinese citizens,” said Richardson. “Beijing’s repressive escalation in response to the Peace Prize vindicates the Nobel Committee’s decision to highlight China’s human rights reality.”
Human Rights Watch said that in recent weeks the Chinese government has also attempted to intimidate other governments from sending representatives to the Nobel ceremony on December 10 and from expressing support for Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel award. On November 5, Cui Tiankai, China’s deputy foreign minister, said that if countries made “the wrong choice, they [would] have to bear the consequences.” Such threats echo the attempt by another deputy foreign minister, Fu Ying, to intimidate the Nobel Committee in August 2010, when she travelled to Oslo to warn the committee of diplomatic retaliation by Beijing against Norway.
「中国政府は最近数週間各国政府に対して、12月10日のノーベル賞授賞式に代表を送ることを止めさせるよう、劉曉波氏のノーベル賞受賞への支持を表明しないよう恫喝を加えてきた。」とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。中国外務次官・サイ・テンガイ(崔天凱:Cui Tiankai)は11月5日に、「“選択を誤った”国は、その結果を負担しなければならない[だろう]。」と語っている。こうした脅しは、もう1人の中国外務次官フー・イン(傅瑩:Fu Ying)が2010年10月、中国政府がノルウェイ政府に対する外交的報復措置を取る可能性について伝えるためにオスロを訪れた際、ノーベル賞委員会を恫喝した、その手法と同じである。
“Governments attending the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony will demonstrate their support for universal human rights, and for the Nobel Committee’s crucial reminder about the strong relation between peace and respect for human rights in international affairs,” said Richardson. “As important, the participants will by their presence in Oslo reject arbitrary interference by the Chinese government, and bolster expectations that the Chinese government will uphold international norms and legal obligations as its influence in the world becomes more important.”